This day-1, This month, This year

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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: This day-1, This month, This year

by Jack Straw » Sat Aug 30, 2003 2:51 am

OK, OK. Bonzai's over now, Crazy Picture Mania day is over.

Even without bondage retaliation, you notice. I have *some* sembalance of control.

AND a deep hate for dialup lusers. :twisted:

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Aug 29, 2003 10:43 pm

Hey. hey, hey. C'mon on now, Straw.

Re: This day-1, This month, This year

by Jack Straw » Fri Aug 29, 2003 9:15 pm

Worm wrote: Journal, I'm glad you are my new friend because Monto Journal blew up.

This day-1, This month, This year

by Worm » Fri Aug 29, 2003 9:07 pm

Hello Journal. Today was a nice day. I got a ride down to the mall with my friend Garon. He just got his license back and went eighty on the way down and got pulled over. So when we got to the mall I told him "Have fun fagninja". I noticed he had no money and gave him some ... then he left. I hung out around the arcade and managed a few high scores on Top Skater ... people commented me. I am a superstar! Though prior to that I thought my highscore vanished and I figured it was the fucking arcade guy those motherfuckers love to fuck with me. So I spent ten dollars trying to get it back and then noticed I simply overlooked my highscore. I apologized to Joe for accusing him of a "Zionist Conspiracy" (IRL ACTUAL WORDS ROFL) though I still think they changed it back when I hit the truth. Fucking thought nazis.

When I went to Best Buy (taxied by mother) the Best Buy team started performing brain surgery on me. The lead surgeon said "Get the Caravan." I replied "I have a SUV" and they all laughed. After that the only Indian man in TV knocked me out saying "Nighty nighty".

I woke up in Starbucks and got a double espresso which I didn't understand. Journal, is a shot of espresso a single? Do they only serve doubles at Starbucks? Did I have a quadruple? Mother won't like that. I saw a puuunnck rckkkkk grllllll with a sk4t3r b0i and laughed at them. I bought a book and read about worshiping Minerva or stalking her. I ended up on the way home telling Mother about how great Singapore was with it's caning those who deserve it, charging people for not flushing, and saying things in libraries.

Journal, I'm glad you are my new friend because Monto Journal blew up.
