by Jethro Q. Walrustitty » Mon Nov 03, 2003 3:08 pm
I don't think that I ever actually met Rachel. Or did I? I get confused. When I hear "Rachel", my addled brains conjure images of a user called "Rachel" but who actually had another name of "The Real World", and no one ever actually met her. If Rachel B had a different handle, then please, enlighten (or at least remind) me.
Carrie Erwin was a quality user back in the day, though, if we're going to bring up real old-sk00l femme users.
Portia was really nice, too - a Vietnamese chick I hung out with for a while there. Never could quite make the move, though. You guys can pine away for Puerto Rican gals, gimme Asian ones any day.
As for Little School Grrl, I don't believe she ever posted on JC, at least, the web version. Hell, I can barely get her on my own BBS.
I don't think that I ever actually met Rachel. Or did I? I get confused. When I hear "Rachel", my addled brains conjure images of a user called "Rachel" but who actually had another name of "The Real World", and no one ever actually met her. If Rachel B had a different handle, then please, enlighten (or at least remind) me.
Carrie Erwin was a quality user back in the day, though, if we're going to bring up [i]real[/i] old-sk00l femme users.
Portia was really nice, too - a Vietnamese chick I hung out with for a while there. Never could quite make the move, though. You guys can pine away for Puerto Rican gals, gimme Asian ones any day.
As for Little School Grrl, I don't believe she ever posted on JC, at least, the web version. Hell, I can barely get her on my own BBS.