by Tdarcos » Sun Aug 15, 2021 11:27 am
Back when I was in my wheelchair, I had serious, agonizing pain. My right knee would be in pain when I was sitting, and it would build up, and build up, and build up, and then BOOM! One lightning bolt of severe pain, at which point I had a short period of "amnesty" where it would stop hurting for a short while. When I wanted to lie down, I would have to wait "while it gets worse before it gets better." I knew I couldn't dare trying to get into bed until after it had "popped."
Eventually, I go to my doctor, to tell him about the problem. I said that I needed something for the pain, and, if all else fails, calcium cyanide. He smiled (i.e. he understood I was kidding), then recommended glucosamine chondroitin. So, I started taking it, two tablets twice daily. It was a very short period of time - less than a week and probably within a couple of days, IIRC - after I started that the pain completely stopped. Just like when I started eating a banana every day that I stopped having leg cramps.
I can't recommend glucosamine chondroitin highly enough. Try it, you've got nothing to lose but your knee pain. It ain't expensive, a 150 tablet bottle is about $27. If it doesn't work for you, it's not a lot of money.
Back when I was in my wheelchair, I had serious, agonizing pain. My right knee would be in pain when I was sitting, and it would build up, and build up, and build up, and then BOOM! One lightning bolt of severe pain, at which point I had a short period of "amnesty" where it would stop hurting for a short while. When I wanted to lie down, I would have to wait "while it gets worse before it gets better." I knew I couldn't dare trying to get into bed until after it had "popped."
Eventually, I go to my doctor, to tell him about the problem. I said that I needed something for the pain, and, if all else fails, calcium cyanide. He smiled (i.e. he understood I was kidding), then recommended glucosamine chondroitin. So, I started taking it, two tablets twice daily. It was a very short period of time - less than a week and probably within a couple of days, IIRC - after I started that the pain completely stopped. Just like when I started eating a banana every day that I stopped having leg cramps.
I can't recommend glucosamine chondroitin highly enough. Try it, you've got nothing to lose but your knee pain. It ain't expensive, a 150 tablet bottle is about $27. If it doesn't work for you, it's not a lot of money.