by Flack » Fri Apr 19, 2019 4:15 pm
Well, today's story has a happy ending.
After work today I took the push mower out back and worked on the yard for an hour. It rained here both Wednesday and Thursday, so not only is the grass wet, but the weeds that were 6" tall are now a foot. The mower dies every 10 feet unless you go super slow and do wheelies and attack the weeds like you're Don Quixote.
So after an hour I'm about to die, so I take a break. Then the kid comes out, sees me on my death bed, and offers to take over. (I just found out that my wife told him she was turning off his internet until the lawn was done, so don't think there was any goodwill going on here.) Five minutes into his mowing, I look across the yard and see this:
The neighbor either felt sorry for us or simply got tired of living next to the jungle book, and swooped in with his industrial zero turn monster and knocked out everything that was left in about ten minutes. Then he spent another ten minutes going over the parts I had done, which looked terrible compared to his part.
So, Good Friday, indeed.
Well, today's story has a happy ending.
After work today I took the push mower out back and worked on the yard for an hour. It rained here both Wednesday and Thursday, so not only is the grass wet, but the weeds that were 6" tall are now a foot. The mower dies every 10 feet unless you go super slow and do wheelies and attack the weeds like you're Don Quixote.
So after an hour I'm about to die, so I take a break. Then the kid comes out, sees me on my death bed, and offers to take over. (I just found out that my wife told him she was turning off his internet until the lawn was done, so don't think there was any goodwill going on here.) Five minutes into his mowing, I look across the yard and see this:
The neighbor either felt sorry for us or simply got tired of living next to the jungle book, and swooped in with his industrial zero turn monster and knocked out everything that was left in about ten minutes. Then he spent another ten minutes going over the parts I had done, which looked terrible compared to his part.
So, Good Friday, indeed.