by Ben » Fri Aug 02, 2002 2:42 pm
You all like to keep tabs on my gaming, right? Of course you do! That is why I, out of the goodness of my heart, and the goodness of me killing a few more minutes of this day, bringing me ever closer to the time I can get off work, go home, and not play games, will now bring you:
Ben's Gaming Update!! (or: "What's Ben Not Playing These Days?")
Warcraft III: About the time I said, "I've dedicated myself to finishing this game!" I stopped playing, and haven't played since. I do think I'll get back to it, though.
GTA3: I got stuck on one mission, tried it a few times, realized it was impossible, did all the available side missions, and now I'm at a point where I HAVE to do the impossible mission. So I quit.
Medal of Honor: Played nonstop for three straight days, got to a part which appeared difficult, died, quit.
Neverwinter Nights: Played that one night, came on here and announced that I probably wouldn't even load it up again, and darn if I wasn't right!
WWIII Black Gold: Played the first tutorial mission. Shelved it.
Moon Project: Played the first tutorial mission. Shelved it.
I think that brings us up to date! Thanks for reading:
Ben's Gaming Update (?!?!??!)
You all like to keep tabs on my gaming, right? Of course you do! That is why I, out of the goodness of my heart, and the goodness of me killing a few more minutes of this day, bringing me ever closer to the time I can get off work, go home, and not play games, will now bring you:
Ben's Gaming Update!! (or: "What's Ben Not Playing These Days?")
Warcraft III: About the time I said, "I've dedicated myself to finishing this game!" I stopped playing, and haven't played since. I do think I'll get back to it, though.
GTA3: I got stuck on one mission, tried it a few times, realized it was impossible, did all the available side missions, and now I'm at a point where I HAVE to do the impossible mission. So I quit.
Medal of Honor: Played nonstop for three straight days, got to a part which appeared difficult, died, quit.
Neverwinter Nights: Played that one night, came on here and announced that I probably wouldn't even load it up again, and darn if I wasn't right!
WWIII Black Gold: Played the first tutorial mission. Shelved it.
Moon Project: Played the first tutorial mission. Shelved it.
I think that brings us up to date! Thanks for reading:
Ben's Gaming Update (?!?!??!)