Wonka is Satan

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by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Oct 08, 2003 8:47 pm

Lysander wrote:My plan, if I go at all, is to get the most convincing Resident Evil zombie as possible, complete with stumbling around and long strips of skin peeling off my face, with the express purpose of scaring the living christ out of these 9-year-old "im a ghost hahaha" Silver Ravenwolf-lor bastards. Or maybe I'll go as a vampire (I've done it before, though not with the intent to be "scary") and just sculk around in the shadows between buildings, leering out at children and parents alike. Of course, I'll have to wear some sort of facepaint if I do that so they won't recognize me. Hmm...

by bruce » Wed Oct 08, 2003 7:51 pm

Vitriola wrote:
Lysander wrote:My plan, if I go at all, is to get the most convincing Resident Evil zombie as possible, complete with stumbling around and long strips of skin peeling off my face, with the express purpose of scaring the living christ out of these 9-year-old "im a ghost hahaha" Silver Ravenwolf-lor bastards.
Why don't you wear a diaper, cover yourself with feces and spit, and scream your little head off the entire time, to try and scare the living christ out of them ever having a baby? You could be having fun, AND performing a public service. Add points for every person who's costume you vomit on.
Or you could be utterly selfish, covered in someone else's blood, and screaming, and you'd either be a newborn or a Republican.


by Vitriola » Wed Oct 08, 2003 9:25 am

Lysander wrote:My plan, if I go at all, is to get the most convincing Resident Evil zombie as possible, complete with stumbling around and long strips of skin peeling off my face, with the express purpose of scaring the living christ out of these 9-year-old "im a ghost hahaha" Silver Ravenwolf-lor bastards.
Why don't you wear a diaper, cover yourself with feces and spit, and scream your little head off the entire time, to try and scare the living christ out of them ever having a baby? You could be having fun, AND performing a public service. Add points for every person who's costume you vomit on.

by Lysander » Wed Oct 08, 2003 7:43 am

My plan, if I go at all, is to get the most convincing Resident Evil zombie as possible, complete with stumbling around and long strips of skin peeling off my face, with the express purpose of scaring the living christ out of these 9-year-old "im a ghost hahaha" Silver Ravenwolf-lor bastards. Or maybe I'll go as a vampire (I've done it before, though not with the intent to be "scary") and just sculk around in the shadows between buildings, leering out at children and parents alike. Of course, I'll have to wear some sort of facepaint if I do that so they won't recognize me. Hmm...

by AArdvark » Tue Oct 07, 2003 4:26 pm

Oh no. It's the latest in a Looong line of frightful halloween scary stuff that I have dreamed up. Including sandwich bags of flour dropped in the furnace blower pointed down the driveway!

Should have used baby powder, tho.


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Oct 07, 2003 2:53 pm

AArdvark wrote:I have a couple of those flourescent yellow strips that the eye doctor sticks in yer eyes to check for 'gloww-coma' (sp) He reccomended that I wet them with saline then dip a pair of old contacs in them. This way my eyes will glow (with the help of a black light over the door) when I hand out candy.
You will single handedly ruin Halloween for every child that comes to your door this year. gg, Vark. gg.

by AArdvark » Tue Oct 07, 2003 2:41 pm

I have a couple of those flourescent yellow strips that the eye doctor sticks in yer eyes to check for 'gloww-coma' (sp) He reccomended that I wet them with saline then dip a pair of old contacs in them. This way my eyes will glow (with the help of a black light over the door) when I hand out candy. Some scary makeup, some scary synth noises and 'wa-lla' (sp)


Maybe I'll get my 16 yr old to jump out of a garbage can and scare the crap out of everyone on the way out

by Teufel ZeKK » Tue Oct 07, 2003 2:31 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
What is everyone going as for Halloween?
I am going as a concert-goer. I celebrate Devil's Night more seriously so I'm gonna go see Autumn's End at the Mason Jar for Halloween. Get drunk, hit on the beer wench. That sort of thing. Get elbowed in the face like I did during Xeper last night. Should be a great original costume.

Graveyards and Boobies

by milker » Mon Oct 06, 2003 1:27 pm

I am so on the graveyard thing it isnt even funny. Actually I just mentioned to Robb that the town near where I live has the best old cemetary. We will have to go the weekend you come down Robb. I will even bring some effects and shit to rig up.


by Lex » Mon Oct 06, 2003 1:07 pm

Milunits, I swear to Jesus fucking God that I will hunt you down and kill you if you do not get your "graveyard on". I'm serious here, I will tear your head off.


Re: Salem

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Oct 06, 2003 9:45 am

milker wrote:A few things not to miss would be the old, old, graveyard. It is so awesome and actually scary. The shops and street vendors was a real treat as some of the art is really cool. I would say pass on the haunted houses as they were not done very well and lacking scares.
We have to hit up a graveyard this year, Milker. We do that and I will take some pictures and I will immediately start developing a Hugo sequel to Chicks Dig Jerks. This I promise!!!

You hold the key, Milkunits!

by Keza » Mon Oct 06, 2003 9:29 am

I'm thinking of going as a stuffed olive this year, merely for the sake of sheer "hilarity".

This should help

by milker » Mon Oct 06, 2003 8:45 am


by milker » Mon Oct 06, 2003 8:40 am

Salem is really cool during Halloween. I am fanatic Halloween person and had to go on an east coast trip last year.

People really get in to it and the atmosphere really makes things memorable.

A few things not to miss would be the old, old, graveyard. It is so awesome and actually scary. The shops and street vendors was a real treat as some of the art is really cool. I would say pass on the haunted houses as they were not done very well and lacking scares.

The parade is really cool and the people are all decked out with great costumes. Parking is difficult, but I would recommend parking near the witch museum and taking that in early. It is really crowded, but a fun crowd.

It rained when I was there so that put a damper on things, but still one of my top Halloweens ever.

Now I am wanting to hit New Orleans.

Have a great time, the smell of kettle korn and candy corn will be heavy in the air that night.


by Roody_Yogurt » Sun Oct 05, 2003 8:18 pm

I don't know anybody having a party, which is probably for the best as doing a homemade costume can get expensive sometimes.

by Worm » Sun Oct 05, 2003 8:11 pm

Well, I'm paying ENOUGH to get to Salem. I've got free room and board at least at my aunt's house. My buddy is spiking his hair up and probably going to walk around with a cheap rubber Baboon mask and his normal "street punk" (That's what my little brother says it's called. I just call it white jeans and jean jacket.) wear. My one friend has enough piercing so he won't really need a coustume. I'd like to get a Vega mask and I'd probably wear it regularly. I really have no idea what Halloween is supposed to be like down there ... I thought it was all neo-pagan jerks. Anyone been down there?
Though I wouldn't be suprised if these pricks tell me they don't want to go last minute and I have to hop on a bus all frantic like or grab a ride with my dad.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Oct 05, 2003 8:00 pm

What is everyone going as for Halloween?

by Keza » Sun Oct 05, 2003 5:02 am

Willy Wonka is *clearly* evil. I mean, come on, what kind of psychopath lures children into his house of candy and then explodes the poor bastards?

Plus, that shade of purple is just wrong.

by Worm » Sat Oct 04, 2003 3:33 pm

I was going down to Salem for Halloween so I don't know what I'm doing. Though Veruca Salt seems like a decent band at least.

Wonka is Satan

by milker » Sat Oct 04, 2003 3:00 pm

I am thinking of going as an evil Willy Wonka this year for Halloween. I plan to sculpt my own evil, smart ass candy maker mask. Ice Cream Joneser and I just had a heated arguement over if Willy Wonka was evil or not.


