Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Fri Jul 17, 2020 11:51 pm
I think I took Aardvark for granted and now I am paying the price for my selfishness.
Well, of course you took him for granted. Some emotions are too powerful to sustain for long periods, like gratitude, if you try to force them you can get worn out.
I think some people here need to grow thicker skin, maybe be a little more tolerant even if - or especially if - the other person is being an asshole. People make mistakes, and that can cut both ways, both in someone doing something and in other people's reactions to them and their behavior.
I mean, for example, take myself and my opinions of others. (Or don't take them if you disagree.)
Finn was an irritating prig but I could live with him. I never asked for him to be banned, I actually had fun with his deflections. In almost every case, when he accused or criticized someone here, he had been doing the exact same thing. And he accuses me of being afflicted by the
Dunning-Kruger effect! (I also knew of what it was before he mentioned it.)
RetroRomper has never said anything Insulting to me and I have, in fact, found his comments often entertaining. I hope to see more of his content in the future.
Pinback is a hate sink, of course, which is why we love him so much. Outside of maybe me, he gets a lot of negative energy here. Whether or not that is deserved is a subject I'm not going to investigate at this time.
Aardvark, I don't know, seemed to be a bit too sensitive, maybe that's related to his drawings. Or perhaps he was upset at the symbols picketing him, especially when i pointed out to them he's not in the collective bargaining agreement.
And then there's Jonsey, whose biggest expense in having this board (and Caltrops) is not the hosting costs or the HTTPS certificate or the problems with PHPBB, it's all the money he has to spend on cases of Maalox and Zantac for the ulcers the users cause him, and the bottle or two of aspirin a day he has to take because of all the headaches he has to deal with. I understand it's so bad he has his pharmacy on speed dial to let them know to order more supplies.
"I guess this was a bad week to quit snorting coke."