What Spyware Should I Buy?

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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: What Spyware Should I Buy?

by Protagonist X » Sun Jul 21, 2002 10:19 pm

Further searches and close reading of the Groucho posts led me to believe such a base might exist. And now this confirmation. Hmm.

Much as I would like to view the other empirical data...
Now I'm really flashing back to the days of old-school dial-up-over-a-2400-baud-modem BBSing -- specifically, the torrent of posts wheedling the sysop for "elite access." (Back in 1990, young feller, they hadn't started abbreviatin' it to "leet," much less started spellin' it with all them 3's and 7's... 'leastways, not where I was)

1990. I was fourteen years old; I was in ninth grade. That was twelve full years ago, and probably less than 1% of the people in my home town had heard the word "usenet" in their lives, and now I'm OLD and...

...and I ramble all the time, even worse than then. Dammit. What was I -- oh, yeah. Porn.
Another, hidden base exists on Groucho for such things.
Hidden. Damn. Damn damn.

by Protagonist X » Sun Jul 21, 2002 9:59 pm

The reason you're not picking up a whole bunch in that search is specifically for a reason you stated: Another, hidden base exists on Groucho for such things.
I don't think that I stated that particular reason, merely a suspicion that my search was flawed. Further inquiries (enquiries?)... [ehh, strike it out...]

[*Ahem*] Further searches and close reading of the Groucho posts led me to believe such a base might exist. And now this confirmation. Hmm.

Much as I would like to view the other empirical data before making a decision, my vote is for the Blink. It can hold more pictures, and those of a higher resolution -- quality AND quantity, go figure. The pictures given below show a merked improvement over the L'espion. And the PocketDV Camcorder looks like a gimmick. 640x480 as a starting resolution for a digital image seems so... 1991. So DOS. So 13" monitor.

The size of all 3 cameras seems almost gimmicky, and as I'm always misplacing my wallet, palmpilot, keys, etc. -- if I was buying one myself I'd be convinced that something smaller may not necessarily be better. I hate losing small expensive items.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Jul 21, 2002 4:59 pm

I find it hard to concentrate due to the nice body on that one girl and the troll-like transexual directly beneath that pic.

I'm going to paraphrase the movie Die Hard for a moment, in regards to that ambiguously-gendered thing: Tell me you don't know him. Lex, tell me you don't know him!

Perhaps eventually you'll add breasts to someone we do care about.

by Lex » Sun Jul 21, 2002 3:40 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: I picked the Blink thing in the poll because that offers up the best resolution, which will make it handy should Lex start starring in video games or something.
Ah, but the Pocket DV also takes 640x480 pictures (and holds more of them), so does it just become a size-issue?

by Lex » Sun Jul 21, 2002 3:52 am

The reason you're not picking up a whole bunch in that search is specifically for a reason you stated: Another, hidden base exists on Groucho for such things.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Jul 20, 2002 4:28 pm

Protagonist X wrote:
Lex, ignore this shite-for-brains troll.
Whoops, that was me. I forgot I was logged out, I was trying to do an impression of ... well, actually a shite-for-brains troll like you'd find on a board where one is told to:

1) Go back to Fark
2) Go back to Slashdot
3) Go back to [H]ardOCP

Also, it was actually Ben in that recent GTA3 and not a random angry person. I didn't know myself until Ben's third post on that thread, so he absolutely duped me and cemented his place as the most dangerous man on the web.

I picked the Blink thing in the poll because that offers up the best resolution, which will make it handy should Lex start starring in video games or something.

by Protagonist X » Sat Jul 20, 2002 2:32 pm

Lex, ignore this shite-for-brains troll.

However: I am simply unable to offer a reasoned opinion on the matter with such insufficient data for comparison. I have dutifully attempted to find further test samples for evaluation, but a boolean search of Groucho for "Lex AND titties," or "Lex AND breasts" has not turned up sufficient material.

It is likely that my searching technique is flawed. Can you suggest a synonym I'm missing ("jubblies," perhaps, or "titfucking" ?) or -- even better -- a link to a more extensive archive of research samples?

Perhaps an entirely new base is in order at Jolt Country, rather than a mere thread.

by Guest » Sat Jul 20, 2002 1:04 pm


by Lex » Sat Jul 20, 2002 10:59 am

(This is a more-or-less exact copy of a thread on Groucho; but I figure I should get as much insight as possible from peeps such as yourselves)

What Spyware Should I Buy?

by Lex » Sat Jul 20, 2002 10:57 am

I have to face the ugly fact the the L'espion is not going to turn up again.
I will shortly be in posession of an extra £100 for completing a kind of "summer school" thing that teaches us how to deal with Uni life.

So, I have three choices (I'm not even allowing for the choice of "Don't bother, you'll just lose it again you stupid, stupid twat"), these shall now be listed:

The L'espion

Perenial and fimiliar, smallest of the bunch

http://www.firebox.com/index.html?dir=f ... uct&id=666

Around £35.00, or $42.00 second-hand

It looks like...

It outputs stuff like...

I think I could probably pick up a second-hand one on e-Bay for around £30, so it would be the cheapest, as well as the most crap.
Some might argue it is also the coolest looking because it's the smallest (fits inside one of those small boxes of matches). For a fuller review of this camera check out this old thread about it, when I "reviewed" it:


It will, however, have lost it's "wow!" potential.

Pocket DV Camcorder

The newest, and coolest member of the DV family

http://www.firebox.com/index.html?dir=f ... uct&id=891

£79.95, or $126.10

It looks like...

It outputs stuff like...

Actually, I can't find any examples. But I shall explain it somewhat:

This MiniDV Camcorder can record up to 3-and-a-half minutes of video, with sound, at a crappy 320x240 resolution. However, it can also take up to 450 still photos at 640x480, which is certainly better than the L'espion in terms of both number of photos (Lespion will hold only 30) and resolution (max for photos with the Lespion was 320x240).

It measures 3.06" x 1.40" x 3.14", which is cute, but not nearly as small as the L'espion, natch.

It also comes with a very cute li'l tripod. Once again, no one will believe this thing is real. Being a video-camera, the possibility of delivering streaming-media teenage porn to Groucho & here increases by quite a bit, as you can imagine.
And it is, of course, very very cool. Then again, it will also be out of date in four months. I will atleast be able to make up 3/4 of the price on e-Bay when I'm finished, because people are stupid.

Ah shit, just discovered it's movie capability is only 10 frames a second :evil: .

It is of course much more expensive than the other two.

The Blink

And excellent contender, bound to kick the reigning champion off of the thrown.

http://www.firebox.com/index.html?dir=f ... uct&id=690

£39.95, or $63.00

It looks like...

It outputs stuff like...

Now this is very cool. It costs as much as a new L'espion, but takes much higher quality pictures, and holds a bunch more of them.

It holds 100 images at 640x480 (as shown above, they come out pretty damn well for something that small), as opposed to 30 images at 320x240, as the lesbian does. It can also take up to 100 images and turn them into an AVI at 640x480; technically, a higher quality than the Pocket DV, then. Less of a framerate, though, I'm sure.

I suggest you check all three sites and compare them before voting. This poll shall be a strong pressure as to which I choose within the next month.

To recap:

The L'espion would be cheapest, but it's lost the ability to amaze people.
The Pocket DV is the most expensive, but definetley the coolest. Can hold 450 images at 640x480, as well as film-with-audio.
The Blink is only as expensive as a new L'espion (actually, it's a staggering four pence cheaper), and can hold 300 images at 640x480. Once again, it is very cool and small; only slightly larger than the l'espion.

And, finally, the size recap:


58mm x 40mm x 15mm

Pocket DV:

3.06" x 1.40" x 3.14"


2" x 0.6" x 2"
