New apartment

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by The REAL Man » Wed Jul 30, 2003 8:40 am

Da King wrote:I WANT DIGITAL PICS TOO!!!!!!
Geez. you'd think the guy's never seen more than a couple of naked breasts in person.

Oh wait...

by Da King » Tue Jul 29, 2003 6:24 pm

LG-lazy again wrote:Robb, did you get the digital pics of examples I sent?


by Vitriola » Tue Jul 29, 2003 5:26 pm

So, like, I can send you a bunch of MP3s? Cool.


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Jul 29, 2003 2:17 pm

I didn't -- if you want to send them again to that should work. There's no limit to what that mailbox can receive (in terms of kilobytes of attachments).

by LG-lazy again » Tue Jul 29, 2003 1:35 pm

Robb, did you get the digital pics of examples I sent?


by Jethro Q. Walrustitty » Mon Jul 28, 2003 6:55 am

LG: not saying anything about your painting skills, just saying that having a painting that you don't like on display is no fun. It's possible that Jonsey might not actually like a sight-unseen painting (being such a subjective taste)... just want to help a brother out if he can avoid such a situation. As I said, if he sees one that he likes, then hell yeah. (Note that LG did like the paintings that I, and virtually everyone else who walked into the apartment, couldn't stand.)

(For the record, "Violet"'s painting does not fall into that category. It does not turn my stomach the way the aforementioned paintings do, and she should not take its current placement as an indication that Mrs W and I don't like it fine & good.)

Oh, and if Jonsey doesn't want one, I'll take a "fantasy nude" - heheh. While you're at it, throw in all your hot girlfriends, too. Winkety-wink!

As for Bentley, the original message was "Let's get Bentley... Bare!"

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Jul 27, 2003 8:07 pm

Violet wrote:I tried to paint him in the picture. It was origionally supposed to be a portrait of him and cathy. I couldn't get his face to look undeformed so I ended up making him into a giant flame.
There's like seven different jokes waiting to be made here, especially regarding the part of Jeff being depicted as a "giant flame" in a painting, but I am going to carve off this piece of comedy and throw it to the JC Comedy Players or whoever else wants a slice. Ever onwards, denizens!

by Violet » Sun Jul 27, 2003 7:53 pm

He'll like it more if you put him in it. For instance, "Jethro Kyle" was a character in the Jolt Country Comic Strip, and he hosts that on his own site.
I tried to paint him in the picture. It was origionally supposed to be a portrait of him and cathy. I couldn't get his face to look undeformed so I ended up making him into a giant flame. Cathy was some sort of wave person. It looks sort of nice to me. It's really hard to paint people. I don't do it enough though.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Jul 27, 2003 6:49 pm

Just got the satellite dish up -- I need to secure the platform it's on (right now it's screwed into a long piece of wood and is sitting atop a tripod; gotta fasten that). I finally feel as if a big weight has been removed, as today was the last of the moving out crap I had to do.

I can't believe that my brother and I got our old place in the state that it's in. I don't expect to get much of my deposit back, as there is a giant crack running alongside one bedroom door (long, unfunny story) but at least they won't go asking me for more money. I hope.

(Confidential to Mike Sousa, Mass.: I finally have a chance to get more updates coming to ya, buddy.)

Argh, the wind has started to pick up. I'm paranoid that the board is going to fly off the tripod. Right now, if some kid had a football and threw it at my dish, he'd knock it down like he was in some sort of traveling carnival that replaced the pyramid of milk bottles with my poor, weather-beaten dish. Gotta get some bungie rope and duct tape tomorrow. If it does fly off the tripod and goes backwards, at least it'll fall towards my window. If I manage to look just right, it'll be as if the thing is falling right at me, which would be like the camera trick in Street Trash where the goo falls from a few stories up and totally infects this one guy.

At any rate, I'm slowly getting comfortable with the place. I could see staying here until I either leave the state or trick some poor girl into wifehood.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Jul 27, 2003 6:09 pm

Vitriola wrote:As for Crystal Castles, it's weird that you own that, because I just a few weeks ago figured out that that was the name of the game I was obsessed with when I was younger. I always thought it was called Crystal Mansions, and could never find any info on it, so I did some research and got the name.
Without Crystal Castles, the phrase that gamers have used for twenties years now to woo the opposite sex -- "Let's get Bentley Bear-ass naked!" would not exist. So thanks to the Crystal Castles guy for that.

I will attempt to convey this fact to him when I meet him at JC vs the CGE.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Jul 27, 2003 6:07 pm

LG again wrote:OH and Jonsey, I could always do a fantasy nude of my face on say... Angelina Jolines naked body.... hehehe then it's like having the best of both worlds.
Having seen you both, I can say with confidence and authority that Girl Interupted there has nothing on you.


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Jul 27, 2003 6:04 pm

Worm wrote:Robb, go with the earth erotica that isn't blatant. I think if you have pictures of stones on your wall that could be subliminally construed as genitalia you'd get laid more.
Like these ones
Thanks for ruining the very concept of eyesight for me there, m'man.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Jul 27, 2003 6:03 pm

LG being to lazy to login wrote:Actually, proir to reading this base I sent examples of my work
When did you do this? Was this a web link or something you sent me in e-mail? I don't think I received it.
The only thing I would ask is that if he doesn't like it is that it is returned at some point (whenever) so it can go to someone who will, or keep it.
I don't think it'll be a problem. You listed acrylics and impressionism in your e-mail, and that looks to be an award winning combination. But more on that.... in e-mail!

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Jul 27, 2003 5:58 pm

Violet wrote:I painted a picture for Cathy for her christmas present. It is sitting in Cathy and Jeff's hallway upstairs. I am beginning to question it's placement now. It's upstairs and out of site from anyone who comes in the house. I guess it means I stink at painting. That's ok, I knew that already though.
He'll like it more if you put him in it. For instance, "Jethro Kyle" was a character in the Jolt Country Comic Strip, and he hosts that on his own site.

by Violet » Sun Jul 27, 2003 5:51 pm

I painted a picture for Cathy for her christmas present. It is sitting in Cathy and Jeff's hallway upstairs. I am beginning to question it's placement now. It's upstairs and out of site from anyone who comes in the house. I guess it means I stink at painting. That's ok, I knew that already though.

I'm no Picasso.

by LG » Sun Jul 27, 2003 3:18 pm

Worm wrote:
Vitriola wrote:As for a WWKD shirt being worn on a first date, I mean, would any of you actually WANT a girl who would look askance at that choice of accoutrement?
I just would want a girl who knows who Captain Kirk is. She wouldn't even have to know his middle name.

Robb, go with the earth erotica that isn't blatant. I think if you have pictures of stones on your wall that could be subliminally construed as genitalia you'd get laid more.
Like these ones
Granted ... they are only slightly below being blatant. Sixty bucks for a stone shaped like a cock is a bit much. Though it is your chance to own a for real peice of internet crap.
Dude, anyone who doesn't know who Kaptain kirk is has been living under a rock for thier entire lives.

by LG again » Sun Jul 27, 2003 3:16 pm

OH and Jonsey, I could always do a fantasy nude of my face on say... Angelina Jolines naked body.... hehehe then it's like having the best of both worlds.


by LG being to lazy to login » Sun Jul 27, 2003 3:13 pm

Actually, proir to reading this base I sent examples of my work, and already told Jonsey I don't expect payment except for shipping, unless he feels like tipping because he likes it.
Trust me, I'm not overly sensative about that stuff, art is something people form there own opinions on, but I'm excited because it gives me a project. But thanks for the vote of confidence Jeff! =)
The only thing I would ask is that if he doesn't like it is that it is returned at some point (whenever) so it can go to someone who will, or keep it.
And as an added note, I really liked that big paintng you had at the old place, it was very well done, and quite human.


by bleck » Thu Jul 24, 2003 7:08 am

The current favored term is "bleck."
fo' shizzle my nizzle

by Jethro Q. Walrustitty » Thu Jul 24, 2003 6:42 am


I'm assuming that it also has a conversation pit, lava lamp, and orange shag carpeting, as you're obviously stuck in the '60s!!!

The current favored term is "bleck."
