Surfin USA

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Re: Surfin USA

by AArdvark » Tue Oct 08, 2024 2:49 am

Wait, it's...sharky where you swim? That sounds like a Jaws scenario waiting to happen!

Re: Surfin USA

by Jizaboz » Mon Oct 07, 2024 11:22 pm

Went out there with some dudes I've known since HS and man it was a blast hanging out in the trailer park and kayaking and such.

However, on the last day when we went to actual beach oth of them complained of water temp.. haha I dove right in. It's around 70F in October and the sun is still hot wtf. Wasn't even sharky which is weird for this time of year. No surfing was to be had despite bringing the board. I watched a tourist paddle out and pointed it out; "There he goes.. he ain't gonna catch.. OOH BOOM WASTED!!" Everyone (2 other surfers) was wiping out bad so I just swam lol.

Re: Surfin USA

by Jizaboz » Tue Oct 01, 2024 9:02 pm

AArdvark wrote: Tue Oct 01, 2024 4:27 pm Hey Jiz, is the hurricane affecting you at all? I see all these pix of N.C. getting messed up
Oh nah. Thanks for asking. My house got dodged. Even my fucking trailer park got dodged lol. It was a scary storm around here though with high winds, a few downed trees etc though

However, just a 2 hours drive to the west from my house is totally fucked. That's around the Boone area and everything even further west of Boone is worse.

It's horrible, man. The death toll will probably keep going up for a while.

Oh and the hour it hit here the waterpark expected me to come to work and boss man called me a sissy for texting him "Ain't going out in this shit".
FIRED! JK, I'll be there in the morning lol

Back to Salty Shores this weekend for a "bro trip"!

Re: Surfin USA

by AArdvark » Tue Oct 01, 2024 4:27 pm

Hey Jiz, is the hurricane affecting you at all? I see all these pix of N.C. getting messed up

Re: Surfin USA

by Jizaboz » Mon Sep 23, 2024 2:00 am

Hm forecast looks like I might get some sloppy 2ft plus wave action on the fun shape board in about 6-7 hours. Passing out now..

Re: Surfin USA

by Jizaboz » Mon Sep 23, 2024 1:17 am

Shit like this is why I gets so angry about calamari. Ain’t food at all! It’s bait and it stinks. Hate for anything but bait!


Re: Surfin USA

by Jizaboz » Mon Sep 23, 2024 12:09 am

Saturday: DnD night. It is getting hot in the house. The dungeon master is sweating his ass off. Check the ac and the outside unit isn’t on. Next day I check the capacitor and other things and determined with the DM (he and his dad do hvac work) that ancient Trane (at least 40 years old) is fucking fucked, mate. Going to have to cough up (or put on credit card) thousands to replace my old shit.

So I said you know what fuck it. I don’t have to be back at the waterpark until Wednesday.. I’ll just go to Salty Shores where the AC works and the scenery is better a few days.

When I arrive at my trailer I open the door to an awful sea stench. The refrigerator had failed and squid bait had thawed and leaked 😶‍🌫️ but hey I got AC!

Cleaned the freezer out and tomorrow if I can’t get it to work I’ll just say fuggit and buy ice for the cooler. I’ll probably end up having to remove and replace this RV fridge. If that ends up being the case I’ll probably just get a small portable fridge rather than an expensive large RV fridge.

Re: Surfin USA

by Jizaboz » Thu Sep 12, 2024 9:03 pm

Planned on takin 3 days off to surf and fish but the recent hurricane says nooooo

Gonna rain for many days straight and pollute the ocean with shit from the land. DAMNIT MAN

Forced to take the days off anyway (at no pay of course haha). Cool.

Re: Surfin USA

by Jizaboz » Fri Aug 16, 2024 9:26 am



Re: Surfin USA

by Jizaboz » Fri Aug 16, 2024 9:05 am

The clam chowder I made yesterday with those was fucking amazing.

Having leftovers later this afternoon before frying up a couple pounds of fresh shrimp.

I shall return to the coast in 3-4 weeks.

Re: Surfin USA

by AArdvark » Thu Aug 15, 2024 2:50 am

Looks like an Old Milwaukee beer commercial, nice!

Re: Surfin USA

by Jizaboz » Wed Aug 14, 2024 7:50 pm ... 64oU_CO8mQ

Free clams!

Noticed a couple dudes out on longboards today. I’ll try to hit it up tomorrow

Re: Surfin USA

by Jizaboz » Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:27 pm

Salty Shores this week. I was here again late June but skipped July for numerous reasons.

Recent hurricane only left a very small puddle of water on the shower curtain I leave over my bed because it sits right under a skylight. Lucked out there. Got ants though.. gonna remedy that tomorrow.

Today I didn’t do much aside from hang out with my older half-sister and her son and his girlfriend a few hours on the porch (they live fairly close to here) and take Lyndsay out to eat fried seafood at Bogue House. That meal and leftovers was basically all we ate all day but was plenty. Tried to eat blast early, but ants got in my little cereal boxes.

Already super tired at 11:30 but I have been up since 8 am. Tomorrow morning will be kayak in the sound then drive over the bridge and jump in the ocean yet again!

Wavepool party at the park was delayed last week. Cancelled today at the last minute. Picked a good time to be here instead!

Re: Surfin USA

by Jizaboz » Tue May 21, 2024 2:18 am

Back at Salty Shores. Left at 10:30 PM and got here at 2:30 AM. All is OK here! Don’t have to be back at the waterpark until Thursday, though I plan on doing AWS contact work some.

Surf forecast so far is absolutely shit. May change though between now and then to at least get some sloppies in. Some work to be done on my shed. Should have lots of time for fishing both from the shore and my kayak the next couple of days.

Got a list made for grilling stuff and groceries tomorrow as well as other little errands.

Re: Surfin USA

by Jizaboz » Wed May 15, 2024 7:25 am

Also, here is an almost full Gator tour of the park I created a while back in case anyone here didn't catch it:

Water was added to the pools over a week ago! Glorious!

Re: Surfin USA

by Jizaboz » Wed May 15, 2024 7:24 am

Going back out to Salty Shores for the 2nd time this year (I missed March and it was quite cold) late Sunday or early Monday for a few days. FINALLY got some time off after working night security every single night straight from then back to the 28th of last month.

Got Amazon Prime trial again for 3 months because I needed to order stuff and want to watch the rest of Fallout, Reacher, etc. For 60$ I have a fancy new surge protector for the entire RV (30 watt) and a nice, highly-rated charcoal grill big enough for making a couple of steaks at a time on. I think I've timed the weather right too as it's basically rained most of this week here and there; and it can't rain forever.

Ocean will finally be warm enough to swim and surf in without a wetsuit. I hope to at least catch a few small sloppy waves as well as some fish and shrimp.

Re: Surfin USA

by Jizaboz » Tue Apr 16, 2024 9:26 pm

Salty Shores was great aside from being harassed by police on the way! No water activities to be had that trip as the water was 60 degrees and the air was 69. You fall into the sound off your boat or kayak into that shit and you are gonna have a bad day heh. Instead I took care of a few things like repairing some wooden stairs that go up to my overlook over my surfboard/fishing pole shed, killing ant hills, nailing panelling back that the recent storm tried to pull off, and troubleshooting an electrical catastrophe that affected me, lot 8, and maybe other lots in the trailer park. Probably other shit I am forgetting but that's usually how the first trip back after winter goes; maintenance duties. Brought back a lot of shrimp and a bit of flounder I cooked and ate over 3 days.

Today at the waterpark I did the finishing touches to the oldest pool in our park; Ship Wreck Cove. Caulking, grout work, touch up paint, etc. (Funny side note: I didn't realize I wasn't even scheduled to work today lol)


Tonight, Master Plumber Steve started filling this pool. Once pools are filled, night security is required. I go back to night security until Labor Day on Monday. :cool:

Re: Surfin USA

by Jizaboz » Wed Apr 10, 2024 11:29 pm

A disgruntled co-worker brought all this shit up again today. I dunno why people are getting so bent out of shape. No GM or even Supervisor has got on to me for shit, but Don the Marine (the guy of my supervisor) tore into my co-worker 1st thing this morning. Just for trying to hang out with the maintenance crew a few minutes before he even clocked in. Of course he blew up at him. So the co-worker threatened to walk home, etc and then Don decided to tell us "I don't feel good guys.. I'm going home." He's 65 (Don that is. My Co-worker is 10 years younger than me) with mad issues including a pace-maker so I dunno why he even makes a deal out of going home. Sometimes I think it's actually home that's stressing him out. Hell, some days I don't even want to go home when everything is cool in the park so I guess I can partially relate.

I'm going back to Salty Shores as soon as I get out Friday. Haven't been yet this year and I seriously need to check on my surf/fish trailer and tell everyone to fuck off for a day. (They wanted me to work Saturday due to being rained out Tue and Thur. Told em can't but I'll work next Saturday) Probably have to do some caulking at the least, and hopefully get in some kayak action and bring home some shrimps. Bit too cold for surfing yet as I could MAYBE finally afford a good wetsuit now but should save my money for next year as the water will be warm soon anyway.

Re: Surfin USA

by Jizaboz » Fri Oct 27, 2023 10:13 pm

Had a semi-stoned meeting with my "GM" yesterday. I never talk to this guy (who just turned 40 this spring heh-heh) so it was a bit awkward for me to walk into the office and call him out for it.

Me: "Hey X, I need to talk to you whenever we get a chance."

GM: "Well, we can do it right now. We can walk around the park.."

Me: "Eh yeah let's just step outside.."

So I start out..

Me: "2 maybe more first off. X manager saw me in the break room room taking literally 3 minutes to sit down to drink water and cussed me out military style. Now.. I understand how maybe you micro manage a bit but; did YOU tell him to talk to me?"

GM: "Oh no no no! Every time I see you are working!"

Me: "Ok cool.. just wanted to make sure we understand that. So item #2. I want to work on rides. Caulking, sanding, anything. I heard the older dudes talking about how once they leave no one else can do this. I want to learn the ways."

GM: "Well right now we are not operating so we are in negative income and.."

Me: "I'm not asking for more money."

GM: "I appreciate everything yr doing here and yeah come spring time you can do that."

I still absolutely love this job. I just wish I didn't have to sell things and try to work a 2nd job to pay the bills while doing it in the off-season. Season work pay while I was working security was almost just at "paying the bills but extra money" level.

Re: Surfin USA

by Jizaboz » Tue Oct 17, 2023 9:39 am

pinback wrote: Tue Oct 17, 2023 4:08 am We have Spectrum and couldn't be happier! Good price, high speed, and on the rare occasion things go wrong, I just show up and they give me a new router within 5 minutes, no questions asked.

Thanks, Spectrum!

I continue to have fewer computer problems than anyone on this BBS. Of course, I use it primarily for watching TV, checking email, and work, and all of my work computer problems are intentionally inflicted on me by my company.
It seems to vary by location. They just could not get their shit together out at the coast. It consistently gave problems that were only temporarily fixed. Maybe the salt water messes up the lines.. fuck if I know because I don’t work for them.

At home it’s almost always up and is eh 95% reliable. Faster too. However, 84.99 a month is just too fucking high. I’ve watched it creep from 50 to this since 2002. The last time I complained about they pointed to me to a government assistance program because “haha fuck you poor guy! Just ask the government so you can afford our lovely service!”

The company fucking sucked when it was Roadrunner and has just got more and more stupid with every buyout. Spectrum changed our local office to look like an Apple Store. Walked in to return the equipment and dude points to a tablet and says “sir I’m gonna need you to sign in”. I looked at that shit for 5 seconds then told him “Nahhh I can’t be bothered with that. I’ll just wait.” Fucking stupid, awful company.
