Dune Spice Wars

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Re: Dune Spice Wars

by Casual Observer » Sat Apr 09, 2022 8:29 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Sat Apr 09, 2022 8:57 am CO, you are either a cheap bitch or stupid as fuck, Christ I'd be embarrassed if everyone thought my broke ass couldn't afford a.single game. Have some FUCKING DIGNITY.

I'm running every one of you off this place. Pinback being around was the only thing keeping you worthless garbage shitheads from getting a dose of reality.
Do you read as poorly as Ben? I said I'd have to pay for it and have paid for a few games. I'm hoping not to have to rent it as well like I have to do with the Xbox. If I pay for a game and it lives on my laptop and it's not an online multiplayer then I want to own it. I never used steam as I really just play mobile, a few Xbox one games, and a very select list on my computer (Dune 2000 and Apple 2e AutoDuel, working on getting Palm SpaceWar going), all I know about it is when it came out a bunch of you guys on Caltrops we're bitching about it. We'll see how it goes.

Do I think any of you never stole games?

Re: Dune Spice Wars

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Apr 09, 2022 8:57 am

CO, you are either a cheap bitch or stupid as fuck, Christ I'd be embarrassed if everyone thought my broke ass couldn't afford a.single game. Have some FUCKING DIGNITY.

I'm running every one of you off this place. Pinback being around was the only thing keeping you worthless garbage shitheads from getting a dose of reality.

Re: Dune Spice Wars

by RealNC » Sat Apr 09, 2022 12:28 am

pinback wrote: Fri Apr 08, 2022 1:06 pm In this thread, emotional infants justify stealing things.
Sharing is caring.

Re: Dune Spice Wars

by Casual Observer » Fri Apr 08, 2022 7:51 pm

psh . . . I just downloaded Last Duel, Panama, The Girl on the Mountain, Panama AND Ravenous. Somebody lock me the fuck up.

Re: Dune Spice Wars

by Casual Observer » Fri Apr 08, 2022 3:40 pm

pinback wrote: Fri Apr 08, 2022 3:37 pm I've been here for seven years.
Pretty sure we saw your bitch tits here more than seven years ago. Search doesn't work though.

Re: Dune Spice Wars

by Casual Observer » Fri Apr 08, 2022 3:38 pm

AArdvark wrote: Fri Apr 08, 2022 3:31 pm Just out of curiosity..I purchased Mafia 2 for my PS3. My PlayStation broke last winter so a few days ago I grabbed the PC version (from someplace) and continued to play it on my desktop. Should I feel guilty?

No you're fine, Pinner is just an asshole.

Re: Dune Spice Wars

by pinback » Fri Apr 08, 2022 3:37 pm

I guess this is my comeuppance after decades of driving people off of this BBS.

RealNC and CO drove me off of here.

I hate this place. Nothing works here. The medications don't work. I've been here for seven years.

I hate this place.

Re: Dune Spice Wars

by AArdvark » Fri Apr 08, 2022 3:31 pm

Just out of curiosity..I purchased Mafia 2 for my PS3. My PlayStation broke last winter so a few days ago I grabbed the PC version (from someplace) and continued to play it on my desktop. Should I feel guilty?


Re: Dune Spice Wars

by pinback » Fri Apr 08, 2022 3:25 pm

I pirated games when I was eight, because I thought that's how you got games. Once I became an adult, I realized oh wait, that's not how adults do things.
Do I think I've paid enough already for entertainment?
This is, of all the really unacceptable things you've polluted this BBS with for the past couple weeks with, probably the worst one.

If you steal Dune: Spice Wars, then no, you have not paid enough.

Try that at your next trip through the drive-thru. "Haven't I paid enough for food?"

Re: Dune Spice Wars

by Casual Observer » Fri Apr 08, 2022 2:49 pm

pinback wrote: Fri Apr 08, 2022 1:06 pm In this thread, emotional infants justify stealing things.

Tdarcos has better takes than this.
Besides the fact that you're a dick, you ignored the statement I made that I would probably switch from Xbox live which is adding no value to steam for this. I currently pay upwards of $700 a month for cable/internet/cell/streamings/vpn/etc. So cheapness isn't really the issue.

Do I think I've paid enough already for entertainment? Fuck yeah. I bought Cannonball Run in VHS for like $35 back then. Then I had to buy it again in dvd. So, yeah, I torrented it and feel great about the transaction. Same goes for music. Why did changing the media require me to pay again for the content?

I stole Windows for years and feel fine about that since now I have to subscribe to Office.

I bought all my Xbox 1 games for like 65 each I think. Why do I have to pay $10/month for Xbox live to play games I bought?

What's surprising is how Pinback has somehow become fucking Moral Oral.

Re: Dune Spice Wars

by pinback » Fri Apr 08, 2022 1:06 pm

In this thread, emotional infants justify stealing things.

Tdarcos has better takes than this.

Re: Dune Spice Wars

by RealNC » Fri Apr 08, 2022 12:54 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Fri Apr 08, 2022 12:31 pm Valve can't
Wrong. They can. It's just a button. Just because they don't doesn't mean they can't. It's in Valve's TOS. You are given permission to access the games you "bought." You don't actually own them. For example, you're not allowed to sell them. If you have physical games (or books, or DVDs, or whatever) you can do whatever the fuck you want with them, because you OWN those copies. If you actually owned them, don't you think you would be able to sell them as used? Or give them away?
The music thing has to do with the cheap ass way Rockstar licensed its music.
I'm pretty sure you own some movies or shows with music licenses that have expired. Should whoever sold them to you be allowed to enter your house and remove the music with you not having a say about it?

Sure, if you buy the game AFTER the licenses of the content have expired, then you don't get that content. But they removed it from people's copies that bought it BEFORE that happened. Retroactively. In what universe is that better than piracy, exactly?

Re: Dune Spice Wars

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Apr 08, 2022 12:31 pm

Valve can't/won't remove a game you paid for and stop you from playing it and downloading it on Steam. "Deadpool" has been yanked from the store a zillion times, but I can install it no matter its status. The 1997 Prey game was a game I had not bought when it was available on Steam, but I later bought a key. The keys still work. Your link that refers to Ubisoft shows them to be a terrible company that does terrible things and you and everyone is correct to shun them. But it's not accurate to say that Valve could one day take his game away.

Forcing updates is VERY BAD and I didn't know Valve did that. There is a workaround if you put in the right search terms on the internet, but the fact that it is a workaround is not acceptable. Skyrim was made to be modded. I don't understand Valve's logic. Save games on text adventures don't work when compiled with new code. This is a war on text! This is a war on reading!

The music thing has to do with the cheap ass way Rockstar licensed its music. God forbid these publishers pay a little more and get a license for their game forever. I recall the TV show "WKRP in Cincinnati" having the same issues and I don't get it. I mean, I do get it, capitalism turns people into disgusting creatures drowning the other hobbits so they can stare at gold rings a little longer. I've seen it the other way and approached people about licensing music and a couple have tried to pull that expiration thing and set some period of time where I could use the song and I responded with a polite "No thanks" and left it, and I am just some guy. Rockstar is making more than enough money to pay for a license in perpetuity, they are just too cheap to do so. That is a condition you accept when getting one of their GTA games.

None of this applies to CO getting a copy of the new Dune game. The publisher will forget about it two weeks after the game is released, the studio will fire most of its staff three weeks later and nobody will ever touch the thing again. If he buys it on Steam and has to reinstall his operating system at one point, Steam will be there to let him re-download it. 5 years from now if he needs to put it on a new computer there, the odds are that Steam will be the best and most reliable way for him to do it.

If he goes to pirate sites, well, good luck, I warned him but he can obviously do what he wants. And if he just wants to not pay them the $25 or whatever, then all of this is moot. If we are going to ignore the fact that Steam will keep the game patched then every time he wants to update the game he has to go to the Pirate Bay or Usenet or something to get an update. And then you are hoping what you get doesn't have a rootkit or a Bitcoin miner. CO, if you get a Steam account and buy a game I'll send you 5 keys to random games that I have laying around. (I think Valve demands that you buy something before you can use keys........ I think, who knows what they have changed.)

Re: Dune Spice Wars

by RealNC » Fri Apr 08, 2022 11:47 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Fri Apr 08, 2022 8:07 am If a game is removed from sale on Steam, you can still download it if you bought it.
Unless it's removed from your library of the online store. Like: https://www.techspot.com/news/92761-ubi ... -gdpr.html

Or the game is forcefully changed with content removed. Like: https://www.polygon.com/2018/4/27/17292 ... list-patch

On the other hand, nobody can delete your pirated games or game installers you downloaded from GOG, nor remove the content you got with the game. Imagine if you bought a book, then a couple years later someone forces their way into your house, grabs the book, rips some pages out and tells you to go fuck yourself.

You can set games to not update.
You can't. You used to be able to, but Valve got rid of that. Now updates are forced.

You can also start games outside of Steam.
Not if they use Steamworks DRM. Trying to start a game outside Steam will just start Steam first.

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Fri Apr 08, 2022 7:29 am None of this is true.
All of it it true :mrgreen:

Re: Dune Spice Wars

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Apr 08, 2022 9:04 am

It's possible Valve changed something about updates (but not removing games, they don't do that) but to be honest I have read more dog shit takes on this BBS in the last two weeks than in the previous 30 years so you guys need to thank those of us showing superhuman restraint.

Re: Dune Spice Wars

by pinback » Fri Apr 08, 2022 9:03 am

RealNC wrote: Fri Apr 08, 2022 6:42 am
pinback wrote: Fri Apr 08, 2022 6:30 am He doesn't have a choice!!! He's forced to pirate it!!!!!!

What a goddamn child.
The fuck are you talking about.
CO literally said he "won't have a choice" but to pirate this game he's all psyched about, because you're all goddamn children.

Re: Dune Spice Wars

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Apr 08, 2022 8:07 am

If a game is removed from sale on Steam, you can still download it if you bought it.

You can set games to not update.

You can also start games outside of Steam.

Steam does default to updates, which is what CO will want for his Dune game, so he gets patches. You guys are telling him to go unpatched or go to warez sites for patches, I guess?

Insanity. I warezed as much as anyone 15 years ago. Steam removed that from being necessary.

Re: Dune Spice Wars

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Apr 08, 2022 7:29 am

RealNC wrote: Fri Apr 08, 2022 2:03 am
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:29 pm Just get a Steam account. It is much, much easier to pay for the games and play them on Steam than to pirate them.
Not anymore. Valve fucked it. In the past, I could ignore "updates" to games and instead play the version I have. Now, it will force an update, breaking my mods or removing content I paid for or making it impossible to tweak game settings the way I want.I installed the pirated versions of some games even though I have them on Steam.

The pirated version of some games is the superior one now. The only digital store for games right now that is truly better than piracy is GOG. In fact, it's the only store where you can actually buy games. Steam and all the others only allow you to rent games. They claim they "sell" games, but they don't. They can take them away from you any time they wish. You don't own shit.
None of this is true.

Re: Dune Spice Wars

by RealNC » Fri Apr 08, 2022 6:42 am

pinback wrote: Fri Apr 08, 2022 6:30 am He doesn't have a choice!!! He's forced to pirate it!!!!!!

What a goddamn child.
The fuck are you talking about.

Re: Dune Spice Wars

by pinback » Fri Apr 08, 2022 6:30 am

He doesn't have a choice!!! He's forced to pirate it!!!!!!

What a goddamn child.
