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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: GET YOUR LASER SQUAD NEMESIS ON

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Sep 30, 2003 1:51 pm

Lex wrote:How long are you going to play Capt. Retarded? Okay, so if that really isn't working, even after talking to a real, live person, we'll give you the 3-month code from this box-edition.

Personally, I'm taking this with an oceanful of salt.
No, it's that these fags won't give me my fucking password. The fuck?

by Lex » Tue Sep 30, 2003 1:49 pm

How long are you going to play Capt. Retarded? Okay, so if that really isn't working, even after talking to a real, live person, we'll give you the 3-month code from this box-edition.

Personally, I'm taking this with an oceanful of salt.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Sep 30, 2003 8:46 am

I have forgotten my password. And when trying to get it sent to me, well, that didn't work.


by Roody_Yogurt » Tue Sep 30, 2003 7:26 am

Ha, that's great. I hope she kicks all your asses.

by Keza » Tue Sep 30, 2003 5:33 am

It's come to my attention that my old 'boss' and dear friend down in London has retrieved an old review copy of this game, and, having no particular inclination to do anything with it himself, it posting it to sunny Scotland for me to play with :cool: . PREPARE FOR DEFEAT, PATHETIC MORTALS. Especially you, Lex, as you clearly really, REALLY suck. :P

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Sep 29, 2003 5:10 pm

Keza wrote:I'm merely raising a mild objection to the fact that I have absolutely no say in what's potentially going on here :mrgreen:. I'm used to calling the shots...
In a way, you sort of still can be. Don't let Lex move his little guys around the screen -- play for him! -- and you'll find yourself with a victory condition after all.

Oh, and hey, Vitriola.
Golden Age.

by Keza » Mon Sep 29, 2003 1:33 pm

I'm merely raising a mild objection to the fact that I have absolutely no say in what's potentially going on here :mrgreen:. I'm used to calling the shots...

Oh, and hey, Vitriola.

by bruce » Mon Sep 29, 2003 1:32 pm

Keza wrote:
Ah. Lex, maybe we should change the bet to make it so that the girlfriend of the loser has to make out with the girlfriend of the winner.
Ahem. AHEM.
What? <i>I'd</i> make out with Vitriola. Why are <i>you</i> such a prude?


by Vitriola » Mon Sep 29, 2003 1:31 pm

Over here.

by Keza » Mon Sep 29, 2003 1:27 pm

Ah. Lex, maybe we should change the bet to make it so that the girlfriend of the loser has to make out with the girlfriend of the winner. This should happen after Vitriola's next birthday (Sunday) but before Kez's next birthday, if you're digging my ditch here, and I think you are.

Ahem. AHEM.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Sep 29, 2003 10:14 am

pinback wrote:Seeing as how your main tactic for accomplishing this goal was to IM and email me frantically for a week, begging me to please, please, somehow make it happen, like the whimpering, simpering kitten-fart that you are, I fail to see how this is going to work for you when you're actually going up against me mano a douchebag.
The tactic worked, didn't it?

(I love how you gloss over the fact that it was still *me* who had to be witty, charming and engaging for hours over the phone, AIM, in person and in about a dozen other, unspeakable, forms of communication not limited to praying, telepathy, black magic and seance.)

Anyway, it worked then and everything I do to you once the game is registered will work afterwards. You just be lucky that they let an old man like you still login and play. I am the number that you cannot e'en fucking compute. You're the past-its-prime abacus of squad based tactics, you fucking luddite.

"This is the rage of the aged." -- Beaver, Rage of the Aged

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Sep 29, 2003 10:10 am


Okay, I should have like five minutes between the time I get home tonight and the time that I have to leave for Flag Football. I will register then.

(Though, if Dayna is reading this: if you want to do me a favor and register LSN for me, send me a PM and I'll tell you how. That would totally save me like a half-hour and allow me to get a head start on giving an ass-kicking to Lex that would make what the British did to the Scots in _Braveheart_ seem like afternoon scones and tea.)

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Sep 25, 2003 12:31 pm

It's like X-COM, Worm -- squad based, overhead view tactical war game. Might not be able to get on tonight as I need to come up with some pics for the Worst Interview Ever over at .

by pinback » Thu Sep 25, 2003 11:30 am

Worm wrote:So I have to buy this game simply to only get to play as one class?
No. What?
Let's watch that language there.

by Worm » Thu Sep 25, 2003 4:20 am

So I have to buy this game simply to only get to play as one class? IS IT A FUCKING FPS?

by pinback » Wed Sep 24, 2003 11:01 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:o Knew what he wanted out of life
o Went out and fucking got it
Seeing as how your main tactic for accomplishing this goal was to IM and email me frantically for a week, begging me to please, please, somehow make it happen, like the whimpering, simpering kitten-fart that you are, I fail to see how this is going to work for you when you're actually going up against me mano a douchebag.

And when it comes to futuristic dudes with guns blowing the fuck out of robot guys, I've only got two numbers for you to consider:

Number #1: 406,000
Number #2: 12,000




by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Sep 24, 2003 10:45 pm

By the way? I'M FUCKING BACK.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Sep 24, 2003 10:45 pm

The only way you'd beat me is familiarity with the game itself. As soon as I get a few games in, I would fucking destroy you and everything you've ever held dear.

Look, asshole, thinking about shit, coming up with tactics and implementing battle plans is what I fucking do all day. NONE of you have ANY idea what it is like to live this life. Every fucking MOMENT I engage in is either a carefully considered step towards a greater master plan or a temporary obstacle that I end up solving by swishing a few of my many and larger-than-yours brain cells to and fro.

I have an entire room setup in Apartment #L201 simply for scheming. For SCHEMING the slippery vaginal juices right out of you miserable motherfuckers.

Let's look carefully at each other's lives in a really broad sense:

o Knew what he wanted out of life
o Went out and fucking got it

Laser Squad Nemesis Early Analysis: A formidable combination of Sun Tzu, Col. John "Hannibal" Smith, Batman and the ever-taunting 'Cruel Puppet' from Zork Zero.

o Knew what he wanted out of life
o Is currently running helter-skelter over the country in an attempt to get away from it all

Laser Squad Nemesis Early Analysis: Will spend all of his time moving his guys around on the screen in a wholly aimless and directionless fashion, not unlike frightened sight-seeing. Will not give enemies a world of pain, but instead, televisions and alley cats. Will surrender if he thinks his neighbors might be woken up by the sounds of simulated gunfire coming from his admittedly nice and new laptop.

ADVANTAGE: When the grey aliens are crash landing their saucers down onto mother earth, Gaia wants her children to step up and bring the fucking noise and <strike>keep up with the</strike> knock the shit out of the Joneses, not turn the volume down and lay down like a funtime swallow bitch to the Jonseyes.

by pinback » Wed Sep 24, 2003 10:29 pm

The funny part is, I've been into LSN since its release date, and could utterly destroy any of you without even looking at the screen once.

But do you see me coming on here, pounding my chest and posturing like a child? Of course not.

I like to think I'm above that.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Sep 24, 2003 10:23 pm

Laser Squad Nemesis status: PURCHASED.
