When Worlds Collide

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Re: When Worlds Collide

by Flack » Thu Apr 06, 2023 4:09 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Thu Apr 06, 2023 9:05 am What I heard is Flack shot that door.
Sounds legit.

Re: When Worlds Collide

by Flack » Thu Apr 06, 2023 4:09 pm

Tdarcos wrote: Thu Apr 06, 2023 9:47 am
Flack wrote: Thu Apr 06, 2023 6:38 am Thank you for informing me about my state's gun laws. They covered the same material when I got my conceal/carry license more than 10 years ago.
I do not undertstand
On topic.

Re: When Worlds Collide

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Apr 06, 2023 10:12 am

Yeah Flack, why didn't you bring multiple handguns to your sleep study.

Re: When Worlds Collide

by Tdarcos » Thu Apr 06, 2023 9:47 am

Flack wrote: Thu Apr 06, 2023 6:38 am Thank you for informing me about my state's gun laws. They covered the same material when I got my conceal/carry license more than 10 years ago.
I do not undertstand the issue. You spoke about being worried if you did not have money on you to pay muggers. This lead me to the inference that neither of you is armed. Especially since your description of the area around the restaurant left you in a state where you considered you were in real and substantial danger of armed robbery.

I do not understand you, especially since you mentioned you have had a CCW permit. One generally obtains a permit for this exact situation, to be able to carry a weapon capable of stopping (by scaring them off) or wounding (hopefully) or, if necessary, killing an armed attacker. Why would you go in known to be dangerous areas if you were not armed, and if you were, why worry about having money to pay off a mugger? (These are rhetorical questions.)

Now, if you're worried about attacks by people with weapons not strong enough to be qualified as dangerous, you should carry something less lethal like pepper spray or hair spray (hair spray to their eyes will give you time to run.) Or switch to steel-toed shoes; a hard kick to the front of the leg near the shin or the crotch with one of those (or both, in that order) is going to make a mugger consider changing occupations, and very likely not able to chase after you.

In fact, it's not a bad idea to carry multiple items that can be used for defense at a lower level than deadly force. As it has been said, one should carry a handgun as the last line of defense, but it shouldn't be the only one.

Armed people can and should be aware of their surroundings, but worrying about whether you have money to pay off a mugger seems odd if you were. For the very reason I cited: paying off an armed mugger does not mean they don't injure (or kill) you and/or your spouse anyway.

Re: When Worlds Collide

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Apr 06, 2023 9:05 am

What I heard is Flack shot that door.

Re: When Worlds Collide

by Flack » Thu Apr 06, 2023 6:38 am

Tdarcos wrote: Thu Apr 06, 2023 2:44 am
Flack wrote: Wed Apr 05, 2023 4:13 pm All I can really focus on are the kids next to the front door. I remember reading once that you should always carry some cash with you in the event that you get mugged. Now I'm wondering if the kids are planning to skip the ticket or rob the restaurant and, if that's the case, if they'll rob me, too. We went to the casino last week and I don't have any cash in my wallet. I wonder if they will let me sync my pictures to the cloud before they steal my phone.
The state you live in is a "shall issue, permitless carry" state. You can carry concealed without a permit, there is no firearms registration, and no waiting period. I recommend a .38 special, it's short and requires very little pull on the trigger. It's perfect because either of you could carry it, if one of you have to use it the target is only going to be within 10 feet. Nothing says you have to shoot the little bastards, but when threatened with robbery, draw as if you were going for your wallet (or going into your purse), and without having your finger on the trigger (trigger guard is okay), aim at either whichever of them has a weapon or the nearest one, then tell them to fuck off or GTFO. Then, after they leave, call 9-1-1 and report you had to draw but not fire your weapon to prevent being mugged. You never can tell if these punks might call 9-1-1 too, claiming you drew on them for no reason. In this sort of circumstance, generally whoever calls 9-1-1 first is the one who is believed. I recommend taking a gun safety course first.

Normally I wouldn't recommend such drastic measures, but in this day and age, giving a mugger your money does not mean they don't just injure or kill you anyway.
Thank you for informing me about my state's gun laws. They covered the same material when I got my conceal/carry license more than 10 years ago.

Re: When Worlds Collide (1951)

by Flack » Thu Apr 06, 2023 6:30 am

Tdarcos wrote: Thu Apr 06, 2023 3:25 am I just remembered, I thought this was a review of that movie. So I'll do one, although I haven't watched it in over 20 years.
Days since Tdarcos stayed on topic: 0.

When Worlds Collide (1951)

by Tdarcos » Thu Apr 06, 2023 3:25 am

I just remembered, I thought this was a review of that movie. So I'll do one, although I haven't watched it in over 20 years.

When Worlds Collide (1951). A group of scierntists using telescopes discover there are two asteroids headed for earth. One is big enough to cause tremendous damage, the other will finish the job that the one that struck the Gulf of Mexico near Chixalube, Mexico tried 65 million years ago, the one that wiped out the dinosaurs. The lead scientist decides they need to build rockets to get people off earth as the new asteroid is big enough to replace earth. He can't convince the United Nations or any member state (they'll take it under advisement). Since nobody with power to do anything believes him, nobody is going to do anything. So he, and a few others will build a ship. He personally is able to convince a few industrialists to fund this project. One, an old man in a wheelchair, wants a seat on the rocket in exchange for his money.The scientist has no chance to complete it otherwise, so he agrees.

With the promise of a seat on the rocket (in a lottery) for their labor, he is able to get hundreds of laborers, and the rocket is built. Tear-off calendars with the number of days left on that day before the first asteroid hits, and then the number of days when the second will, are on every wall where there is a clock, along with a sign posted on each wall:


Once the first asteroid hits, the earth has 30 days before the planet-killer does. On schedule, the first one destroys a major metropolitan area and several million people. Now, everyone is frightened, but he expected this; the location of the construction site is hidden and not known to the public, so they escape the worldwide riots.

There is a lottery. The ship has room for 50 people plus supplies. 10 slots are reserved for the scientist, his daughter, pilot, the industrialist and a few others. A lottery for everyone else given a chance of the 40 left on the ship. The winners will be drawn very close to the departure time. Two days before, a "bingo" style ball selection of everyone is used.

Will they make it? Will the laborers who don't win a slot on the ship riot and kill for one? Well, you'll have to watch the movie, I wouldn't want to spoil it.

Well, to connect with my previous posting, in a scene from When Worlds Collide, the wealthy, handicapped man in a wheelchair's assistant, discovers he did not win a slot on the ship in the lottery, picked up a knife and threatened one of them to get a slot on the ship. The wheelchair-bound man pulls a handgun out from under his shawl, and shoots his assistant dead.

Re: When Worlds Collide

by Tdarcos » Thu Apr 06, 2023 2:44 am

Flack wrote: Wed Apr 05, 2023 4:13 pm All I can really focus on are the kids next to the front door. I remember reading once that you should always carry some cash with you in the event that you get mugged. Now I'm wondering if the kids are planning to skip the ticket or rob the restaurant and, if that's the case, if they'll rob me, too. We went to the casino last week and I don't have any cash in my wallet. I wonder if they will let me sync my pictures to the cloud before they steal my phone.
The state you live in is a "shall issue, permitless carry" state. You can carry concealed without a permit, there is no firearms registration, and no waiting period. I recommend a .38 special, it's short and requires very little pull on the trigger. It's perfect because either of you could carry it, if one of you have to use it the target is only going to be within 10 feet. Nothing says you have to shoot the little bastards, but when threatened with robbery, draw as if you were going for your wallet (or going into your purse), and without having your finger on the trigger (trigger guard is okay), aim at either whichever of them has a weapon or the nearest one, then tell them to fuck off or GTFO. Then, after they leave, call 9-1-1 and report you had to draw but not fire your weapon to prevent being mugged. You never can tell if these punks might call 9-1-1 too, claiming you drew on them for no reason. In this sort of circumstance, generally whoever calls 9-1-1 first is the one who is believed. I recommend taking a gun safety course first.

Normally I wouldn't recommend such drastic measures, but in this day and age, giving a mugger your money does not mean they don't just injure or kill you anyway.

Re: When Worlds Collide

by Jizaboz » Wed Apr 05, 2023 8:30 pm

Cool story. You can observe the strangest things in these kind of places.. even in good neighborhoods.

Our local Waffle House many years ago had a character that was always in there at night that people called "guido". Younger guy always sporting one of those black leather hats and immaculate black facial hair. He would talk to anyone about anything. Once I overheard a conversation he was having with another customer about sports, then it went to the bible, then I overheard the sentence "Have you ever seen a MAN that looked like a DOG?" and listened intently about the "dog men" who he described as some sort of demonic entities lol

Strangely, places in the roughest places of Greensboro (Boss Hog's comes to mind) and Winston usually have well-behaving customers because I gather the owners and people working there just don't take any shit and are happy to kick people out, call the cops, or pull guns as needed lol It's places like Applebee's you see things like people walking out on checks or being total assholes.

Also, speaking of Greensboro, there was this joint called Beef Burger that looked like something out of Fallout down to the decor and everything. The warning signs in the front area were gold:




Re: When Worlds Collide

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Apr 05, 2023 6:19 pm

I love it.

Maybe all those things did happen to the door. It could have been any one of them!

When Worlds Collide

by Flack » Wed Apr 05, 2023 4:13 pm

It's a little ironic that you don't get much sleep during a sleep study. Sleep studies begin with a stranger sticking dozens of sensors to your face, head and body, and ends the following morning when the same technician abruptly bursts into your room to wake you up and eject you from the premeses as quickly as possible.

With multiple wads of medical gunk still clinging to my scalp, I stumble out of my room and into one of the hospital's elevators, eventually finding my way down to the parking lot where my wife is waiting for me. I ask her to remind me what time it is and she says almost six, although I'm still groggy and it feels more like almost four. The sky shows no signs of dawn; it's as black as a moonless night. As I shuffle toward the car my wife suggests we grab breakfast at the cafe across the street. There's nothing I want more at the moment than my own pillow, but if that's not an option, coffee and cream are a close second.

There are three restaurants within walking distance of the hospital and only one of them, Dee's Cafe, is open at this hour. It's a unique location for a restaurant. Across the street to the south is the hospital, and to the east stands an old hotel notorious for prostitution busts. Within a few hundred meters in either direction are one of the largest dispensaries in town, and a methadone clinic. During the day, homeless people stand in the parking lot begging doctors sitting at the intersection in their Mercedes and Land Rovers for spare change.

Sooner or later, all of them -- the beggars, the doctors, the hustlers, the lawyers, the prostitutes, the employees and the clients of the methadone clinic -- all end up at Dee's.

The doctors eat at Dee's because it's convenient, the hookers eat there because it's cheap, and we eat there because it's dangerous -- more dangerous than a rollercoaster, but less dangerous than the alley behind the methadone clinic. If you love red velvet pancakes and the possibility of watching waitresses chase crackheads for walking their tabs, this is the place. The coffee's okay and the food is hit or miss. The only reason we came back a second time was because of a waitress, Charlie. In between coffee refills and bossing younger waitresses around, Charlie would tell us how ghosts visit her at night and how sometimes she sees the future in her dreams. She talks shit about her coworkers and the other customers and, after we leave, probably us. She's good at a job that's no good for her. Charlie hasn't been there the last two times we came and she's not here this morning either, which means there's zero chance of us getting a free slice of stale cake from the display case.

There are two sets of glass doors at the entrance of Dee's, and this morning the outer pair are shattered. Someone cleaned up the big pieces of glass but tiny pebbles sit against the wall, under the empty magazine rack, and outside on the sidewalk. The waitress catches me staring at the door and tells us a strong wind caught the door and smashed the glass. Sounds legit.

Two other tables are occupied this morning. At one is a couple -- the man, in his 40s and wearing a suit jacket, is sitting across from a woman in her 20s wearing a shirt that's too tight and hot pink hair that stretches below the tabletop. The girl is flirting and the two of them are learning in toward one another. Tinder, you've done it again. A few feet away in the booth closest to the front door are three kids in their early 20s. They're all dressed in black from head to toe. The waitress has already dropped off their ticket and the boys are taking their time paying it. One of them stands up, stretches, and walks out, leaving the other two behind. One of the remaining scrubs has emptied his pockets of change onto the table and is sorting the coins into small towers. The third member of the crew wanes in and out of consciousness. I am 100% convinced the pair plan to make a run for it when the waitress is furthest from the front door, a move the waitstaff appear to be anticipating as one of the two waitresses is hanging around the hostess podium even though it's still dark outside and there's no line forming to get in this place.

I'm feeling a bit light-headed, most likely from the lack of sleep mixed with the strong, shitty coffee. My wife is asking me how the sleep study went and I'm having trouble following her questions. All I can really focus on are the kids next to the front door. I remember reading once that you should always carry some cash with you in the event that you get mugged. Now I'm wondering if the kids are planning to skip the ticket or rob the restaurant and, if that's the case, if they'll rob me, too. We went to the casino last week and I don't have any cash in my wallet. I wonder if they will let me sync my pictures to the cloud before they steal my phone.

"How much cash do you have on you?" I blurt out. My wife did better at the casino than I did and still has $80 on her. When she asks me why I say I tell her I don't wanna get stabbed. Before I have time to explain, breakfast arrives.

I'm about to take my first bite when two doctors enter Dee's and take a seat at the bar, directly next to our table. They ask the waitress what happened to the front door and she tells them someone tried to kick it in. Sounds legit. My wife is bummed out that Charlie's not working today and I'm trying to hear what the doctors are saying. It sounds like they're heart doctors. For breakfast I ordered biscuits, eggs, sausage, and bacon. The heart doctors can't see any of it because it's all covered in gravy. I wonder if they have ever met someone in the restaurant that ended up being one of their patients.

I was too busy listening to the doctors to notice that the man and his pink-haired girlfriend have left. One of the kids in black is standing up now and the waitress is waking the other one up. Again. My wife asks our waitress if the kids have paid their bill yet and I guess they had enough dimes. The slightly more lucid one has called ten different people on speakerphone trying to get a ride home. Uber don't take dimes. Someone has finally arrived. As the pair stumble out through the door a lawyer dressed as a cowboy is on his way in. He's got a client to check on in the hospital before heading over to the office. Through the blinds I can see that the sky is starting to turn blue. The night crew -- both the waitress and the customers -- are making their way out while those who sleep at night and rise during the day are making their way in. For just a few minutes each day, they all cross paths here.

On our way out I hear the waitress telling the cowboy that a disgruntled waitress threw a rock at the front door after she was fired. I wonder if it was Charlie. Sounds legit.
