Fast food bullshit

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Re: Fast food bullshit

by Jizaboz » Mon Jun 17, 2024 2:13 am

Today my local Burger King actually did a decent job making the burger I created back when I worked there @19 years old. It used to be a Double Whopper with 4 pieces each of cheese (2 per patty) and bacon which got stupid expensive even 4 years ago. Now, you can just order a "Double Bacon King" and add my choice of condiments; light mayo (BK be using too much mayo), pickles, onions, ketchup. I described this burger to a twitter friend in Japan a while back. Gave him the recipe so that he could attempt to order one at his local BK in Japan! It kinda-sorta worked out for him and he showed me the result and receipt.

Today I finally posted mine. He seems very impressed by the USA version! Crazy though I realized him and I originally had this conversation 4 fucking years ago and he dug it up to quote for context.

This is why I stay on X/Twitter. Japanese people know how to fucking use it. ... 64oU_CO8mQ

In my opinion this is the best burger you can order if you are fucking starving and willing to spend a little over 8 bucks and some change for a burger from BK. It is also of my opinion that unless you burn 200k calories a day you should only eat one of these max per year if you are over 25 years old lol

Re: Fast food bullshit

by Tdarcos » Mon Nov 29, 2021 9:37 am

Flack wrote: Thu Nov 25, 2021 6:39 am
Tdarcos wrote: Thu Nov 25, 2021 3:13 am Why does this remind me of Lou Bega singing out a listing of all the women he's been with in Mambo Number Five?
Because every post reminds you of a peripherally related (if at all) song lyric.
Please don't say that, because...
"We can't go on together, with suspicious minds.
And we can't build our dreams, on suspicion minds."

Re: Fast food bullshit

by Flack » Thu Nov 25, 2021 6:39 am

Tdarcos wrote: Thu Nov 25, 2021 3:13 am Why does this remind me of Lou Bega singing out a listing of all the women he's been with in Mambo Number Five?
Because every post reminds you of a peripherally related (if at all) song lyric.

Re: Fast food bullshit

by Tdarcos » Thu Nov 25, 2021 3:13 am

Jizaboz wrote: Wed Nov 24, 2021 7:41 pm cheap ass steak, rice, nacho sauce, chipotle sauce, a little bit of sour cream, bits of red crispy things, and more cheese.
Why does this remind me of Lou Bega singing out a listing of all the women he's been with in Mambo Number Five?
A little bit of cheap ass steak in my life
A little bit of sour cream by my side
A little bit of crispy things are all I need
A little bit of rice is what I see
A little bit of chipoltle sauce in the sun...

Re: Fast food bullshit

by Jizaboz » Wed Nov 24, 2021 7:41 pm

Taco Bell Double Steak Grilled Cheese Burrito


Note: Pictured is the "spicy" version where they add jalepenos to the outer cheese. I did not get this version.. and opted to use a couple of "Diablo Sauce" packets instead.

This actually turned out to not completely be BS! Taco Bell has been running a commercial for this thing almost non-stop lately featuring 2 Asian dudes dressed up like orcs for some reason. I guess the propaganda got to me, so I decided to give it a try today.

It was surprisingly good and tasted exactly like I expected it to after reading the ingredients; cheap ass steak, rice, nacho sauce, chipotle sauce, a little bit of sour cream, bits of red crispy things, and more cheese. This thing is huge too and well worth the 5.99 as far as filling you up. I shared some and still got super full eating 3/4s of it and a taco.

Did ZERO trauma to my stomach, which says a fuck ton for any fast food item. Not even gas. Today all I had to eat was a granola bar before doing 2 or so hours of moving leaves around. Was totally starving by the time I got to Taco Bell.. and part of me was questioning if this was a good idea. It was! I could see how perhaps a sloppy Taco Bell might fuck up the portions and such though so I would recommend doing like I did and eating it there instead of to go. If anything, so that the crispy bits will still be crispy or you can walk it back to the counter for a re-do if they massacre it.

OH Btw Casual Observer dude.. I noticed my local Hardees at this time only has the "Big and hot ham and cheese" buuut I'm pretty sure the one in or near Richlands, NC which I pass thru on the way to my beach place still has this item as well as on-the-bone fried chicken. I've been meaning to stop in there to relive the fried chicken from the late 80s/early 90s for years. It's rare you find a Hardees still serving it but it happens in communities that lack other chicken joints like KFC, Bojangles, Church's, etc.

Re: Fast food bullshit

by Jizaboz » Thu Sep 30, 2021 12:11 am

Little Ceaser’s Crazy Calzone. Oh helllll naw. It’s like the monster from Terror Vision with 4 arms.

Re: Fast food bullshit

by Jizaboz » Tue Aug 31, 2021 12:21 am

Detroit pizza from Pizza Hut. If this is in any way representing real pizza from Detroit then I have yet another reason to never go there.


Re: Fast food bullshit

by AArdvark » Tue Sep 15, 2020 3:09 am

He doesnt want a cup of motor oil and white paint, he wants a picture of a roast beast sammich from Hardees. Guy's not gonna try and eat the picture, is he?

Re: Fast food bullshit

by Tdarcos » Tue Sep 15, 2020 3:01 am

Casual Observer wrote: Mon Sep 14, 2020 9:12 pm
Tdarcos wrote: Sun Sep 13, 2020 6:58 am
Casual Observer wrote: Sun Sep 13, 2020 3:02 am Jiz, can you post a pic of a Hardees roast beef sandwich please? I miss Hardees terribly ever since i left Chesterfield SC.
You asked Jiz, but I can do it. Here it is, food porn, straight off their website:
I may be getting old but i don't remember any roast beef sandwich looking like this ever from anywhere.
Well of couse you didn't, I said it was "food porn." It's simulated food to make it look good. Now, federal law requires the food actually being advertised to be real, but not to anything accompanying it. And you would not like the food they're photographing.
It might be sprayed with hair spray to get it to set just right.
In the case of a cereal ad, the "milk" being poured over it is probably watered down Elmer's Glue.
A donut and coffee? If the donut is what's being advertised, it must be real, but the "coffee" might be 10W40 or Mobil One synthetic motor oil to get the most photogenic black coffee. If it's advertising a coffee and donut, then the coffee also has to be real, but the "cream" in the coffee might be off-white paint.

Food being photographed for advertisements is anything but realistic.

Re: Fast food bullshit

by Casual Observer » Mon Sep 14, 2020 9:12 pm

Tdarcos wrote: Sun Sep 13, 2020 6:58 am
Casual Observer wrote: Sun Sep 13, 2020 3:02 am Jiz, can you post a pic of a Hardees roast beef sandwich please? I miss Hardees terribly ever since i left Chesterfield SC.
You asked Jiz, but I can do it. Here it is, food porn, straight off their website:

Image /big-roast-beef
I may be getting old but i don't remember any roast beef sandwich looking like this ever from anywhere.

Jiz, when you get a Hardees roast beef could you please post a real pic so i can relive old times?

Re: Fast food bullshit

by pinback » Mon Sep 14, 2020 1:38 pm

Perhaps you told the story poorly.

Re: Fast food bullshit

by Jizaboz » Mon Sep 14, 2020 12:22 pm

Nah man what is obnoxious here is waiting 10 minutes to place a fucking order when there were only 2 cars in front of you.

Also, I did not yell! I just spoke in a normal, plain and clear drive-thru voice. Maybe that annoyed her more!

Re: Fast food bullshit

by pinback » Mon Sep 14, 2020 5:17 am

Holy crap, look at the picture that comes up when you search "obnoxious definition" on Google: ... definition

You can almost hear him yelling at the drive-through lady.

Re: Fast food bullshit

by pinback » Mon Sep 14, 2020 5:15 am


Re: Fast food bullshit

by Jizaboz » Sun Sep 13, 2020 6:36 pm

I may pick up a real one this week! I used to like the hot ham and Swiss from Hardee’s too.

Also, I have sworn off my local Arby’s for a while. Not because of the food, but because of the complete idiots working there.

About a ago month I went, waited nearly 10 minutes for the lady in front of me to even be asked for her order.

My turn. I pull up and count to 120. Then, I say “Hey. Get ready here comes my order. 2 French dip sandwiches. That’s all.”

“Sir please hold on”

“Nope. You aren’t doing that to me. I saw how you did the lady in front of me. Now listen..”

The whole time the bitch is trying to talk over me. Bitch can talk over me but not punch 2 sandwiches in?

“Are you done? Trust me, this is really simple..”

“Sir you are gonna..”

“Yeah, yeah whatever. Haha BYE!”

And she got a complimentary honk along with the middle finger! LoL

Re: Fast food bullshit

by Tdarcos » Sun Sep 13, 2020 6:58 am

Casual Observer wrote: Sun Sep 13, 2020 3:02 am Jiz, can you post a pic of a Hardees roast beef sandwich please? I miss Hardees terribly ever since i left Chesterfield SC.
You asked Jiz, but I can do it. Here it is, food porn, straight off their website:

Image /big-roast-beef

Re: Fast food bullshit

by Casual Observer » Sun Sep 13, 2020 3:02 am

Jizaboz wrote: Mon Mar 02, 2020 7:15 pm Example #7: Hardees Big Fried Cheese Angus Thickburger

Image ... d-hardees/

I'm pretty sure if you eat this you won't shit for 2 days, have a heart attack, or both.
Jiz, can you post a pic of a Hardees roast beef sandwich please? I miss Hardees terribly ever since i left Chesterfield SC.

Re: Fast food bullshit

by Flack » Sat Sep 12, 2020 8:16 pm

Tdarcos wrote: Sat Sep 12, 2020 8:13 pm 4. Any technology using a compiler released in 1991 is probably too old to be useful. Who would be using programs written using 30-year-old technology? It wouldn't be able to handle current developments (check cards, internet-based queries, on-line bill paying, etc.) And I don't know that I'd trust something that old for any current-day developments.
One Ancient Commodore Amiga Runs the Heat and AC for 19 Public Schools ... hool-heat/

Re: Fast food bullshit

by Tdarcos » Sat Sep 12, 2020 8:13 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Sat Sep 12, 2020 12:27 pm Agreed. The Commander also believes anything written in Version 4 Release 2 of the IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS.
I will be damned. You got it on the nose; I had to look it up. There really is a version 4.2 of Cobol for z/OS. (And you even knew the z is lower case.)

However, there are four things wrong with your statement.
1. I never used Cobol version 4 release 2 as I never used z/OS.
2. I moved on to PCs before the initial copyright date of the V4R2 manual, 1991 and subsequent update in 2009.
3. The current release of IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS is version 6 release 3, dated July 31, 2020.
4. Any technology using a compiler released in 1991 is probably too old to be useful. Who would be using programs written using 30-year-old technology? It wouldn't be able to handle current developments (check cards, internet-based queries, on-line bill paying, etc.) And I don't know that I'd trust something that old for any current-day developments.

Re: Fast food bullshit

by Billy Mays » Sat Sep 12, 2020 5:23 pm

Tdarcos wrote: Sat Sep 12, 2020 12:22 pm
Billy Mays wrote: Thu Sep 10, 2020 9:18 pm
Tdarcos wrote: Thu Sep 10, 2020 12:39 pmI will never believe anything you say...
You don't believe anything anyone says unless it was something written in an Ayn Rand novel
This is both untrue and a gross overgeneralization.
You set up a thread to argue the events of someone else's life you fat shit! ... 10&t=10704
