Help me make soup.

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Re: Help me make soup.

by uruzrune » Mon Oct 26, 2020 12:05 pm

IMHO, if you want pasta, eat pasta. If you want pasta in your soup, let it get near-disintegration soft.

Re: Help me make soup.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Oct 26, 2020 12:04 pm

I did that trick!!

It worked great.

Re: Help me make soup.

by Casual Observer » Mon Oct 26, 2020 11:18 am

We always do the pasta separately and then add into the bowl when we're ready to eat. We feel like it keeps the pasta from getting too soft.

Re: Help me make soup.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Oct 26, 2020 10:14 am

Cooking? Madness? I dunno. I'm the guy with the soup.


Re: Help me make soup.

by uruzrune » Mon Oct 26, 2020 6:15 am

And now you got a SOUP goin'!

Re: Help me make soup.

by RealNC » Mon Oct 26, 2020 3:19 am

I just throw everything in, add a bunch of olive oil, salt and black pepper, and boil it.

Re: Help me make soup.

by Jizaboz » Sun Oct 25, 2020 11:03 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 9:52 pm OK, here's my thought.

I got some potatoes, I can chop them up into cubes. That can go in with the vegetable broth.
I got an onion. Some people say to sautee the onion before putting it in a crock pot. Should I??????
I got brussels sprouts, and I am going to chop the stems off and chop 'em in half and throw them in there.
I got a raw chicken breast.
I got all the spices.

I guess my thought is - can they all go in a crock pot at medium for 4 hours? I don't have the uncooked pinto beans or dried beans or whatnot, just the canned ones. I know those will get mushy if they go in at the start. Also, I think that if I add some pasta at the end, it's probably 15-20 minutes in the hot crock pot before I start eating. I am 60% sure that's how ya do the pasta thing.

We're not trying to change the world here, just make enough soup that is fairly low in calories because vegetable soup and coffee during a blizzard is the best thing ever. I have all the spices.
Something like this perhaps? ... en-recipe/ I'd try eating that even though I never had sprouts. Looks and sounds good. I would say you do not have use every single spice and you certainly do not HAVE to use red potatoes. Use whatever potatoes ya got.

Wow, your crock pot has a medium setting? Mine only has low and high. I set everything on high and check it after 3-4 hours then turn it down if needed.

Re: Help me make soup.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Oct 25, 2020 9:52 pm

OK, here's my thought.

I got some potatoes, I can chop them up into cubes. That can go in with the vegetable broth.
I got an onion. Some people say to sautee the onion before putting it in a crock pot. Should I??????
I got brussels sprouts, and I am going to chop the stems off and chop 'em in half and throw them in there.
I got a raw chicken breast.
I got all the spices.

I guess my thought is - can they all go in a crock pot at medium for 4 hours? I don't have the uncooked pinto beans or dried beans or whatnot, just the canned ones. I know those will get mushy if they go in at the start. Also, I think that if I add some pasta at the end, it's probably 15-20 minutes in the hot crock pot before I start eating. I am 60% sure that's how ya do the pasta thing.

We're not trying to change the world here, just make enough soup that is fairly low in calories because vegetable soup and coffee during a blizzard is the best thing ever. I have all the spices.

Re: Help me make soup.

by Jizaboz » Sun Oct 25, 2020 8:21 pm

Hm that's a little tough with those ingredients. If you can't figure out something to do with everything, I'd just make pintos in the crockpot. It's easy.

Just remember the night before to rinse the dried beans in a strainer then put em in a bowl or pot covered in water. Next day just rinse em once more, chuck em in the crockpot and cover with water again. Add like a spoonful of salt. Cook for 4 hours.. done! Now you got something to eat with hot sauce! You and another person will be eating it for 2-3 days or until yr tired of it.

Optional ingredients that I always also throw in:
- Chopped onion (a little onion powder could work too)
- Any form of pork. Couple strips of bacon, fatback, leftover ham, whatever.


You can pan fry some sliced potatoes to go with it.. or maybe the Brussel sprouts prepared somehow on the side (I know nothing of Brussel sprouts)

Re: Help me make soup.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Oct 25, 2020 6:32 pm

Help me make soup.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Oct 25, 2020 6:30 pm

I am going to be snowed in tomorrow. I have russet potatos, vegetable broth, pinto beans, brussell sprouts, all manner of hot sauces... probably black beans. Flour. I have pasta which I sometimes see in vegetable soup.

Can I use a crock pot to make some kind of vegetable soup? I wish there was a website that let you put the ingredients you had and ALSO the "kind" of meal you want and give you a recipe but there isn't.
