Boring As Fuck

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Re: Boring As Fuck

by pinback » Mon Jan 03, 2022 5:58 am

Whenever I look at a game on Steam and check the reviews, if it ever says "your friend posted this review", it's always Worm, and he's always (100% of the time) saying how much the game in question sucks.

Re: Boring As Fuck

by Jizaboz » Mon Jan 03, 2022 1:17 am

Worm is still alive and still salty.

(though he may have WAAAAYYY too much soy intake)


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Jan 03, 2022 12:06 am

Worm wrote: Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:33 pm I highly appreciate this post.
Its been almost 10 years since Worm posted.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Jul 28, 2012 9:26 am

A nine paragaph post! ALlrighty, back to bansville. Sorry, man. I can't take these giant posts any longer.

Rollercoaster Story

by Tdarcos » Fri Jul 27, 2012 7:24 pm

Worm wrote:I highly appreciate this post.
If someone really thinks fucking is boring, that tells you something - an awful lot, actually - about what their sex life is like.

I already told my rollercoaster story. Oh wait, it's not here. Maybe it's on Caltrops. Not there either. Okay, here's a story about a woman who thought a rollercoaster was too boring:

My sister and brother went out to Cedar Point Amusement Park, in Ohio, when they went on vacation together on earth. They rode the toughest, strongest roller coaster there. Now, they'd been crossing the country stopping at amusement parks, and had been on many coasters, but the one they had there made them sick. Really sick. Especially my sister. She was so sick, she was in the ladies' room next to the coaster, hunched over a commode, puking her guts out into the toilet.

But the story here is what happened behind her, two women come in, one of them escorting the other who was probably her mother or grandmother, very elderly lady. They both are discussing how they had just ridden the coaster my sister had just gotten off of and was providing the toilet with her opinion of its strength.

I don't remember if this is the right name, but let's call that coaster the Raptor for the sake of argument. Well, anyway, the first woman says to her grandmother, ‘So, did you think I was right about the Raptor?'

‘Yeah, I know. You told me I wouldn't like it, and you were right.'

‘I don't think we're going to want to come back to this amusement park any more in view of the ride we had on the Raptor.'

Her grandmother apparently was in agreement. ‘Yeah, it's not really fun here any more, the rollercoasters here, especially the Raptor, are just too tame. We need to find even more exciting ones. I'm only 85, I'd like to have some excitement in my life instead of these weak coasters they have here.'

After my sister finished emptying her stomach, she - and my brother - spent the rest of the day lying on the beds in their expensive hotel room commiserating how sick that ‘tame' and ‘weak' coaster had made them. In effect, they paid for admission to the park, and a whole day's hotel room rent, to get to ride one roller coaster that made them dreadfully sick. You could say that it was one really expensive coaster ride.

by Worm » Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:33 pm

I highly appreciate this post.

by RetroRomper » Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:27 pm

Haha... URGH!

Boring As Fuck

by pinback » Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:44 pm


Eleven years older.

Sixty pounds heavier.

Still not having any fun on the coasters.

