Kenyan Sand Boa Long Term Review:
Ok, maybe I got the wrong snake. My idea was that I wanted a snake again, wanted something more unique than a garter or corn snake, but didn't want to be another one of those guys who selfishly gets a snake that will end up being 12 feet and killing alligators.
So I got a Kenyan Sand Boa because he'll never get longer than 18 - 24 inches. I had read about the fact that these guys can go a year without eating in the wild so gotta be pretty easy to take care of, right?
Yes. This thing isn't just lazy it's fucking inert. Left to it's own devices it will literally spend 99% of it's time just sitting there, usually half in and half out of the sand. The only thing that gets it moving is . . . carpet. Toss him down on some thick carpet and he'll spend all day trying to burrow into it, ha ha sucker it's carpet.
About 6 months ago I was hopeful about him growing faster so I bought a box of fuzzies (step up from Pinkies). He's still on pinkies though he gets two per feeding, about a week and a half apart. Today he's about to molt which is why he's all grey and cloudy, hopefully he'll emerge a little bigger.
I mean, it's kinda fun to hold him, sometimes he moves to different parts of the cage for awhile. Every once in a while I catch him drinking water. Overall, a KSB is more like a plant or a hobby than a pet.