by Jethro Q. Walrustitty » Thu Jul 31, 2003 12:42 pm
Plenty of stuff. Recently:
Take a peek at the site: ... Bogus_PhD/ and see that the pseudoscientist who has been peddling the "MEG" free-energy machine, Tom Bearden, appears to have obtained his Ph.D. by rather simpler means that most.
A reader has observed that Bearden's undergraduate and MS degree are apparently legit, but based on his own e-mail and the time frame (1999 to 2000) when he began claiming a Ph.D., Tom Bearden apparently received (or more accurately, purchased) his bogus Ph.D. degree from "Trinity College and University" in the U.K. Now, until April 2000, you could find this diploma mill at, after which it vanished from the web. Fortunately, the Wayback Machine web archive ( still contains the old web pages from Trinity College and University.
Note that many legitimate universities have the word "Trinity" in their names. Legitimate Ph.D. degrees granted by such institutions require actual graduate course credits, at least one year of residency at the university itself, and an oral defense of a dissertation in front of a qualified faculty examination committee.
On the other hand, there isn't a legitimate university in the U.S. or the U.K. that will give a person a doctorate based on "lifetime achievement" and the submission of a dissertation by mail, particularly when that person doesn't even live in the same country!
James Randi fucking
rules. He's got a million bucks ready to go to anyone who can prove any paranormal, supernatural, or occult occurance. Perpetual-motion machines would count, as they go against the laws of nature. Nobody's been able to prove anything yet...
As for ether, it was pretty much disproved a few decades ago, wasn't it? Nobody today seriously believes in such nonsense.
Plenty of stuff. Recently:
[quote]Take a peek at the site: and see that the pseudoscientist who has been peddling the "MEG" free-energy machine, Tom Bearden, appears to have obtained his Ph.D. by rather simpler means that most.
A reader has observed that Bearden's undergraduate and MS degree are apparently legit, but based on his own e-mail and the time frame (1999 to 2000) when he began claiming a Ph.D., Tom Bearden apparently received (or more accurately, purchased) his bogus Ph.D. degree from "Trinity College and University" in the U.K. Now, until April 2000, you could find this diploma mill at, after which it vanished from the web. Fortunately, the Wayback Machine web archive ( still contains the old web pages from Trinity College and University.
Note that many legitimate universities have the word "Trinity" in their names. Legitimate Ph.D. degrees granted by such institutions require actual graduate course credits, at least one year of residency at the university itself, and an oral defense of a dissertation in front of a qualified faculty examination committee.
On the other hand, there isn't a legitimate university in the U.S. or the U.K. that will give a person a doctorate based on "lifetime achievement" and the submission of a dissertation by mail, particularly when that person doesn't even live in the same country![/quote]
James Randi fucking [i]rules.[/i] He's got a million bucks ready to go to anyone who can prove any paranormal, supernatural, or occult occurance. Perpetual-motion machines would count, as they go against the laws of nature. Nobody's been able to prove anything yet...
As for ether, it was pretty much disproved a few decades ago, wasn't it? Nobody today seriously believes in such nonsense.