by Casual Observer » Thu Nov 26, 2020 11:21 pm
I've always been afraid of doing steaks in the broiler because I always overcook them so I always grill them (sometimes pan them). Then I remembered that my grandmother used to take tenderloins right out of the freezer, threw them in the broiler and presto perfectly done steaks. So I did some internet research and it turns out cooking frozen steaks is a good thing to do. Had some cowboy ribeyes in the freezer for like the last year so thought we'd give them a try.
Most recipes recommend panning the frozen steak to get the needed char on the outside but I don't currently have a frying pan large enough to accommodate the size of these things with the bone on so into the broiler they went covered in melted butter. 20 Min in the broiler they got that nice char so dropped the oven down to 250 and finished these bad boys off slowly with the meat thermometer plugged into the largest one.
Took them out when the larger one was 120, let sit for 10 min and perfect medium rare (the bone must have kept it cooking more than expected, I was hoping for more rare). What I like best about this method is that while it cooked enough to melt the marbling, the meat came out nice and red with lots of juice.
This was our Thanksgiving so no Heritage Turkey thread this year.

I've always been afraid of doing steaks in the broiler because I always overcook them so I always grill them (sometimes pan them). Then I remembered that my grandmother used to take tenderloins right out of the freezer, threw them in the broiler and presto perfectly done steaks. So I did some internet research and it turns out cooking frozen steaks is a good thing to do. Had some cowboy ribeyes in the freezer for like the last year so thought we'd give them a try.
Most recipes recommend panning the frozen steak to get the needed char on the outside but I don't currently have a frying pan large enough to accommodate the size of these things with the bone on so into the broiler they went covered in melted butter. 20 Min in the broiler they got that nice char so dropped the oven down to 250 and finished these bad boys off slowly with the meat thermometer plugged into the largest one.
Took them out when the larger one was 120, let sit for 10 min and perfect medium rare (the bone must have kept it cooking more than expected, I was hoping for more rare). What I like best about this method is that while it cooked enough to melt the marbling, the meat came out nice and red with lots of juice.
This was our Thanksgiving so no Heritage Turkey thread this year.