Link Trees

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Re: Link Trees

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Mar 14, 2023 9:36 am

I have added a very valuable link to the Link Tree, where we show the world that Tdarcos doesn't know what the word "innuendo" means.

Re: Link Trees

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Mar 14, 2023 8:05 am

Tdarcos wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 7:05 am
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 6:35 am You had to look up a definition of something, which means you don't know what it is.
No, I looked it up because you said I didn't know what it meant. If someone else accuses you of not knowing what you're talking about, do you just double down and say yoy do, or do you check and verify? A person of intelligence presumes that they are always open to correcting themselves if they are in error.

That I wasn't in error meant one thing: you're jealous of my intelligence because you thought you could show me up as not knowing what I'm talking about, only I made you look like the fool instead. Hey, Jonsey, youn don't have to feel bad because you're stupid, the world always has a need for people who aren't very bright for jobs like garbage collectors and street sweepers.
Maybe the eternally horizontal shit factory that requires some poor nurse to empty his bedpan, who is only capable of providing state machine-like and wholly incorrect infodumps should shut his fucking mouth when it comes to intelligence and jobs relating to such. Last time I checked you aren't smart enough to figure out a way to change your own diaper so you're well below the level of anyone taking a job sweeping streets, pal.

(Plus you have no idea what innuendo means. )

Re: Link Trees

by Tdarcos » Tue Mar 14, 2023 7:05 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 6:35 am You had to look up a definition of something, which means you don't know what it is.
No, I looked it up because you said I didn't know what it meant. If someone else accuses you of not knowing what you're talking about, do you just double down and say yoy do, or do you check and verify? A person of intelligence presumes that they are always open to correcting themselves if they are in error.

That I wasn't in error meant one thing: you're jealous of my intelligence because you thought you could show me up as not knowing what I'm talking about, only I made you look like the fool instead. Hey, Jonsey, youn don't have to feel bad because you're stupid, the world always has a need for people who aren't very bright for jobs like garbage collectors and street sweepers.

Re: Link Trees

by Tdarcos » Tue Mar 14, 2023 6:50 am

Flack wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 6:23 am What is the advantage of using link tree over keeping a list of your social media links on your website?
Excellent question! I wonder too, in a way. When someone mentions Link Trees now, I'm thinking of those advertising pages with clickable links on parked domains. Someone registers 20,000 domain names and sees during the 'change your mind' period, how many of them based on typing errors or misspellings, that they can expect to earn through ad revenue at least $10 more than the domain costs to register, The ones that don't, they cancel during the first week, and it costs 16c (the nonrefundable ICANN fee). The rest they pay the annual fee. Sure, it's only $10 a year, but it's from 15,000+ domains and requires no effort.

The appearance usually just looks spammy.

Re: Link Trees

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Mar 14, 2023 6:41 am

Flack wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 6:23 am What is the advantage of using link tree over keeping a list of your social media links on your website?
Nobody goes to my website :(

Re: Link Trees

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Mar 14, 2023 6:35 am

Tdarcos wrote: Mon Mar 13, 2023 11:39 pm My understanding it is a statement which can be used to infer a salacious or taudry thing or event.

Let's see what the definition is.
Wiktionary: A derogatory hint or reference to a person or thing. An implication, intimation or insinuation. an indirect intimation about a person or thing, especially of a disparaging or a derogatory nature.
Merriam-Webster: an oblique allusion : hint, insinuation
especially : a veiled or equivocal reflection on character or reputation

While it's not spot on, I'd say it's close enough to be a fair representation. I do know what it means.
You had to look up a definition of something, which means you don't know what it is.

But besides that, just naming your band "Vagina" or whatever doesn't automatically mean it is INNUENDO and you straining to your very limit to try to ....

this is not a good use of my time.

Re: Link Trees

by Flack » Tue Mar 14, 2023 6:23 am

What is the advantage of using link tree over keeping a list of your social media links on your website?

Re: Link Trees

by Tdarcos » Mon Mar 13, 2023 11:39 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Mon Mar 13, 2023 9:35 pm Paul doesn't know what innuendo is
My understanding it is a statement which can be used to infer a salacious or taudry thing or event.

Let's see what the definition is.
Wiktionary: A derogatory hint or reference to a person or thing. An implication, intimation or insinuation. an indirect intimation about a person or thing, especially of a disparaging or a derogatory nature.
Merriam-Webster: an oblique allusion : hint, insinuation
especially : a veiled or equivocal reflection on character or reputation

While it's not spot on, I'd say it's close enough to be a fair representation. I do know what it means.

= = = =
"We can do the innuendo we can dance and sing.
And when it's said and done we haven't told you a thing."
- Don Henley, Dirty Laundry

Re: Link Trees

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Mar 13, 2023 9:35 pm

Paul doesn't know what innuendo is

Re: Link Trees

by pinback » Mon Mar 13, 2023 6:04 pm

Tdarcos wrote: Mon Mar 13, 2023 5:21 pm
pinback wrote: Mon Mar 13, 2023 3:33 am
Tdarcos wrote: Mon Mar 13, 2023 12:41 am

Well, come on, Jonsey, Pinback left himself, ahem, wide open with that accidental entendre.
This is the main problem you have here. All the "accidents" you think the other posters make are intentional, and you will never, ever, ever understand that.
Jonsey, I mean what I say and I say what I mean. I said I knew it was accidental. Your comment makes no sense. If I can "never, ever, ever understand that" some things are accidental, then how could I have pointed it out that I knew what he said was accidental, when I said it was?

Have you ever considered accepting what someone said at face value?
You are replying to the wrong person.

At least you're not replying to yourself this time. Progress!

Re: Link Trees

by Tdarcos » Mon Mar 13, 2023 5:30 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Mon Mar 13, 2023 6:54 am Please click my links.

We called the band Beaver
Jesus Christ, I know that! But, you used the term without qualification, therefore it was open to be used as an inuendo. That's why I said it was an accidental innuendo; I knew you were referring to the band. The Naked Gun used this when the woman is standing on a ladder, and Lt. Drebbin is standing close enough that he could be looking up her skirt, and says, "Nice beaver." She steps down from the ladder, holding a stuffed beaver.

Re: Link Trees

by Tdarcos » Mon Mar 13, 2023 5:21 pm

pinback wrote: Mon Mar 13, 2023 3:33 am
Tdarcos wrote: Mon Mar 13, 2023 12:41 am
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Sun Mar 12, 2023 7:50 pm I think there's just one reference to Beaver now. :(
Well, come on, Jonsey, Pinback left himself, ahem, wide open with that accidental entendre.
This is the main problem you have here. All the "accidents" you think the other posters make are intentional, and you will never, ever, ever understand that.
Jonsey, I mean what I say and I say what I mean. I said I knew it was accidental. Your comment makes no sense. If I can "never, ever, ever understand that" some things are accidental, then how could I have pointed it out that I knew what he said was accidental, when I said it was?

Have you ever considered accepting what someone said at face value?

Re: Link Trees

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Mar 13, 2023 6:54 am

Please click my links.

We called the band Beaver

Re: Link Trees

by pinback » Mon Mar 13, 2023 3:34 am

Also, I feel I am being link-shamed in this thread.

Re: Link Trees

by pinback » Mon Mar 13, 2023 3:33 am

Tdarcos wrote: Mon Mar 13, 2023 12:41 am
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Sun Mar 12, 2023 7:50 pm I think there's just one reference to Beaver now. :(
Well, come on, Jonsey, Pinback left himself, ahem, wide open with that accidental entendre.
This is the main problem you have here. All the "accidents" you think the other posters make are intentional, and you will never, ever, ever understand that.

Re: Link Trees

by Tdarcos » Mon Mar 13, 2023 12:41 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Sun Mar 12, 2023 7:50 pm I think there's just one reference to Beaver now. :(
Well, come on, Jonsey, Pinback left himself, ahem, wide open with that accidental entendre.

When I first saw this thread I thought it was about pointer links and buiding what is called a linked list. I wrote a routine for inserting items in a pointer-based dynamic memory allocation doubly-linked list, then had a 'top of list' and 'bottom of list' and by attaching the links correctly, you get both linked in A-Z order, but Z-A too.

Re: Link Trees

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Mar 12, 2023 7:50 pm

I think there's just one reference to Beaver now. :(

Re: Link Trees

by Tdarcos » Sun Mar 12, 2023 5:38 pm

pinback wrote: Sun Mar 12, 2023 6:22 am Can you put Beaver on there a few more times?

[Posts pictures of five naked women]
"Uh, that wasn't what I was referring to."

Re: Link Trees

by pinback » Sun Mar 12, 2023 6:22 am

Can you put Beaver on there a few more times?


Link Trees

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Mar 12, 2023 6:18 am

I am trying out Link Tree. It's your list of personal links!
