What's Wrong With Finsternis?

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Re: What's Wrong With Finsternis?

by Tdarcos » Thu May 12, 2022 3:59 pm

Annnd... here he goes again. In the spirit of cooperation, I originally told him, in a very polite, positive manner, that he was being an... okay, I'll say it. He's an asshole.

I mean, come on, just because you have an asshole, doesn't mean you have to be one!

Finsternis, why do you come here? Do you think you can fill the vacuous emptiness in your soul* with the false bravado of claiming an air of superiority because you don't have anything else?

I was going to say that I wonder how he would be able to hold a job, but I know what it is. Hr shows a different "persona" to the general world, but to us here he treats us like we're rectangular, placed in front of a house, and marked "welcome," where hr can wipe his feet on us, or we are like a toilet to him, where he can drop some... well, you get the idea.

I know how this sort of thing works, Henry Fonda, the actor, was known for his folksy, friendly, and kindly characters in movies and TV shows. But at home, he was brutal to his children.

So that's probably the case. Here, he's Finsternis, the asshole, and at home and IRL he's Doug, the nice guy.

* Yes, I know people do not have souls. I'm taking poetic license.

Re: What's Wrong With Finsternis?

by D.Finsternis » Sat May 07, 2022 3:52 am

pinback wrote: Fri May 06, 2022 7:01 am
D.Finsternis wrote: Fri May 06, 2022 12:27 am Ben is obese again
Oh, I must have imagined the posts you made about it, then.

Re: What's Wrong With Finsternis?

by pinback » Fri May 06, 2022 7:01 am

D.Finsternis wrote: Fri May 06, 2022 12:27 am Ben is obese again
Incorrect. You made that up in your head because your diseased ego will shape your insane worldview to match what it needs.
You keep living in fantasyland.
Back atcha.

Re: What's Wrong With Finsternis?

by D.Finsternis » Fri May 06, 2022 12:27 am

RetroRomper wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 4:57 am I thought of asking if your new house would be wheelchair accessible, but instead I'm just going to roll with the rest of the thread.
Yes, it will be. The house will only be one floor, no stairs, and completely handicapped accessible. Not because we need it all right now, but we are planning to age in place.
RetroRomper wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 4:57 am As the Executive Director of a non-profit, Finsternis forcing himself on a poor recruiter of some kind gives me nightmares. NPOs are hard up these days for volunteers and donations, but I legitimately am sorry for whoever ends up on-boarding this fat fuck.
Hmm, what does weight have to do with capability? Tdarcos is obese, do you find him less capable? Ben is obese again (what is this, the THIRD round of fst/less fat/regain it all? But hey, he knows everything about dieting! Just because what he does never works long term, just as I predicted, doesn't mean it can never work! Maybe on the 6th or 7th iteration. Because it couldn't be the method, oh no! The method is perfect! They've been drilling it into everyone's heads for 50 years and people are fatter than ever, so it definitely works!
At any rate, such a decision by you would make you an extremely poor Director, because you'd be turning away a highly skilled volunteer based solely on personal animus. Hmm, should I show you a couple of awards I've received from onprofit organizations I've volunteered for? Nah. You keep living in fantasyland.

Re: What's Wrong With Finsternis?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Apr 28, 2022 9:20 am

Wish I hadn't burned that bridge with the Executive Director. My hours got cut at work and I lost three shifts a week for mouthing off about antiwork/workreform stuff. I could really use the tasks. :/

Re: What's Wrong With Finsternis?

by pinback » Thu Apr 28, 2022 9:05 am

This was a good question.

Re: What's Wrong With Finsternis?

by RetroRomper » Wed Jun 17, 2020 10:57 pm

Considering how much Finsternis weighs, that would be the only thing they can hold up.

Re: What's Wrong With Finsternis?

by pinback » Wed Jun 17, 2020 5:01 am

Hopefully they can hold their own in a fight.

Re: What's Wrong With Finsternis?

by RetroRomper » Wed Jun 17, 2020 4:57 am

Finsternis wrote: My wife and I are planning to buy some land and build a new house, that's quite a project.
I thought of asking if your new house would be wheelchair accessible, but instead I'm just going to roll with the rest of the thread.
Finsternis wrote: I've been looking into several volunteer organbizations, trying to decide which one I might want to get involved with.
As the Executive Director of a non-profit, Finsternis forcing himself on a poor recruiter of some kind gives me nightmares. NPOs are hard up these days for volunteers and donations, but I legitimately am sorry for whoever ends up on-boarding this fat fuck.

Re: What's Wrong With Finsternis?

by Finsternis » Fri Jun 12, 2020 10:12 pm

Tdarcos wrote: Fri Jun 12, 2020 9:07 pm
Finsternis wrote: Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:41 pm I've been ... awful
Are you still here? I already floccinaucinihilipilificated you. And at that, it was probably an overvaluation.
So stop reading my posts. You sure are bad at floccinaucinihilipilification! And, of course, I never said any such thing. If you're going to quote me, quote full context. The "edited quoted" thing is pretty desperate even for an unlettered peasant such as yourself.

Re: What's Wrong With Finsternis?

by Tdarcos » Fri Jun 12, 2020 9:07 pm

Finsternis wrote: Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:41 pm I've been ... awful
Are you still here? I already floccinaucinihilipilificated you. And at that, it was probably an overvaluation.

Re: What's Wrong With Finsternis?

by The Happiness Engine » Fri Jun 12, 2020 7:20 pm

I would like to bring up THINback's amazingly well-reasoned defense of Tharsis (original patch). It is the second best explanation of video game difficulty I have seen.

Re: What's Wrong With Finsternis?

by pinback » Fri Jun 12, 2020 5:46 pm

Finsternis wrote: Fri Jun 12, 2020 5:03 pmyou know that the only thing you do that could be said to be at all useful is raising a child.
This was pretty funny, I'll admit.

Re: What's Wrong With Finsternis?

by pinback » Fri Jun 12, 2020 5:04 pm

Go far, far away. We hate you like poison.

Re: What's Wrong With Finsternis?

by Finsternis » Fri Jun 12, 2020 5:03 pm

pinback wrote: Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:42 pm You surf the web.
Oooh, you managed a whole four words!! WOW!!! Good job, Ben!

Sure, sometimes I surf the web - doesn't everyone? Are you saying I'm not doing the things I mentioned? Well, your spy drones that tell you everything there is to know about my life must be busted.

And, naturally, you ignored my question about what you are doing because you know that the only thing you do that could be said to be at all useful is raising a child. Come on - what are YOU doing with your time that's useful or important? Or even different from what you always do? But you'll just completely ignore this question just like before. You're pathetic. You call me "a disaster"? Well, what do you do, Mr. Judgey Mc Judgster?

Dare I hope for FIVE words this time! Tune in tomorrow, folks!

Re: What's Wrong With Finsternis?

by pinback » Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:42 pm

You surf the web.

Re: What's Wrong With Finsternis?

by Finsternis » Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:41 pm

pinback wrote: Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:31 pm You. Name one of the more interesting, important, or useful things you're doing when you're not posting on this website.
Hmm. Like everyone else, I've been following the news a lot - that's both interesting and important. I've been practicing my German a bit. I'm teaching myself Video Editing (above my current skill level of "can trim, or clip out parts of, videos). I spend a good amount of time organizing and tagging my music collection. I spend an awful lot of time hanging out with my wife, of course. Sometimes I randomly surf and just Read Interesting Things I find. I participate in other social media besides this. I watch porn, which is certainly a lot more fun than this. My wife and I are planning to buy some land and build a new house, that's quite a project. Of course there's a lot of day-to-day stuff to do - paying bills, shopping, pet care, etc. I've been looking into several volunteer organbizations, trying to decide which one I might want to get involved with.

I'am probably missing a few. How about you?

Re: What's Wrong With Finsternis?

by pinback » Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:31 pm

You. Name one of the more interesting, important, or useful things you're doing when you're not posting on this website.

Re: What's Wrong With Finsternis?

by Finsternis » Fri Jun 12, 2020 2:41 pm

pinback wrote: Fri Jun 12, 2020 2:35 pmName one.
One what? Who are you talking to?

Re: What's Wrong With Finsternis?

by pinback » Fri Jun 12, 2020 2:35 pm

Name one.
