pinback wrote: Wed Jul 21, 2021 2:41 pm
The only arcade games I can think of I would play intentionally now, other than to make sure they were working, are Asteroids(/Deluxe), Robotron, Defender(/Stargate), Galaga, and Pac-Man/Ms./Jr.
I don't own any of them, but if I did, that would be my answer. All other CADES are terrible compared to those. Change my mind.
Donkey Kong is a good challenge. But lemme go down my list because you're right, I don't have all my games for the gameplay. I'll go mentally around the ones I've got.
X-Men: Well, at the moment the monitor is blown so it's not a good example. But this is in my garage until December 1st 2022 and only then because it is fun for people that do not have access to thousands of games to play beat 'em ups. So for this Pinback is RIGHT.
Food Fight: Now that I have fixed the joystick, it's actually really fun but it's a novelty. It's a game that is unique (or is it? Did they make another one like this?) where the joystick will let you direct thrown food if you move it a little. And it has the best side art ever. Gameplay is fine and it only works as an arcade game, but I'll give him it. Pinback 2-0.
Robotron and Asteroids were mentioned - they have gameplay that still holds up.
Q*bert: Oh man. I dunno. Pinback may be right. I have this game because the diagonal joystick makes it unique and when I was 12 I was obsessed with Q*bert.
Defender: As noted, the gameplay still holds up.
Polybius: Not here for the gameplay. PINBACK 3-0.
Tron Legacy pinball - well, pinball was beyond the scope. We're talking arcade games!
Mr. Do!: Mine is broken BUT it is in my arcade at the moment for the gameplay. Its gameplay is just as good as Defender and Asteroids and so forth. Pinback 3-1. The cabs and controls and such are nothing special.
Wizard of Wor: A novelty that I have because it is a nice cab for two players at once. Pinback 4-1.
Zoo Keeper: Aggggggggggggggggggggggggggg I think it's good on gameplay alone. I'll go that route. 4-2.
Elevator Action: I own this because I was into it as a kid. Pinback 5-2.
The JAMMA cab with an ArPiCade is there because it's an interesting tech demo. Pinback 6-2.
Mappy: It's there because it has that giant marquee and I like that fat fuck Mappy the security guard. Gameplay is fine but nothing special. I wouldn't marathon it. Pinback 7-2.
Tempest: If Tempest wasn't a color vector, I admit I would not own it. And I love Tempest. 8-2.
Ms. Pac-Man - as noted. There for gameplay.
Warlords: It's a party game. Pinback 9-2.
Crystal Castles: It's my first. Pinback 10-2.
Missile Command: I'd be willing to argue that the gameplay of Missile Command is rich enough that it qualifies as one played just for gameplay purposes in 2021. 10-3.
So I think that Zoo Keeper (ONLY because of the jumping for points mechanic) and Mr. Do! are genuinely good gameplay games, and my Mr. Do! doesn't fully work. I guess Q*bert is debatable. Pinback's larger point I agree with. Most of the arcade games I have are there for when people come over and to make me mad when they don't work when I start them.