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Re: Vomit

by The REAL Real Man » Thu Jan 26, 2023 8:51 pm

Hector is a love interest,
For whom? For whom?
He must find the love that's best
Or he's doomed, he's doomed.

Re: Vomit

by bryanb » Thu Jan 26, 2023 7:23 pm

The REAL Real Man wrote: Thu Jan 26, 2023 6:32 pm This makes me want to write a follow-up song called Hector Is Not a Love Interest.
I still strongly believe that Hector IS a love interest...for someone. We just won't know who the lucky girl is until he joins the board and spills the beans. We're waiting, Hector!
raecoffey wrote: Thu Jan 26, 2023 6:40 pm That's some mathematically unsound reasoning. He was only mentioned once. If mentioned again, only in a quote. Therefore he is only secondarily mentioned and for those mentions in succession after that, always in iterations of the original.
If only there were a dedicated place on the site where someone with advanced mathematical knowledge could expose -- perhaps even SHAME -- those who publicly engage in mathematically unsound reasoning. A math thread of sorts, if you will.

I had no idea Vark had a band!

Re: Vomit

by raecoffey » Thu Jan 26, 2023 6:40 pm

bryanb wrote: Thu Jan 26, 2023 11:28 am
raecoffey wrote: Thu Jan 26, 2023 8:21 am

Also, I hate to be nosy, but we all want to know: is Hector a potential love interest for you? It's just that he's getting mentioned quite a bit recently. I realize the vomiting isn't the most attractive personal quality and the pill popping is a cause for concern, but the one thing I know about infirm dudes (I'm basing this mainly on Larry Flynt, David Brainerd, and Mattie Stepanek) is that they get a lot of action.

Looking at the picture again, I can totally tell that bird is stoned as fuck.
That's some mathematically unsound reasoning. He was only mentioned once. If mentioned again, only in a quote. Therefore he is only secondarily mentioned and for those mentions in succession after that, always in iterations of the original.

Re: Vomit

by The REAL Real Man » Thu Jan 26, 2023 6:32 pm

This makes me want to write a follow-up song called Hector Is Not a Love Interest.

Re: Vomit

by AArdvark » Thu Jan 26, 2023 5:54 pm

Re: Vomit

by raecoffey » Thu Jan 26, 2023 5:31 pm

No. Hector is not a love interest. I have a boyfriend.

Re: Vomit

by bryanb » Thu Jan 26, 2023 11:28 am

raecoffey wrote: Thu Jan 26, 2023 8:21 am Well it's the cheapest nursing home 🏡 and the only one I can afford. After rent I only get an allowance of $50 a week for groceries, clothing, cellphone 📱 bill etc. They have the worst hired help. I was supposed to get a part time gig working for Eric, but I think that fell through :(. The supervisors are the worst!

Hector is the Shires vomiting 🤢 champion. His vomit is so delicious because the oxycodone. That's why the little birdies love it. I don't think they like the diuretics though... or the blood pressure pills...
Sadly, a more expensive nursing home might not really be better. Bigger with maybe a few extra amenities, sure, but as far as actually providing a good quality of life for residents...maybe not so much. Is there any hope of you getting out and finding another situation? Eric painted a pretty dire picture, but he can be a little dramatic at times.

Also, I hate to be nosy, but we all want to know: is Hector a potential love interest for you? It's just that he's getting mentioned quite a bit recently. I realize the vomiting isn't the most attractive personal quality and the pill popping is a cause for concern, but the one thing I know about infirm dudes (I'm basing this mainly on Larry Flynt, David Brainerd, and Mattie Stepanek) is that they get a lot of action.

Looking at the picture again, I can totally tell that bird is stoned as fuck.

Re: Vomit

by raecoffey » Thu Jan 26, 2023 8:21 am

bryanb wrote: Wed Jan 25, 2023 7:15 pm Why do you think conditions are so bad there? Is it just that people don't care or are they overwhelmed due to the staff-patient ratio? No nursing home I've ever visited has struck me as a pleasant place to live to put it mildly. I wonder if it's just a fact of life that they never can be or if it's a peculiar deficiency in our system and way of doing things. I've read about Alzheimer's/dementia villages in Europe that sound comparatively awesome all things considered though I'm sure it's not all roses on the other side of the pond either.

Also, who is Hector and why is his vomit so delicious?
Well it's the cheapest nursing home 🏡 and the only one I can afford. After rent I only get an allowance of $50 a week for groceries, clothing, cellphone 📱 bill etc. They have the worst hired help. I was supposed to get a part time gig working for Eric, but I think that fell through :(. The supervisors are the worst!

Hector is the Shires vomiting 🤢 champion. His vomit is so delicious because the oxycodone. That's why the little birdies love it. I don't think they like the diuretics though... or the blood pressure pills...

Re: Vomit

by bryanb » Wed Jan 25, 2023 7:15 pm

Why do you think conditions are so bad there? Is it just that people don't care or are they overwhelmed due to the staff-patient ratio? No nursing home I've ever visited has struck me as a pleasant place to live to put it mildly. I wonder if it's just a fact of life that they never can be or if it's a peculiar deficiency in our system and way of doing things. I've read about Alzheimer's/dementia villages in Europe that sound comparatively awesome all things considered though I'm sure it's not all roses on the other side of the pond either.

Also, who is Hector and why is his vomit so delicious?

Re: Vomit

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Jan 24, 2023 4:40 pm

I don't care for vomit!!

Re: Vomit

by Leslie Rouse » Tue Jan 24, 2023 3:58 pm

He, he, that's good.

Re: Vomit

by raecoffey » Fri Jan 20, 2023 7:57 am


Re: Vomit

by Tdarcos » Fri Jan 20, 2023 7:25 am

Joke for today:

Man goed into a doctor and mentions hoe he has a sore throat every morning.
Doctor: So describe your day to me, from the beginning.
Man: Well, let's see, I wake up, i go in the bathroom, rake a leak, throw up, wash out my mouth wash my hands, eat breakfast shower and dress, then...
[Doctor: Wait. You throw up every morning?
Man: Yeah, doesn' t everybody?


Re: Vomit

by raecoffey » Thu Jan 19, 2023 5:23 pm

Wow. Yikes. I have a weak stomach, I vomit 🤢 daily, so of someone slipped me that jellybean...

Re: Vomit

by Tdarcos » Thu Jan 19, 2023 6:33 am

Ma'am, "eew" is about the lightest thing you can say about this place. We specialize in the gross out and offensive. I mean, what do you expect when you start a thread with this title? :wink:

Speaking of offensive things, Jelly Belly jelly beans has a licensed Harry Potter flavor selection. At least two of the exclusive flavors are 'butterbeer' and 'vomit'. And yes, Jelly Belly is well known for making jelly beans that taste like the flavors they are named for, so we can guess what the latter jelly bean tastes like...

Re: Vomit

by raecoffey » Wed Jan 18, 2023 3:57 pm

Eww lol

Re: Vomit

by Tdarcos » Wed Jan 18, 2023 9:35 am

Sung to the tune of the whistling song from Bridge on the River Kwai:

Comet, will make your milk turn green
Comet, it tastes like gasoline
Comet, will make you vomit
So buy some Comet, and vomit, today!

Re: Vomit

by raecoffey » Wed Jan 18, 2023 8:34 am

Oh ok, lol. I understand now.

Re: Vomit

by pinback » Tue Jan 17, 2023 4:32 pm

That is horrible, I am sorry about that. I was hoping we could at least just share a laugh about how disgusting animals are.

Re: Vomit

by raecoffey » Tue Jan 17, 2023 4:29 pm

Thanks but that wasn't the point. It's tge shitty living conditions that I'm in. I live in assisted living, a step down from a nursing home. It's so dirty here that I see at a bare minimum, 8 mice every evening in my room. They are so neglectful that I haven't had a shower in 3 months. Yeah I was kinda trying to talk about living conditions here but your dog-shit-puke-shit-puke story was... prompt.
