by Jizaboz » Thu Feb 25, 2021 1:07 am
Alright alright. Already picturing the ST sitting on the card table so let’s do this.
No rush at all. We will need to ship the monitor and actual computer separately. We will also need to wrap any heavy items such as the power brick in separate bubble wrap from the rest.
Try not to apply any tape to the keys on the computer. That may or may not be how I lost the tilde key on the C64c Flack sent me along with my excitement opening it.
Both computer and monitor should be wrapped in at least 3 layers of bubble wrap, and the void of the box should be filled on all sides with crunched up paper. Newspaper, stolen printing paper, Victoria’s Secret catalogs, whatever. So long as the package can be thrown, mashed, etc and still be thrown or pushed. I will gladly compensate for shipping materials and pay fees for 2 separate packages. This is basically the same fashion I have got my Vectrex and a few valuable arcade PCBs moved around.. even by usps! Will of course use shipping provider of your choice.
P.S. sorry if I sound anal here but I want this to go down like magic and that box of Neo Geo carts (thanks again!) you sent me just had the carts rattling around in like a square foot of space. Totally cool for indestructible carts but this ST is gonna need a lot of love

Alright alright. Already picturing the ST sitting on the card table so let’s do this.
No rush at all. We will need to ship the monitor and actual computer separately. We will also need to wrap any heavy items such as the power brick in separate bubble wrap from the rest.
Try not to apply any tape to the keys on the computer. That may or may not be how I lost the tilde key on the C64c Flack sent me along with my excitement opening it.
Both computer and monitor should be wrapped in at least 3 layers of bubble wrap, and the void of the box should be filled on all sides with crunched up paper. Newspaper, stolen printing paper, Victoria’s Secret catalogs, whatever. So long as the package can be thrown, mashed, etc and still be thrown or pushed. I will gladly compensate for shipping materials and pay fees for 2 separate packages. This is basically the same fashion I have got my Vectrex and a few valuable arcade PCBs moved around.. even by usps! Will of course use shipping provider of your choice.
P.S. sorry if I sound anal here but I want this to go down like magic and that box of Neo Geo carts (thanks again!) you sent me just had the carts rattling around in like a square foot of space. Totally cool for indestructible carts but this ST is gonna need a lot of love ❤️