I wish to apologize for my messages recently

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Re: I wish to apologize for my messages recently

by Not-so-casual Observer » Sun Mar 12, 2023 11:30 pm

Tdarcos wrote: Fri Mar 10, 2023 1:15 am I would like to apologize to everyone here. I have doing some really bad postings, especially in the Windows Trminal thread. And I have a pretty good idea why.

I don't usually raise my illnesses as an excuse or justification for my acts, as I don't think it's usually responsible. This time I feel I can legitimately make an exception.

I have been experiencing the symptoms of what is a serious respiratory illness. Maybe it's the flu, maybe it's "long Covid," whatever that is. Despite that I've had vaccinations for both. I just know I was not feeling very good, was feeling tired, had very bad caughing, my voice went extremely deep and thin, which if you've ever heard it, is recognizable as the "he's got something respiratory" voice, completely clogged nose, and when being rolled over to chsnge my diaper, if someone put pressure on my side near my chest to hold me up, I would get severe shortness of breath, the "I can't breathe I'm scared I'm going to die" kind, that required extreme effort to try to breathe, ten once back on my back, required hyperventilating to recover.

There were other problems. I was having delusions, the equivalent of instant dreams occurring without any notice. After a while it was so obvious I knew I was having delusions that the flu or whatever illness I had was triggering them. They got so bad in terms of frequency that at times I would start to realize in the middle of a delusion that I was having one, then suddenly come to, instead of doing swomething I was lying on my back behind a table. I had a response regimen put in for when I was in one. I started to realize if I was going to travel somewhere I was in a delusion. If I was going to buy something in the store I was visiting, it was because I was in a delusion. Having reglar "snap to it" events going from what was probably a more pleasant experience into the monotony of the life of a quadraplegic.

I just wanted to explain what was going on.

So if you want to ask me if I was crazy, I can say, "Yeah."

Yeah, I know, what do I mean by "was"? I haven't yet proven I stopped being so, or that I ever was sane.Wll, I don't know what I was, but I think I have come out of something and are considerably better than I was.I hope this continues.
Same here man, minus the respiratory.
I started a new, 3rd diuretic to my regimen, acetazola-someshit, and it's giving me horrible headaches, dreaming in place, passing out.

Yesterday I woke up in the hallway in front of the door to go outside, in my wheelchair ♿️, obviously.
This guy tapped on my shoulder at 430am to try and get me to move as I was blocking the entrance. I woke up like WTF? Where the hell am i?

Re: I wish to apologize for my messages recently

by Tdarcos » Sat Mar 11, 2023 9:50 pm

RealNC wrote: Sat Mar 11, 2023 6:53 am
Tdarcos wrote: Sat Mar 11, 2023 6:20 am Same thing for marijuana, since the most common known users were blacks, it was made illegal because it was "well known" that they'd use it, then in a drug-induced frenzy, go out raping white women. Yes, it was that nasty.
I thought it was Mexicans.
I like that! Actually, for Xenophobia points, say that the N-words and the wetvacks are gonna use the devil weed, then go loco, and because they're animals with no self control, they're both going to rape white women

Re: I wish to apologize for my messages recently

by RealNC » Sat Mar 11, 2023 6:53 am

Tdarcos wrote: Sat Mar 11, 2023 6:20 am Same thing for marijuana, since the most common known users were blacks, it was made illegal because it was "well known" that they'd use it, then in a drug-induced frenzy, go out raping white women. Yes, it was that nasty.
I thought it was Mexicans.

Re: I wish to apologize for my messages recently

by Tdarcos » Sat Mar 11, 2023 6:20 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Sat Mar 11, 2023 12:18 am It has to do with how mixed up those states were with the Confederacy.
That is true. Gun control was really enacted to keep those uppity blacks (that last word replaced with something nastier) from getting their hands on guns and fighting back if those who don't like them want to exercise their right to keep them out of their white neighborhoods.

Same thing for marijuana, since the most common known users were blacks, it was made illegal because it was "well known" that they'd use it, then in a drug-induced frenzy, go out raping white women. Yes, it was that nasty.

Re: I wish to apologize for my messages recently

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Mar 11, 2023 12:18 am

It has to do with how mixed up those states were with the Confederacy.

Re: I wish to apologize for my messages recently

by Tdarcos » Fri Mar 10, 2023 11:25 pm

Flack wrote: Fri Mar 10, 2023 9:29 pm All things considered, I'm glad the bayonets I sent were delayed a week.
Here's an interesting comparison.

Virginia: open carrying of a handgun is legal in most ordinary places. Concealed carry is permitted either by having a Virginia concealed weapons permit (resident or non-resident), which is not difficult to get; or be a resident of another state but with a permit honored by virginia (Utah resident or non-resident being one) along with state ID. Carrying of switchblades is illegal, open or concealed, regardless of permit.

Maryland: all carrying of a handgun in publuc is illegal outside of your home or office except with a pernit, which for most people it is almost impossible to obtain. Open carrying of switchblades is legal.

Re: I wish to apologize for my messages recently

by Flack » Fri Mar 10, 2023 9:29 pm

All things considered, I'm glad the bayonets I sent were delayed a week.

Re: I wish to apologize for my messages recently

by pinback » Fri Mar 10, 2023 10:27 am

Jizaboz wrote: Fri Mar 10, 2023 8:46 am before!

Re: I wish to apologize for my messages recently

by Jizaboz » Fri Mar 10, 2023 8:46 am

We know you’ve been through a lot, man. No need to apologize or even explain. We’ve had far worse examples of mental health around here before!

I wish to apologize for my messages recently

by Tdarcos » Fri Mar 10, 2023 1:15 am

I would like to apologize to everyone here. I have doing some really bad postings, especially in the Windows Trminal thread. And I have a pretty good idea why.

I don't usually raise my illnesses as an excuse or justification for my acts, as I don't think it's usually responsible. This time I feel I can legitimately make an exception.

I have been experiencing the symptoms of what is a serious respiratory illness. Maybe it's the flu, maybe it's "long Covid," whatever that is. Despite that I've had vaccinations for both. I just know I was not feeling very good, was feeling tired, had very bad caughing, my voice went extremely deep and thin, which if you've ever heard it, is recognizable as the "he's got something respiratory" voice, completely clogged nose, and when being rolled over to chsnge my diaper, if someone put pressure on my side near my chest to hold me up, I would get severe shortness of breath, the "I can't breathe I'm scared I'm going to die" kind, that required extreme effort to try to breathe, ten once back on my back, required hyperventilating to recover.

There were other problems. I was having delusions, the equivalent of instant dreams occurring without any notice. After a while it was so obvious I knew I was having delusions that the flu or whatever illness I had was triggering them. They got so bad in terms of frequency that at times I would start to realize in the middle of a delusion that I was having one, then suddenly come to, instead of doing swomething I was lying on my back behind a table. I had a response regimen put in for when I was in one. I started to realize if I was going to travel somewhere I was in a delusion. If I was going to buy something in the store I was visiting, it was because I was in a delusion. Having reglar "snap to it" events going from what was probably a more pleasant experience into the monotony of the life of a quadraplegic.

I just wanted to explain what was going on.

So if you want to ask me if I was crazy, I can say, "Yeah."

Yeah, I know, what do I mean by "was"? I haven't yet proven I stopped being so, or that I ever was sane.Wll, I don't know what I was, but I think I have come out of something and are considerably better than I was.I hope this continues.
