Okay, who has an idea for this shithole?

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Expand view Topic review: Okay, who has an idea for this shithole?

by ChainGangGuy » Mon Oct 27, 2003 10:05 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Ah, those were the days. We packed and brought the funny every day like it was a brown bag lunch.
So when's lunch?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Oct 27, 2003 9:59 pm

I really wish we had a based that only dealt with threaded comments, like we had on PWC2 BBS.

Did I mention that the bunch of us posting over there was one of the greatest runs anyone ever had on the Internet, Gerrit? Did I mention that? I should mention that more often.

Ah, those were the days. We packed and brought the funny every day like it was a brown bag lunch.

by ChainGangGuy » Mon Oct 27, 2003 9:22 pm

What? Shithole?

Hey Sherwin, I'm standin' right here. :sad:

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Oct 24, 2003 9:16 am

Snuffy McGee wrote:I'm trying to imagine these get togethers that y'all have. I'm imagining several people sitting around an appartment each at their own computer making posts on a web forum. Am I the only one here who posts LESS when I have more going on in the REAL WORLD?
Hey there, Snuff.

Well, there wasn't any hot computer action going on when five of us got together in Vegas. I think, even, that One of the Bruces had his laptop with him. Sure, we played a few arcade games at the Classic Gaming Expo, but that's what you're supposed to do. It was definitely very social.

What's it going to be like in November, should ICJ, Vitriola, gsdgsd and Benjamin "Pinback" Parrish all hit the town at the same time? Some pool will be played, some beers consumed, some stories told, but mostly it'll be all about book, movie, cat, insulin, movie.

by Jack Straw » Thu Oct 23, 2003 10:45 pm


by Snuffy McGee » Thu Oct 23, 2003 7:15 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: 1) To allow people to write monologues, either as themselves or "gimmick" characters

2) To post in a secure, encrypted environ when they are inebriated or intoxicated.

Not enough of either has been going on lately. But actually, Pinback and gsdgsd may be coming out to Colorado at the same time next month, at which point the ENTIRE BBS ought to be one giant drunk holding tank. But, specifically, this base.
I'm trying to imagine these get togethers that y'all have. I'm imagining several people sitting around an appartment each at their own computer making posts on a web forum. Am I the only one here who posts LESS when I have more going on in the REAL WORLD?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Oct 20, 2003 11:49 am

Lysander wrote:I have a question. Just exactly what the fuck is this base for? I'd certainly post to it more, except I don't exactly get the joke. Are you supposed to post long monalogues as dead celebrities or some such? I... I just don't get it. Help!
You don't have to be a dead celebrity to have a monologue, but it helps.

This base's current function is:

1) To allow people to write monologues, either as themselves or "gimmick" characters

2) To post in a secure, encrypted environ when they are inebriated or intoxicated.

Not enough of either has been going on lately. But actually, Pinback and gsdgsd may be coming out to Colorado at the same time next month, at which point the ENTIRE BBS ought to be one giant drunk holding tank. But, specifically, this base.

by Lysander » Wed Oct 01, 2003 3:48 pm

I have a question. Just exactly what the fuck is this base for? I'd certainly post to it more, except I don't exactly get the joke. Are you supposed to post long monalogues as dead celebrities or some such? I... I just don't get it. Help!

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Oct 01, 2003 12:39 pm

Okay, just caught myself up here.

As long as inanimate objects, locations, record singles and fruit loops who rework all their old songs into ballads about dead blondes continue to post here, this place will never be in trouble. Good game, all of you.

by Elton John » Wed Oct 01, 2003 12:17 pm

If you can hear that song drunk in a bar, in the throes of unrequited love and not cry, my bent-over child, then you may rest assured that your heart is a flawless ball of polished obsidian, and you should get over her in no time. And I mean get over her in the with-all-4-wheels, in forward and reverse kind of way. You soulless heathen miscreant. You make my sequins wilt in shame...

by Stay The Night » Wed Oct 01, 2003 12:07 pm


by gsdgsd » Wed Oct 01, 2003 11:57 am

Vitriola wrote:Remember, the further she lives from you, the better that Snickers will taste to her.
She actually lives a good distance from me, so that's good to know. Valuable intelligence. Thanks, Vitriola. I don't care what Robb says -- you're good people.
So, do you cry when you hear Elton John songs now? Or anything from Chicago XVIII?
I heard "I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues" in a bar last night and DIDN'T CRY, so the answer's no. Though I was drunk, which may skew the test results.

I haven't owned a Chicago album since "16" -- that was the last one where they really had that true, honest street sound. Fucking sellouts.


by Vitriola » Wed Oct 01, 2003 11:54 am

Remember, the further she lives from you, the better that Snickers will taste to her.

So, do you cry when you hear Elton John songs now? Or anything from Chicago XVIII?

by gsdgsd » Wed Oct 01, 2003 11:54 am

I'll e-mail tonight to find out about the Snickers bars.

Perhaps I can finally put this ugly time behind me, or at least establish once and for all that it is indeed worth pursuing.

Thanks, HR4.

by Hellraiser IV » Wed Oct 01, 2003 11:50 am

gsdgsd wrote:The sad thing is, that image makes me want to do exactly that. AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF SHE LIKES SNICKERS BARS.
If she doesn't, she's not worth having in the long term, anyway.


by gsdgsd » Wed Oct 01, 2003 11:46 am

Vitriola wrote:...she can scan a pic of her eyes and get you driving out to bring her a Snickers bar at 4:30 in the am. I know I can't wait.
The sad thing is, that image makes me want to do exactly that. AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF SHE LIKES SNICKERS BARS.


by Roody_Yogurt » Wed Oct 01, 2003 11:45 am

In person, if she'd unleashed the big brown eyes, she would've had me at :00 and a half.
So how many Old 97s songs make you think of this girl?

by Vitriola » Wed Oct 01, 2003 11:42 am

In person, if she'd unleashed the big brown eyes, she would've had me at :00 and a half.
And in the future, when we can craft little icons for ourselves and send them over the phonelines to let others know who's calling, she can scan a pic of her eyes and get you driving out to bring her a Snickers bar at 4:30 in the am. I know I can't wait.

by gsdgsd » Wed Oct 01, 2003 11:26 am

Vitriola wrote:Hardass. They get me by "Hey! Can you go out and buy me a pack of cigarettes/drive me to work/take me to this concert/massage my legs for me?"
Well, it was a voicemail. More impersonal, donchaknow. So my resolve was a little stronger, it took a little more time to break through the charcoal surrounding my heart.

In person, if she'd unleashed the big brown eyes, she would've had me at :00 and a half.

by Vitriola » Wed Oct 01, 2003 11:04 am

gsdgsd wrote:Shit. Of course, I managed to fall back madly in love with her in the :20 of that voicemail message.
So, "she had you at :20"?

Hardass. They get me by "Hey! Can you go out and buy me a pack of cigarettes/drive me to work/take me to this concert/massage my legs for me?"
