by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Jan 18, 2022 3:40 pm
Study up, because a quiz is coming. If the denizens of this BBS don't understand the whys of the disaster and more to the point - what they could have done to stop it - then this entire BBS was a failed experiment, like how the Soviet Union was a failed state.
Watch the tv show, watch a documentary, hell, take a motorcycle through ground zero - I DON'T CARE but we will be going around the room and we aren't leaving until we all get 100% on the quiz.
I will require someone to role-play some spent rods.
Study up, because a quiz is coming. If the denizens of this BBS don't understand the whys of the disaster and more to the point - [i]what they could have done to stop it[/i] - then this entire BBS was a failed experiment, like how the Soviet Union was a failed state.
Watch the tv show, watch a documentary, hell, take a motorcycle through ground zero - I DON'T CARE but we will be going around the room and we aren't leaving until we all get 100% on the quiz.
I will require someone to role-play some spent rods.