by The REAL Real Man » Mon Feb 13, 2023 9:30 pm
So today I got the Mac G5 dragged in, dusted off and set up under my desk. What a behemoth the damn thing is. It appears to be a dual-processor 1.8 GHz unit from 2004 or so. There will now be a short pause while you say "Who cares?".
Basically, I need to install OS 10.3 up to 10.5.8. Apparently, there is a user-created version called Sorbet Leopard (seriously, who comes up with this shit? And I thought Ubuntu's names were ridiculous) that will improve performance. One can download it for nuttin'. One can then burn it to a USB stick and install it with the same ease as Linux.
Oh, sorry, no you fucking can't, because it wouldn't be an Apple thing if it wasn't too complicated. Instead, and I've only skimmed the instructions, but it appears you have to do this whole giant dance that starts with installing another version of Mac OS, then repartitioning the hard drive, then installing antoher OS, then maybe plugging in another Mac, then praying to a God in which you do not believe, then doing a rain dance. I mean, seriously, people, how hard is it to just make an OS installer? Steve Jobs is dead and decomposed, and yet the Apple fan community still conducts themselves like he's got his thumbs in their eyes and his pecker in their mouth.
Meanwhile, the computer fires up, I did find the original install disks for 10.3, the original OS and the last that can be burned to CD rather than DVD. I only have one CD-RW around, so I burned disc 1 with some errors (no surprise, the CD-RW is probably as old as the Mac G5). It booted, then the computer had a kernel panic. Yay Apple! And then, sitting there with the error screen, the 707 jet fans turned on, because of course the best computer known to God and man would heat up while sitting there displaying a text error screen.
And to think, someone paid $2500 for this thing when they could have had a solid Wintel machine for $795!
I've ordered more CD-RWs, figuring this little adventure is worth a $9 investment, so I can try to get OSuX 10.3 on there, and then maybe I'll try that whole Sorbet Leopard thing or maybe I won't. Or maybe I'll just install Linux on the damn thing and go with Plan B, my Dropbox backup machine.
Meanwhile, I found an OS called Morph and am going to try a bootable USB stick. Apparently, this is what the original Amiga OS would have become if it was allowed to grow up. It's supposed to be great for PowerPC Macs. It also comes a demo version. The full thing costs $79, because of course I want to pay for a hobbyist operating system with little to no app infrastructure when I could just use any one of a billion Linux flavors for free. Still, curious to see if it boots and how it runs.
Anyway. That's all for now, or at least until Wednesday when the CD-RWs arrive.
So today I got the Mac G5 dragged in, dusted off and set up under my desk. What a behemoth the damn thing is. It appears to be a dual-processor 1.8 GHz unit from 2004 or so. There will now be a short pause while you say "Who cares?".
Basically, I need to install OS 10.3 up to 10.5.8. Apparently, there is a user-created version called Sorbet Leopard (seriously, who comes up with this shit? And I thought Ubuntu's names were ridiculous) that will improve performance. One can download it for nuttin'. One can then burn it to a USB stick and install it with the same ease as Linux.
Oh, sorry, [i]no you fucking can't[/i], because it wouldn't be an Apple thing if it wasn't too complicated. Instead, and I've only skimmed the instructions, but it appears you have to do this whole giant dance that starts with installing another version of Mac OS, then repartitioning the hard drive, then installing antoher OS, then maybe plugging in another Mac, then praying to a God in which you do not believe, then doing a rain dance. I mean, seriously, people, [i]how hard is it to just make an OS installer[/i]? Steve Jobs is dead and decomposed, and yet the Apple fan community [i]still[/i] conducts themselves like he's got his thumbs in their eyes and his pecker in their mouth.
Meanwhile, the computer fires up, I did find the original install disks for 10.3, the original OS and the last that can be burned to CD rather than DVD. I only have one CD-RW around, so I burned disc 1 with some errors (no surprise, the CD-RW is probably as old as the Mac G5). It booted, then the computer had a kernel panic. Yay Apple! And then, sitting there with the error screen, the 707 jet fans turned on, because [i]of course[/i] the best computer known to God and man would heat up while sitting there displaying a text error screen.
And to think, someone paid $2500 for this thing when they could have had a solid Wintel machine for $795!
I've ordered more CD-RWs, figuring this little adventure is worth a $9 investment, so I can try to get OSuX 10.3 on there, and then maybe I'll try that whole Sorbet Leopard thing or maybe I won't. Or maybe I'll just install Linux on the damn thing and go with Plan B, my Dropbox backup machine.
Meanwhile, I found an OS called Morph and am going to try a bootable USB stick. Apparently, this is what the original Amiga OS would have become if it was allowed to grow up. It's supposed to be great for PowerPC Macs. It also comes a demo version. The full thing costs $79, because [i]of course[/i] I want to pay for a hobbyist operating system with little to no app infrastructure when I could just use any one of a billion Linux flavors for free. Still, curious to see if it boots and how it runs.
Anyway. That's all for now, or at least until Wednesday when the CD-RWs arrive.