Had to make teh Call

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Re: Had to make teh Call

by AArdvark » Mon Dec 25, 2023 6:04 am

My wife has worked in a bank for the last 30 years and is so on top of our accounts she balances the checkbooks almost daily. She has ninja money skills with the M&T app. It makes me feel like I'm Bob Crachett in a counting house sometimes compared to her.

I suspect Capital One is really busy right now with this kind of stuff so a long hold time is understood, plus it was December 24th, who knows how many people they have manning the call centers. My wife would rather talk to a human than try to cancel the card herself. Plus then she could have a two minute chat with the service rep about Makenzie-Childs products, which was her second last purchase on the card

Re: Had to make teh Call

by Flack » Mon Dec 25, 2023 5:49 am

Our credit cards get hacked and replaced at least twice a year. About every six months we get contacted by the credit union informing us that our cards have been compromised and new ones are on the way.

The funniest part is when they call and you have to go through your most recent purchases to verify which ones you did or didn't make. All the ones they think are suspicious are things I actually bought. "Hmm, here's one for some random janky electronics from Hong Kong." "Yeah, that was totally me." There will be three or four more bizarre things and then they'll hit one like, "a salad at a health food restaurant" and I'll be like "AHA THERE'S THE FAKE!"

Re: Had to make teh Call

by Da King » Sun Dec 24, 2023 9:42 pm

RealNC wrote: Sun Dec 24, 2023 3:38 pm I really hate going through the list of transactions manually and check if everything is legit, which was even more annoying.
It blows my mind how many people dont look at their bills every month.

One of my favorites is reading /r/TMobile, and seeing people complain about some kind of billing issue that has been happening for over a year, and wanting to know how to get it fixed. :facepalm

Re: Had to make teh Call

by Da King » Sun Dec 24, 2023 9:41 pm

AArdvark wrote: Sun Dec 24, 2023 1:08 pm Our Capital One card got comprised. Someone spent a buck at the PlayStation store to see if our card number worked and then spent five hundred bucks at the Nike website.
After a half hour wait on hold I canceled the card. The good news is that Capitol One e-mailed my wife and asked her about the recent purchase so we're not out a dime.

The last place we used the card was Target but who knows how, right?
Capital One left you on hold for half an hour!? Those bastards. I think I've had two credit cards stolen in my life (one was my fault, I dropped it and left it at Jim's Ground Round in Gates, and some bastard decided to go shopping with it). Both times, once I requested the fraud department, I was connected immediately.

Most CC companies give you the ability to deactivate a card thru their app or website. Was that at least an option?

Re: Had to make teh Call

by RealNC » Sun Dec 24, 2023 3:38 pm

Shit like this is what made me switch to pre-loaded cards some years ago. If I want to buy something, I first have to load the money into the card through the bank's mobile app. Can be annoying, but I really hate going through the list of transactions manually and check if everything is legit, which was even more annoying.

Had to make teh Call

by AArdvark » Sun Dec 24, 2023 1:08 pm

Our Capital One card got comprised. Someone spent a buck at the PlayStation store to see if our card number worked and then spent five hundred bucks at the Nike website.
After a half hour wait on hold I canceled the card. The good news is that Capitol One e-mailed my wife and asked her about the recent purchase so we're not out a dime.

The last place we used the card was Target but who knows how, right?
