Being back here SERIOUSLY makes me want to open a Telnet BBS

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Re: Being back here SERIOUSLY makes me want to open a Telnet BBS

by The REAL Real Man » Thu Jan 26, 2023 8:55 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Thu Jan 26, 2023 7:12 pm No joke, if you start running warez I'll die and have kittens.
Well then, I guess that bulge at your midriff wasn't caused by kittens. Meow!

I'm still warez-ing, sort of, which for me means playing games I have been trying to get around to for 20 years and haven't.

I brought the PS2 home. Power switch feels a little strange, and I'm hoping there isn't some rubber thing that's worn to the point that turning it on will burn my house down. I can't try it out because I'm waiting on a power supply for the monitor I has that does VGA. I suppose it wouldn't be the worst idea to open it up and poke around a bit to see if everything looks kosher on the inside before powering it up.

I have an old Zenith 386 laptop in storage that I tried plugging in the other day. There are two lights...

Wait, I should start a new thread about old computers. I'll do that.


Re: Being back here SERIOUSLY makes me want to open a Telnet BBS

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Jan 26, 2023 7:20 pm

Re: Being back here SERIOUSLY makes me want to open a Telnet BBS

by bryanb » Thu Jan 26, 2023 7:17 pm

There are specialized BBS telnet clients that will provide a better experience for viewing ANSI art. I use SyncTERM personally.

Re: Being back here SERIOUSLY makes me want to open a Telnet BBS

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Jan 26, 2023 7:13 pm

AArdvark wrote: Thu Jan 26, 2023 6:47 pm I got on with my phone but it's totally useless as the ansi menu is garbled. Have to get on the desktop and try again, or better, my old laptop
What telnet app are ya running? I'm doing Terminus but I've not tried the Den of Iniquity.

Re: Being back here SERIOUSLY makes me want to open a Telnet BBS

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Jan 26, 2023 7:12 pm

The REAL Real Man wrote: Thu Jan 26, 2023 6:31 pm PS, tried telenetting into the BBS and could not even manage to read messages. My mouse didn't work. Man, am I rusty. Still, this hasn't stopped me from bringing my PS/2 Model 30-286 home from storage. Heh hah heh, as my friend Jonsey would say,
There's flash cart and card solutions now! Well, there is for the PCjr. I assume 286s as well.

It sounds like you might need a source of 286 era warez?

No joke, if you start running warez I'll die and have kittens.

Re: Being back here SERIOUSLY makes me want to open a Telnet BBS

by AArdvark » Thu Jan 26, 2023 6:47 pm

I got on with my phone but it's totally useless as the ansi menu is garbled. Have to get on the desktop and try again, or better, my old laptop

Re: Being back here SERIOUSLY makes me want to open a Telnet BBS

by The REAL Real Man » Thu Jan 26, 2023 6:31 pm

PS, tried telenetting into the BBS and could not even manage to read messages. My mouse didn't work. Man, am I rusty. Still, this hasn't stopped me from bringing my PS/2 Model 30-286 home from storage. Heh hah heh, as my friend Jonsey would say,

Re: Being back here SERIOUSLY makes me want to open a Telnet BBS

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Jan 25, 2023 3:15 pm

Bugs wrote: Wed Jan 25, 2023 2:51 pm I miss playing TradeWars 2002.
Bugs AND TRM????

I've never felt so blessed.

Re: Being back here SERIOUSLY makes me want to open a Telnet BBS

by Bugs » Wed Jan 25, 2023 2:51 pm

I miss playing TradeWars 2002.

Re: Being back here SERIOUSLY makes me want to open a Telnet BBS

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Jan 25, 2023 6:42 am

I think it's telnet, port 23, to - I'll try that this morning.

Re: Being back here SERIOUSLY makes me want to open a Telnet BBS

by The REAL Real Man » Tue Jan 24, 2023 5:36 pm

Having trouble reaching your telnet BBS, Jonsey, but I might be using the wrong address.

Re: Being back here SERIOUSLY makes me want to open a Telnet BBS

by The REAL Real Man » Tue Jan 24, 2023 5:27 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Tue Jan 24, 2023 2:33 pm but at least you won't ever have to worry again about getting hacked and having your computers compromised. It's like when our neighbor burned his house down this summer. I no longer live in a state of anxiousness about my closest neighbor burning his house down.
This is... not reassuring.
I pay a company called Linode $20 a month to run a telnet BBS
Well, that seems sensible; they have $5 plans and it's not like I need anything hugely sophisticated. Of course, it denies one the 80s ideal of getting out of bed in your underwear, turning and planting your feet on the floor, lighting a cigarette and answering a chat request to grant access to some 12-year-old newb who is no closer to getting laid than you are. Not that I would do any of that (except granting access), but one must have the authentic experience.
that nobody goes to.
And that's the other half of the equation, I have little time or desire to promote this thing, and if you can't get callers, who says I will?

Still, bad idea as it is, better to do the Linode thing than a box at home? You know, I have this PS/2 model 30/286, not sure if it works...


Re: Being back here SERIOUSLY makes me want to open a Telnet BBS

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Jan 24, 2023 2:33 pm

The REAL Real Man wrote: Tue Jan 24, 2023 12:04 am You have THE ORIGINAL JC??? Like, the whole thing? YES, WANT, WANT.
I shall get you that information. You will see 30+ year old takes. We were all so young.
I think the biggest question I have is... is allowing the entire universe to telnet to a machine physically on my desk, using my own internet connection, like, a horribly bad idea? Naturally I'd use a dedicated computer. I have a linux box I can use (Although I also use it for Dropbox backup, so probably not a great idea) and I figure it couldn't hurt to run my BBS software in a VirtualBox VM. I could also pickup one of those cheap little hockey-puck computers or even a Pi. But assuming I redirect a domain to my home IP address... is that basically like saying "Hey, Russian hackers, here's my social security number and my credit cards!"?
In a way, we're all being port scanned. I pay a company called Linode $20 a month to run a telnet BBS that nobody goes to. (I also use it as a permanent screen for IRC that doesn't get logged out, and some other things I need UNIX for.)

So yes, you may get hacked and have your systems compromised but at least you won't ever have to worry again about getting hacked and having your computers compromised. It's like when our neighbor burned his house down this summer. I no longer live in a state of anxiousness about my closest neighbor burning his house down.

Re: Being back here SERIOUSLY makes me want to open a Telnet BBS

by The REAL Real Man » Tue Jan 24, 2023 12:04 am

You have THE ORIGINAL JC??? Like, the whole thing? YES, WANT, WANT.

I think the biggest question I have is... is allowing the entire universe to telnet to a machine physically on my desk, using my own internet connection, like, a horribly bad idea? Naturally I'd use a dedicated computer. I have a linux box I can use (Although I also use it for Dropbox backup, so probably not a great idea) and I figure it couldn't hurt to run my BBS software in a VirtualBox VM. I could also pickup one of those cheap little hockey-puck computers or even a Pi. But assuming I redirect a domain to my home IP address... is that basically like saying "Hey, Russian hackers, here's my social security number and my credit cards!"?


Re: Being back here SERIOUSLY makes me want to open a Telnet BBS

by AArdvark » Mon Jan 23, 2023 5:40 pm

Found it, but couldn't use Search because it suuuuucks!

Re: Being back here SERIOUSLY makes me want to open a Telnet BBS

by AArdvark » Mon Jan 23, 2023 5:12 pm

It's embarrassing though!

Re: Being back here SERIOUSLY makes me want to open a Telnet BBS

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Jan 23, 2023 4:50 pm

Yes, I have one and it doesn't get used!

I have the original BBS which works with DOSbox if you want it?

Re: Being back here SERIOUSLY makes me want to open a Telnet BBS

by pinback » Mon Jan 23, 2023 4:35 pm

Didn't there used to be a pinned thread with a list? Somewhere?

Re: Being back here SERIOUSLY makes me want to open a Telnet BBS

by AArdvark » Mon Jan 23, 2023 4:09 pm

Actually there's already one set up. I haven't been there in a few years but I bet we could all get right on
