by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Jun 20, 2002 10:44 am
(Spoilers for A Crimson Spring below.)
The dorm. You mean the Succubus one or the Anthraxia one? I presume the Succubus (Jenn) one. You just need to kiss her. I remember that it takes place like ten years before the present time, but she sees you as her age then so there's no pedophilia involved.
Or, wait, do you mean the AIDS Archer scene? Dammit. I can't recall which one is in the dorm. I am going to need to look at the source.
(downloads source)
Hey, I didn't find the Archer's scene yet. But I did find this:
"'Career .356 batting average. Over 1,700 hits. And hit over .300 in the Championship. Oh, Did I mention? He also threw the World Series.
Shoeless Joe Jackson for Original Coors."
"Hey. Throw me another Coors. And Original Coors."
I should explain that, seeing how you live in a foreign country (a BETTER country than mine, seeing how they never ran Coors ads like that in yours).
Coors, for a while, had these terrible ads where they would take guys like Dan Patrick (an anchor for the show "Sportscenter") or Ahmad Rashad (who used to be a football player, but now is in the media and just gobbles the pole of other current athletes) and have them talk about some "mystery" player, usually one who isn't still playing. In any of the four major sports. They'd do one on baseball player Willie Mays, who played centerfield, and then Willie would say, "Hey, I'm going to catch me a Coors!!! LOL!" or something like that. So my brother Mike and I were talking about ones they could do to make the concept not one that makes people want to rip their eyeballs out from their heads, and I came up with the Shoeless Joe Jackson one. Joe Jackson helped throw the World Series in the 1910s (I forget the exact year). He and seven (IIRC) other members of the Chicago White Sox were banned from the game. So, of course, when having him do his ad he says, "Throw me another Coors."
Ah! Ah! Ah! But, at any rate.
For the Archer's scene you need to give him something to pump away with on his date. A longish, cylinder-type object, if you know what I mean. Essentially, you have to give him your lead pipe, so he uses that rather than his own personal "equipment," so that he does not contract any diseases.
The "providing NPCs with makeshift dildos" school of puzzle management has often been overlooked in IF, but hopefully as more people play ACS that kind of thing will really take off, and push aside such staples as "key-and-door" or "kill the troll."
(Spoilers for A Crimson Spring below.)
The dorm. You mean the Succubus one or the Anthraxia one? I presume the Succubus (Jenn) one. You just need to kiss her. I remember that it takes place like ten years before the present time, but she sees you as her age then so there's no pedophilia involved.
Or, wait, do you mean the AIDS Archer scene? Dammit. I can't recall which one is in the dorm. I am going to need to look at the source.
(downloads source)
Hey, I didn't find the Archer's scene yet. But I did find this:
"'Career .356 batting average. Over 1,700 hits. And hit over .300 in the Championship. Oh, Did I mention? He also threw the World Series.
Shoeless Joe Jackson for Original Coors."
"Hey. Throw me another Coors. And Original Coors."
I should explain that, seeing how you live in a foreign country (a BETTER country than mine, seeing how they never ran Coors ads like that in yours).
Coors, for a while, had these terrible ads where they would take guys like Dan Patrick (an anchor for the show "Sportscenter") or Ahmad Rashad (who used to be a football player, but now is in the media and just gobbles the pole of other current athletes) and have them talk about some "mystery" player, usually one who isn't still playing. In any of the four major sports. They'd do one on baseball player Willie Mays, who played centerfield, and then Willie would say, "Hey, I'm going to catch me a Coors!!! LOL!" or something like that. So my brother Mike and I were talking about ones they could do to make the concept not one that makes people want to rip their eyeballs out from their heads, and I came up with the Shoeless Joe Jackson one. Joe Jackson helped throw the World Series in the 1910s (I forget the exact year). He and seven (IIRC) other members of the Chicago White Sox were banned from the game. So, of course, when having him do his ad he says, "Throw me another Coors."
Ah! Ah! Ah! But, at any rate.
For the Archer's scene you need to give him something to pump away with on his date. A longish, cylinder-type object, if you know what I mean. Essentially, you have to give him your lead pipe, so he uses that rather than his own personal "equipment," so that he does not contract any diseases.
The "providing NPCs with makeshift dildos" school of puzzle management has often been overlooked in IF, but hopefully as more people play ACS that kind of thing will really take off, and push aside such staples as "key-and-door" or "kill the troll."