by bryanb » Sun May 30, 2021 5:36 pm
Damn, that sucks, Mike. I hope you aren't in too much pain and make a quick recovery. I've always had a phobia about breaking a rib, arm, or time I briefly thought I had broken an arm after a hard fall while playing volleyball, and that pretty much soured me on the sport of volleyball permanently. Granted, I was terrible at it and didn't have legions of fans begging me to make a comeback or anything. Classic sitcoms used to make it seem like breaking an arm was practically a rite of passage. You got a cool cast and got to have people sign it and everything! Still, I always knew I wanted no part of that particular scene.
Damn, that sucks, Mike. I hope you aren't in too much pain and make a quick recovery. I've always had a phobia about breaking a rib, arm, or time I briefly thought I had broken an arm after a hard fall while playing volleyball, and that pretty much soured me on the sport of volleyball permanently. Granted, I was terrible at it and didn't have legions of fans begging me to make a comeback or anything. Classic sitcoms used to make it seem like breaking an arm was practically a rite of passage. You got a cool cast and got to have people sign it and everything! Still, I always knew I wanted no part of that particular scene.