by Tdarcos » Wed Nov 10, 2021 9:27 am
Flack wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:42 amGrandy's is a fast food chain that sells home cookin' (fried chicken, chicken fried steak, and ribs) with veggies on the side.
AKA "comfort food." Or, "the number 1 cause of arteriosclerosis and obesity in America."
Flack wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:42 amIf anything, they are known for their fresh dinner rolls, delicious cinnamon rolls, and copious amounts of white gravy.
Also comfort food. And, "the number 2 cause of arteriosclerosis and obesity in America."
Flack wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:42 amAt one time there were more than 200 Grandy's locations, although Wikipedia says they're down to around 20.
The craze by the public to move to less-lethal food stunted their growth, and starved them out.
Flack wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:42 amThe Grandy's I worked at was located just off the interstate, right behind a Love's convenience store/truck stop.
Ahh, truck stops. Since they generally sell rib-sticking heavy meals to (mostly) men who are seated at "a desk" all day (granted, the "desk" has a steering wheel and moves hundreds of miles a day, potentially all over the country) in an essentially sedentary position, truck stops are, "the number 3 cause of arteriosclerosis and obesity in America."
Flack wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:42 amAlthough the restaurant was only a few miles from my home, it was in another school district, which meant I didn't previously know anyone who worked there.
I guess these people were fortunate enough not to know you when you were in school.
Flack wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:42 amEssentially everyone who worked there had some sort of weird back story or quirk. It was a total band of misfits.
As are most restaurants hiring unskilled people. It takes discipline to be able to get up and go to work every day, the discomfort of doing so is somewhat salved by the ointment of getting paid, and when they see how little ointment they receive, they will usually decide, as soon as they can get a better job, they're moving out of this hellhole.
Flack wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:42 amManagers were salary employees who were scheduled every week to work 55 hours (and frequently worked more than that), which meant if you figured up their hourly rate, we (the teenagers) were making more per hour than they were.
And in most cases their employer is violating federal wage law. To classify someone as exempt from overtime pay, they must be paid at least $684 a week. Were they paying you guys at least $684 a week? I'm sure you weren't, which means it is a serious violation of federal law if they're paying exempt employees less than those working on hourly wage rates. That's why they hire 20-year-olds, they're too uninformed about their rights under labor laws.
There are many, many cases of companies pulling stunts to illegally underpay people. Amazon was ordered to repay over $60 million in tips illegally withheld from delivery drivers. Walmarrt, well, they've done so many execrable things to employees that people have written books about it, but let's just mention locking the cleaning crews in at night so they couldn't leave. And deliberately paying people so little they encouraged them to apply for welfare benefits, medicaid, and food stamps (now called SNAP). Which they would qualify for.
Why do you think fast-food places typically have upwards of 150% turnover a year? They're training factories. They hire young, unskilled people and overwork them, so, once the person has 3-6 months of job experience, they can now work at a (sane) place that pays decently but requires prior work experience. These places end up spending more money because people don't stay in low-paying jobs very long, which means they probably have higher costs due to high staff turnover.
Keeping employees longer by paying them better always results in a lower cost because you don't have to have managers spending extra time interviewing and training people. But since they don't care - or don't know - that they're violating labor laws by classifying non-exempt people as exempt from overtime, they don't care if they underpay and overwork everyone else.
Calling someone a manager, having them manage others, or even run a store does not make a person an exempt employee. Regardless of title, job duties, or responsibility, they cannot be classified as exempt unless they are paid not less than $684 a week. Full stop.
Flack wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:42 amThe management trainees were just as odd as everyone else.
What do you expect, sanity? They're stupid enough to take management roles at a place paying less than the hourly employees, and paying managers amounts so low they violate federal law..
Flack wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:42 amThe way Grandy's is laid out is that there are cooks in the back who fill metal trays with fresh food and send them through a small chute to the front of the restaurant.
They're operating by following "the standard rules for mastubation," (or maintenance, or most dirty jobs). Point 1: Hide the appearance of the equipment (and the person [or employyee] involved in the process) so as not to frighten the public. Point 2: get what you need to do done, and then stop. Point 3: Clean up after yourself when you're finished playing around.
Flack wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:42 amI started as counter help but eventually moved to the kitchen.
Oh, they demoted you? You must have really screwed the pooch somehow, but not enough to get fired.
Flack wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:42 amThe kitchen was great because customers could barely see into the kitchen, and we could barely see what was going on in the dining room.
Agqain, strict adherance to Point 1 of the standard rules for masturbation.
Flack wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:42 am
Grandy's was pretty stingy about employees eating free food, but the only people in the kitchen were two teenage cooks.
Another reason people hate their employer, they're badly underpaid as it is, and the company doesn't even care enough to give them the wholeasle cost of a meal. And they wonder why, when times are good and there's a labor shortage, people won't put up with shit wages.
Flack wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:42 am
We had access to all the food and were constantly making (and inventing) tasty treats to eat.
In places where you guys being allowed to openly have a free meal, you'd be able to admit what you made, and if it's something useful, the employer might have ideas for new things to try. But all that creativity is lost when you're bootlegging meals. And if the employer didn't know you guys would bootleg meals, they're even stupider than the people willing to work for what they paid.
Flack wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:42 am
There were two daytime cooks, both in their 30s, who would show up around closing time with beer for all the minors to drink in the parking lot.
And that's another example of stupidity, wasting good alhohol like that. You're only supposed to give alcohol to minors when they're cute 16-year-old girls you're tying to pick up. (This is legal in 30 states and the District of Columbia, that is, picking up 16-year-old girls for the obvious reason. Giving them alcohol is not, however.)
Flack wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:42 amOne of my friends tried to make wine in the roll proofer by putting fruit, yeast, and hot water in a sealed bucket and leaving it there for a week.
Getting practice for his future application of that skill in prison?
Flack wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:42 amOne of the employees would make fake name tags because he didn't want customers to know his true identity.
Same guy as the trainee wine maker? Practicing making fake IDs for his future ocupation?
Flack wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:42 am There was a loose ground in the store's outdoor neon lights that caused the water in the sinks to shock you after dark.
Did anyone tell the employer about this? If they were informed about the danger, then failed to fix it, I'm sure that violates either a state law or OSHA regulation. They don't fool arounf on that; egregious health or safety violations can get the employer fined $10,000 a day until corrected. Or shut down until it's fixed.
Flack wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:42 amOne of the employees started dating a crack whore and would sit in his car facing the drive-thru window and make out with her so that all of us were forced to watch.
This was clearly her fault. Everyone knows you never have sex with someone crazier than yourself. She has to sell her body because she's addicted to an expensive substance. What's his excuse working for a place obviously underpaying people,
except rank insanity? She should have realized this.
Flack wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:42 amOne of the management trainees was legit homeless, living in a camper on the back of his pickup which, for the most part, stayed in our parking lot.
He wasn't homeless, just "living in non-traditional housing." He had a bed to sleep on, inside a room behind a locked door, had a very short commute to work, and no rent to pay. Perhaps he was saving to raise the money to move somewhere. Perhaps he liked this arrangement. I've been homeless, and I still had to pay them for room and board; what he had is consideably better than the truly bad stuff, as was what I put up with.
Flack wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:42 amOne of the management trainees was named Michael Butts. Of course, we always called him Butts.
Well, he identifies himself as "my cold butts," he's like a baker with a broken oven: he has trouble keeping his buns warm. Did you guys call him "Butts" because he sat on his ass all day?
Flack wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:42 amButts was probably in his late 20s, which seemed really old to us. He was probably 5'6" with dusty blonde hair. He was big into karate and was always talking about Bruce Lee. He was a nice guy and not a great manager.
So, in other words, while Butts sat on his ass all day, he didn't act like one?
Flack wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:42 amAround the same time Butts and a few other new managers showed up we got another new employee -- Jennifer Love.
When she walked in the room, Donovan's song
Wear Your Love Like Heaven should play.
Flack wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:42 amJennifer Love was the daughter of Mr. Love, the guy who owned Love's convivence stores. Before Ms. Love showed up, the management team sat us down and gave us a serious lecture. Turns out, our restaurant was actually a franchise, owned by the Loves (who were multi-millionaires). We were instructed to be on our best behavior any time she was in the building.
Translation. "Don't try to hit on the Boss' daughter."
Flack wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:42 amWe in the kitchen weren't too worried about her arrival.
Oh, not very attractive amd/or acted like an entitled bitch, i.e. her first name should have been 'Karen'? So, since the manager wasn't there, she wouldn't be going there to complain?
Flack wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:42 amThe floor of the kitchen was covered in grease making it slippery even when wearing good tennis shoes, and impossible for someone in high heels (which Jennifer wore) to traverse.
Clearly, your county was woefully deficient in doing inspections. Having a place where the risk of a slip hazard is high is an unsafe workplace waiting for an injury or worse, and a big lawsuit or Worker's Comp claim. An inspector, if they knew everything wrong there, would shut that place down
in seconds.
Flack wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:42 amthis was the closest I ever got to getting fired from Grandy's. Oh, and the time I showed up hung over, got assigned to work drive-thru, and puked multiple times out the drive-thru windows between customers. That was a close one, too.
Probably because you didn't throw up
on the customers, you were being polite to them. Actually, this is where Pinback has it wrong: People do not routinely have projectile vomiting from
eating Jack-in-the-Box, food. People develop projectile vomiting by
working at Jack-in-the-Box.
Flack wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:42 amThat Grandy's location eventually closed and became a Mexican restaurant.
Yeah, we know all about your experience and
what's going on at Mexican restaurants.
Flack wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:42 amThat restaurant also closed and was eventually turned into extended semi-truck parking for Love's, which is still there. According to LinkedIn, Jennifer Love is now the "Chief Culture Officer for Love's Travel Stops." She does not mention Grandy's in her work history.
Yeah, because nobody wants to admit they worked in a place that bad.
[quote=Flack post_id=125011 time=1636472576 user_id=840]Grandy's is a fast food chain that sells home cookin' (fried chicken, chicken fried steak, and ribs) with veggies on the side.[/quote]
AKA "comfort food." Or, "the number 1 cause of arteriosclerosis and obesity in America."
[quote=Flack post_id=125011 time=1636472576 user_id=840]If anything, they are known for their fresh dinner rolls, delicious cinnamon rolls, and copious amounts of white gravy.[/quote]
Also comfort food. And, "the number 2 cause of arteriosclerosis and obesity in America."
[quote=Flack post_id=125011 time=1636472576 user_id=840]At one time there were more than 200 Grandy's locations, although Wikipedia says they're down to around 20.[/quote]
The craze by the public to move to less-lethal food stunted their growth, and starved them out.
[quote=Flack post_id=125011 time=1636472576 user_id=840]The Grandy's I worked at was located just off the interstate, right behind a Love's convenience store/truck stop.[/quote]
Ahh, truck stops. Since they generally sell rib-sticking heavy meals to (mostly) men who are seated at "a desk" all day (granted, the "desk" has a steering wheel and moves hundreds of miles a day, potentially all over the country) in an essentially sedentary position, truck stops are, "the number 3 cause of arteriosclerosis and obesity in America."
[quote=Flack post_id=125011 time=1636472576 user_id=840]Although the restaurant was only a few miles from my home, it was in another school district, which meant I didn't previously know anyone who worked there.
I guess these people were fortunate enough not to know you when you were in school.
[quote=Flack post_id=125011 time=1636472576 user_id=840]Essentially everyone who worked there had some sort of weird back story or quirk. It was a total band of misfits.[/quote]
As are most restaurants hiring unskilled people. It takes discipline to be able to get up and go to work every day, the discomfort of doing so is somewhat salved by the ointment of getting paid, and when they see how little ointment they receive, they will usually decide, as soon as they can get a better job, they're moving out of this hellhole.
[quote=Flack post_id=125011 time=1636472576 user_id=840]Managers were salary employees who were scheduled every week to work 55 hours (and frequently worked more than that), which meant if you figured up their hourly rate, we (the teenagers) were making more per hour than they were.[/quote]
And in most cases their employer is violating federal wage law. To classify someone as exempt from overtime pay, they must be paid at least $684 a week. Were they paying you guys at least $684 a week? I'm sure you weren't, which means it is a serious violation of federal law if they're paying exempt employees less than those working on hourly wage rates. That's why they hire 20-year-olds, they're too uninformed about their rights under labor laws.
There are many, many cases of companies pulling stunts to illegally underpay people. Amazon was ordered to repay over $60 million in tips illegally withheld from delivery drivers. Walmarrt, well, they've done so many execrable things to employees that people have written books about it, but let's just mention locking the cleaning crews in at night so they couldn't leave. And deliberately paying people so little they encouraged them to apply for welfare benefits, medicaid, and food stamps (now called SNAP). Which they would qualify for.
Why do you think fast-food places typically have upwards of 150% turnover a year? They're training factories. They hire young, unskilled people and overwork them, so, once the person has 3-6 months of job experience, they can now work at a (sane) place that pays decently but requires prior work experience. These places end up spending more money because people don't stay in low-paying jobs very long, which means they probably have higher costs due to high staff turnover.
Keeping employees longer by paying them better always results in a lower cost because you don't have to have managers spending extra time interviewing and training people. But since they don't care - or don't know - that they're violating labor laws by classifying non-exempt people as exempt from overtime, they don't care if they underpay and overwork everyone else.
Calling someone a manager, having them manage others, or even run a store does not make a person an exempt employee. Regardless of title, job duties, or responsibility, they cannot be classified as exempt unless they are paid not less than $684 a week. Full stop.
[quote=Flack post_id=125011 time=1636472576 user_id=840]The management trainees were just as odd as everyone else. [/quote]
What do you expect, sanity? They're stupid enough to take management roles at a place paying less than the hourly employees, and paying managers amounts so low they violate federal law..
[quote=Flack post_id=125011 time=1636472576 user_id=840]The way Grandy's is laid out is that there are cooks in the back who fill metal trays with fresh food and send them through a small chute to the front of the restaurant.[/quote]
They're operating by following "the standard rules for mastubation," (or maintenance, or most dirty jobs). Point 1: Hide the appearance of the equipment (and the person [or employyee] involved in the process) so as not to frighten the public. Point 2: get what you need to do done, and then stop. Point 3: Clean up after yourself when you're finished playing around.
[quote=Flack post_id=125011 time=1636472576 user_id=840]I started as counter help but eventually moved to the kitchen.[/quote]
Oh, they demoted you? You must have really screwed the pooch somehow, but not enough to get fired.
[quote=Flack post_id=125011 time=1636472576 user_id=840]The kitchen was great because customers could barely see into the kitchen, and we could barely see what was going on in the dining room.[/quote]
Agqain, strict adherance to Point 1 of the standard rules for masturbation.
[quote=Flack post_id=125011 time=1636472576 user_id=840]
Grandy's was pretty stingy about employees eating free food, but the only people in the kitchen were two teenage cooks.[/quote]
Another reason people hate their employer, they're badly underpaid as it is, and the company doesn't even care enough to give them the wholeasle cost of a meal. And they wonder why, when times are good and there's a labor shortage, people won't put up with shit wages.
[quote=Flack post_id=125011 time=1636472576 user_id=840]
We had access to all the food and were constantly making (and inventing) tasty treats to eat.[/quote]
In places where you guys being allowed to openly have a free meal, you'd be able to admit what you made, and if it's something useful, the employer might have ideas for new things to try. But all that creativity is lost when you're bootlegging meals. And if the employer didn't know you guys would bootleg meals, they're even stupider than the people willing to work for what they paid.
[quote=Flack post_id=125011 time=1636472576 user_id=840]
There were two daytime cooks, both in their 30s, who would show up around closing time with beer for all the minors to drink in the parking lot.[/quote]
And that's another example of stupidity, wasting good alhohol like that. You're only supposed to give alcohol to minors when they're cute 16-year-old girls you're tying to pick up. (This is legal in 30 states and the District of Columbia, that is, picking up 16-year-old girls for the obvious reason. Giving them alcohol is not, however.)
[quote=Flack post_id=125011 time=1636472576 user_id=840]One of my friends tried to make wine in the roll proofer by putting fruit, yeast, and hot water in a sealed bucket and leaving it there for a week.[/quote]
Getting practice for his future application of that skill in prison?
[quote=Flack post_id=125011 time=1636472576 user_id=840]One of the employees would make fake name tags because he didn't want customers to know his true identity.
Same guy as the trainee wine maker? Practicing making fake IDs for his future ocupation?
[quote=Flack post_id=125011 time=1636472576 user_id=840] There was a loose ground in the store's outdoor neon lights that caused the water in the sinks to shock you after dark.[/quote]
Did anyone tell the employer about this? If they were informed about the danger, then failed to fix it, I'm sure that violates either a state law or OSHA regulation. They don't fool arounf on that; egregious health or safety violations can get the employer fined $10,000 a day until corrected. Or shut down until it's fixed.
[quote=Flack post_id=125011 time=1636472576 user_id=840]One of the employees started dating a crack whore and would sit in his car facing the drive-thru window and make out with her so that all of us were forced to watch. [/quote]
This was clearly her fault. Everyone knows you never have sex with someone crazier than yourself. She has to sell her body because she's addicted to an expensive substance. What's his excuse working for a place obviously underpaying people, [u]except[/u] rank insanity? She should have realized this.
[quote=Flack post_id=125011 time=1636472576 user_id=840]One of the management trainees was legit homeless, living in a camper on the back of his pickup which, for the most part, stayed in our parking lot.[/quote]
He wasn't homeless, just "living in non-traditional housing." He had a bed to sleep on, inside a room behind a locked door, had a very short commute to work, and no rent to pay. Perhaps he was saving to raise the money to move somewhere. Perhaps he liked this arrangement. I've been homeless, and I still had to pay them for room and board; what he had is consideably better than the truly bad stuff, as was what I put up with.
[quote=Flack post_id=125011 time=1636472576 user_id=840]One of the management trainees was named Michael Butts. Of course, we always called him Butts. [/quote]
Well, he identifies himself as "my cold butts," he's like a baker with a broken oven: he has trouble keeping his buns warm. Did you guys call him "Butts" because he sat on his ass all day?
[quote=Flack post_id=125011 time=1636472576 user_id=840]Butts was probably in his late 20s, which seemed really old to us. He was probably 5'6" with dusty blonde hair. He was big into karate and was always talking about Bruce Lee. He was a nice guy and not a great manager.[/quote]
So, in other words, while Butts sat on his ass all day, he didn't act like one?
[quote=Flack post_id=125011 time=1636472576 user_id=840]Around the same time Butts and a few other new managers showed up we got another new employee -- Jennifer Love.[/quote]
When she walked in the room, Donovan's song [i]Wear Your Love Like Heaven[/i] should play.
[quote=Flack post_id=125011 time=1636472576 user_id=840]Jennifer Love was the daughter of Mr. Love, the guy who owned Love's convivence stores. Before Ms. Love showed up, the management team sat us down and gave us a serious lecture. Turns out, our restaurant was actually a franchise, owned by the Loves (who were multi-millionaires). We were instructed to be on our best behavior any time she was in the building. [/quote]
Translation. "Don't try to hit on the Boss' daughter."
[quote=Flack post_id=125011 time=1636472576 user_id=840]We in the kitchen weren't too worried about her arrival.[/quote]
Oh, not very attractive amd/or acted like an entitled bitch, i.e. her first name should have been 'Karen'? So, since the manager wasn't there, she wouldn't be going there to complain?
[quote=Flack post_id=125011 time=1636472576 user_id=840]The floor of the kitchen was covered in grease making it slippery even when wearing good tennis shoes, and impossible for someone in high heels (which Jennifer wore) to traverse.[/quote]
Clearly, your county was woefully deficient in doing inspections. Having a place where the risk of a slip hazard is high is an unsafe workplace waiting for an injury or worse, and a big lawsuit or Worker's Comp claim. An inspector, if they knew everything wrong there, would shut that place down [i]in seconds.[/i]
[quote=Flack post_id=125011 time=1636472576 user_id=840]this was the closest I ever got to getting fired from Grandy's. Oh, and the time I showed up hung over, got assigned to work drive-thru, and puked multiple times out the drive-thru windows between customers. That was a close one, too.[/quote]
Probably because you didn't throw up [i]on[/i] the customers, you were being polite to them. Actually, this is where Pinback has it wrong: People do not routinely have projectile vomiting from [i]eating[/i] Jack-in-the-Box, food. People develop projectile vomiting by [i]working[/i] at Jack-in-the-Box.
[quote=Flack post_id=125011 time=1636472576 user_id=840]That Grandy's location eventually closed and became a Mexican restaurant.[/quote]
Yeah, we know all about your experience and [url=] what's going on at[/url] Mexican restaurants.
[quote=Flack post_id=125011 time=1636472576 user_id=840]That restaurant also closed and was eventually turned into extended semi-truck parking for Love's, which is still there. According to LinkedIn, Jennifer Love is now the "Chief Culture Officer for Love's Travel Stops." She does not mention Grandy's in her work history.[/quote]
Yeah, because nobody wants to admit they worked in a place that bad.