Here, we air our grievances with the board and with each oth

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Expand view Topic review: Here, we air our grievances with the board and with each oth

by Jethro Q. Walrustitty » Tue Sep 23, 2003 7:04 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:I might almost suggest calling junkyards looking for a good rear bumper to match, but yours is a fairly unusual color, and having to repaint it would probably cost enough that, if you were going to go that route, you might as well just get a new one.
Missed this the first time around. But it was really solid of you to go tell your sister-in-law to visit a JUNKYARD.
Calling doesn't equal visiting.

Anyways, just looking out for my baby sister.

Getting one the right color would also eliminate the problems that you see on some junkyard rescues, like the junkyard bed on Da King's "murple purple" truck, where the outside is purple, but the fenderwells are very clearly red.

by Da King » Mon Sep 22, 2003 7:04 pm

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:He proceeds to put the truck in Drive instead of Reverse, hits and gas, and looks on with a vapid, slightly shocked look while he hits my motherfucking classic old Porsche with his truck, collapsing one of my bumper shocks and making the bumper a little crooked.
He knew you were going to have it crushed anyways. He was just getting a jump start on the process. And free of charge. You should THANK him for that!

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Sep 22, 2003 3:54 pm

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:I might almost suggest calling junkyards looking for a good rear bumper to match, but yours is a fairly unusual color, and having to repaint it would probably cost enough that, if you were going to go that route, you might as well just get a new one.
Missed this the first time around. But it was really solid of you to go tell your sister-in-law to visit a JUNKYARD.

by Jethro Q. Walrustitty » Thu Sep 18, 2003 8:46 am

I'm kidding about keeping it (let's face it, Lotus > Porsche any day), but I'm not kidding about the damage, and you must have blocked it out, because it was immediately visible (of course) and was mentioned several times over the years.

Violet, I don't believe anyone said anything regarding your "Big J" nickname, which was a nickname that I give to people occasionally. (Well, Big + first initial. Not necessarily "Big J" exactly.) Has nothing to do with anything, just as saying to someone, "hey, big guy" doesn't imply that he's a waddling tub of lard, or that the "big man on campus" is actually there for the scientific study of gravy addiction.

Regardless, the dent is a little ugly but fortunately is in the plastic bumper, not the metal fender, so you can live with it - or, take it over to Ferrari Dan's some time and get an idea of what it'll take to bandaid-fix it (since I don't think you want to buy a whole new bumper.) I would guess a couple hundred bucks or so. I might almost suggest calling junkyards looking for a good rear bumper to match, but yours is a fairly unusual color, and having to repaint it would probably cost enough that, if you were going to go that route, you might as well just get a new one.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Sep 18, 2003 3:11 am

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:No damage? I'm not kidding here - the bumper shock was collapsed and the rear bumper was crooked from that day forward.
You have NEVER mentioned that. This is the first I've heard of this. I believe you are just making this up, because this is complete news.

If it weren't for that, I might well have kept the damn thing instead of parting it out and buying a Lotus! Nice work, "Crash" Sherwin!
Okay, now I know you are kidding. You had that thing sized up Rubik's-style for the crusher two seconds after it caught your fancy -- don't deny it. Ferdinand Porsche thought that he could give the people a taste of what it was like to drive one of his superior-engineered automobiles with the help of Hitler because that's what he does. You got one and decided that it just wasn't "boxy" enough. That's what you do.

Anyway, it's too bad that it's not around right now. The 914 may not be good for daily transportation or anything, but find an orange shirt and you could do a hell of a Q*bert impression with it.

by Violet » Wed Sep 17, 2003 12:44 pm

My car has seen a new low, yes a dent is on it's bumper. There is a little paint loss but all in all its not that big. It was a stupid mistake. It's horrible hurting your car for the first time, but at least it's not hanging over my head anymore. I was trying to be so careful before. I guess I was trying to be too careful. That's when you make the most mistakes.

Why is it that with a knickname like Big J everyone thinks your fat? Jeff why do you care so much that I'm not big j over here? It doesn't matter really does it?

by Jethro Q. Walrustitty » Wed Sep 17, 2003 12:29 pm

No damage? I'm not kidding here - the bumper shock was collapsed and the rear bumper was crooked from that day forward.

If it weren't for that, I might well have kept the damn thing instead of parting it out and buying a Lotus! Nice work, "Crash" Sherwin!

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Sep 17, 2003 8:51 am

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:Oh, and I'm still pissed at Jonsey for the time that his shitty truck was parked behind my Porsche, and he went to move it (or leave or something) while the rest of us were standing there. He proceeds to put the truck in Drive instead of Reverse, hits and gas, and looks on with a vapid, slightly shocked look while he hits my motherfucking classic old Porsche with his truck, collapsing one of my bumper shocks and making the bumper a little crooked.
??? You had no damage done to it whatsoever, except that it was covered in spittle from you after I gave it a light, friendly, tap.

Yeah, I guess it really mattered in the end, since you had it CRUSHED. It was originally 914. It became a Borg Cube.

by Jethro Q. Walrustitty » Wed Sep 17, 2003 8:25 am

Oh, and I'm still pissed at Jonsey for the time that his shitty truck was parked behind my Porsche, and he went to move it (or leave or something) while the rest of us were standing there. He proceeds to put the truck in Drive instead of Reverse, hits and gas, and looks on with a vapid, slightly shocked look while he hits my motherfucking classic old Porsche with his truck, collapsing one of my bumper shocks and making the bumper a little crooked.

What did I get for recompense? A few "sorry"s, years of anguish, and not one fucking dime - hey Jonsey, friendship is all well and good, but it doesn't pay the bills, knowwhatImean? Toss the salad!

I'm now pissed at Vitre-cola for dodging my inquiry into her false accusations lobbed at me, like so many random bullets fired in the air during an Iraqi wedding.

I'm also pissed at myself for thinking "what fire hydrant" when reading <strike>Big J's</strike> Violet's tale of woe. I've been in and out of that driveway more times than I've been in and out of... errr, you know, but I can't say with any confidence just where the fire hydrant is. Regardless, my sincerest sympathies, J, and I hope the damage isn't too severe. If it's mainly a dent, perhaps we can hammer it out - though I suspect hitting a fairly immovable object like a fire hydrant would also take some paint off.

I would assume that you'll be over tonight, J? If so, we'll take a look then. If some paint has scraped off, we'll need to put some primer on any exposed bare metal right away, before it starts to rust.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Sep 16, 2003 11:04 pm


A dent? Oh noes!

Say it isn't so, Violet!

I had my first Neon for maybe three months when it got crumpled. I was going to pick Jeff up from work and a guy ran into me.

Thanks, Jeff!

by Violet » Tue Sep 16, 2003 6:52 pm

the fire hydrant in the front of my house: For being so damn hard to navigate around.

the dent in the back of my new old car: for being there.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Sep 16, 2003 5:00 pm

Vitriola wrote:You're going to pay.
"It says here that Alex Rodriguez is making more money than all of the Tampa Bay Devil Rays combined." -- Peter "MCP" Berman

"Alex Rodriguez is more valuable than all of the Tampa Bay Devil Rays combined." -- Neil deMause

I know that she was quivering in a jiggle of ecstasy because of the massage that you gave her and not, you know, the meth or anything. I know this to be true, and I have accepted it.

Usually when given the description, "a good looking redhead with a nice body who walks with a cane sometimes that all the girls just love" I am thinking Marvel Comics' "Daredevil." But the HWR has caused all manner of redefinition and turned everything upside-down in my life. I don't know what to expect any longer! Well, I don't know what to expect except content, natch.

by Worm » Tue Sep 16, 2003 3:52 pm

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote: When did I ever "bawl" about picture posting?

My darling, the only "bawling" do has nothing to do with crying, though my partner has been known to shed tears of joy.
Three guesses to figure out what one letter word you forgot.

by Vitriola » Tue Sep 16, 2003 3:12 pm

Oh, and I'm sort-of pissed at Jonsey for using the term "cock of anger" - that's just disturbing. Especially the idea of him "thrusting" it at The Enemy. I think he's gotten "taking down" confused with "going down."
This is what I've been saying.

Oh yeah, and I'm also pissed at Robb for continuing to interject himself in my mind, even last night, when I had HWR on her bed, wearing panties, and rubbing her legs for her. And I hate myself for sitting there, manhandling HWR, thinking, I hope he's not going to be pissed about this...

I could so SCORE if it weren't for you. You're going to pay.

by Jethro Q. Walrustitty » Tue Sep 16, 2003 2:17 pm

Vitriola wrote:Yeah, I got somethin' to say:

JETHRO: For totally pinching off the umbilical cord of nutritious images I was bringing to this site by your constant bawling about picture posting. Now you have nobody to blame but yourself for my text.

When did I ever "bawl" about picture posting?

My darling, the only "bawling" do has nothing to do with crying, though my partner has been known to shed tears of joy.

I'm pissed at everyone for having made myself LVP upon my arrival then only making it into one person's rogue's gallery, and even then for fictional reasons.

I'm especially pissed at two people:
1) Lex, for consistently promising to post more on, yet continuing to post on JC, despite the fact that he is even more hated than I am around here
2) Worm, for confusing TMBG and BNL. Here's a hint: TMBG are good, BNL are excrementally awful.

Oh, and I'm sort-of pissed at Jonsey for using the term "cock of anger" - that's just disturbing. Especially the idea of him "thrusting" it at The Enemy. I think he's gotten "taking down" confused with "going down."

by Worm » Tue Sep 16, 2003 1:44 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: WORM: For making me laugh with his, "I don't mind the Barenaked Ladies, in fact, I thought that _John Henry_ was a pretty good album" comment over on Caltrops and not here.

Myself: For confusing the Barenaked Ladies and TMBG for about the fourth time in my life. It's funny because I mixed the fuckers up again right? You didn't mistake it for something intelligent did you?

by Lex » Tue Sep 16, 2003 11:36 am

I love each and every one of you, except A bug, who doesn't post nearly as often as he should.

I was sure his special keyboard would've arrived by now.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Sep 16, 2003 8:22 am

Your dad banned you from JC, Lysander?

by Lysander » Tue Sep 16, 2003 8:16 am

Here are my grievances.

Robb: for not going IM-agnostic and staying on god damn mother fucking goat blowing ICQ.

Vitriola: for *making* Robb stay on god damn mother fucking goat blowing ICQ.
Toofle ZK: for being an insufferable ass. Please, take your pointless Vitriola-bashing somewhere else. Like or some such. I'm sure they'd find you welcome.
Souflee Of Pain: for being a complete ass for no good reason. I mean, he's not even a *funny* asshole.

Blue: for being an annoying whore who abuses elipsees.
My dad: for making me sneak these fascinating JC posts. Bastard.
Violet: for not immediately sleeping wwith Vitriola and then not posting endless pages of description on it.
Myself: for not checking this place more often.
Pinback: No idea. Its just... everyone else does, so...

by gsdgsd » Tue Sep 16, 2003 7:11 am

I have the following grievances:

Robb, for not having you-know-what done yet.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers, for... oh, goddamnit, I still can't accept it.

God, for making the women of Croatia so astoundingly hot, but not allowing me to speak Croatian.

That is all.
