by Flack » Sat Apr 10, 2021 11:30 am
Our country opened up COVID vaccines to senior citizens and then forced them to schedule their appointments through a website that took even me a moment to figure out. This is an entire generation of people who twenty years ago had clocks blinking 12:00 on their VCRs, and today... well, today they still have VCRs and their clocks are still blinking 12:00. My mother has no interest in hitting F5 on a website over and over. Making old people schedule vaccines through a website is like forcing kids to sign up to TikTok by writing an application in cursive and asking them to mail it along with a self-addressed stamped envelope.
My first experience "video chatting" with my parents was Christmas morning. Because of COVID, my dad said he would come over, but only if he sat 6' feet away from me in my garage, and only if I left the big door open. To communicate with the rest of my family, I sat up two laptops with Zoom -- one in the garage, and one inside the house. Out in the garage, due to poor planning on my part, I had to set the laptop to my right, with my dad sitting 6' away to my left. In technical terms I quickly became a human repeater, repeating everything my dad said into the camera's microphone, and everything everyone said on screen back to my dad. At certain points of the morning my mom and my sister both dialed in as well. We had Christmas together in the same way our planets are all in the same solar system.
If mp3s turned us into DJs, video chatting turned us into videographers. My wife has two different ring lights, a backfill light, and a backdrop. She moved her cello into her office, not because she plays it there, but because it looks good in the background. I put up a set of shelves on the wall behind me and filled it with boxed computer stuff I never use, to make people think I use it.
I will say that Apple's Facetime has taken 99% of the technical issues out of video chatting. Instead of hitting the dial button, you hit the camera button; everything else is the same. My biggest issue with it is that everyone I chat with instantly discovers how much I multitask. "Are you listening?" my wife will ask into the camera while she's inside a hotel room. And I *am* listening -- I'm just not *looking*. Normally I'm typing, eating, or pooping. Sometimes all three.
Our country opened up COVID vaccines to senior citizens and then forced them to schedule their appointments through a website that took even me a moment to figure out. This is an entire generation of people who twenty years ago had clocks blinking 12:00 on their VCRs, and today... well, today they still have VCRs and their clocks are still blinking 12:00. My mother has no interest in hitting F5 on a website over and over. Making old people schedule vaccines through a website is like forcing kids to sign up to TikTok by writing an application in cursive and asking them to mail it along with a self-addressed stamped envelope.
My first experience "video chatting" with my parents was Christmas morning. Because of COVID, my dad said he would come over, but only if he sat 6' feet away from me in my garage, and only if I left the big door open. To communicate with the rest of my family, I sat up two laptops with Zoom -- one in the garage, and one inside the house. Out in the garage, due to poor planning on my part, I had to set the laptop to my right, with my dad sitting 6' away to my left. In technical terms I quickly became a human repeater, repeating everything my dad said into the camera's microphone, and everything everyone said on screen back to my dad. At certain points of the morning my mom and my sister both dialed in as well. We had Christmas together in the same way our planets are all in the same solar system.
If mp3s turned us into DJs, video chatting turned us into videographers. My wife has two different ring lights, a backfill light, and a backdrop. She moved her cello into her office, not because she plays it there, but because it looks good in the background. I put up a set of shelves on the wall behind me and filled it with boxed computer stuff I never use, to make people think I use it.
I will say that Apple's Facetime has taken 99% of the technical issues out of video chatting. Instead of hitting the dial button, you hit the camera button; everything else is the same. My biggest issue with it is that everyone I chat with instantly discovers how much I multitask. "Are you listening?" my wife will ask into the camera while she's inside a hotel room. And I *am* listening -- I'm just not *looking*. Normally I'm typing, eating, or pooping. Sometimes all three.