Riddle me this.

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by Bugs » Mon Nov 03, 2003 3:31 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Also! Bugs, you used to date her, right? Any idea where she ended up? I miss a lot of the old callers from the dial-up days. Her, Beach Bum and the REAL King coming back would be just the kick in the ass this place needed.
Well, we had a strange relationship. Not "dating," per se, but something like that, I suppose.

She went to Towson State in Maryland, and, last I heard from her, she was working in HR somewhere down that way. I can't remember when I last heard from her. Probably two or three years.

by Jethro Q. Walrustitty » Mon Nov 03, 2003 3:08 pm

I don't think that I ever actually met Rachel. Or did I? I get confused. When I hear "Rachel", my addled brains conjure images of a user called "Rachel" but who actually had another name of "The Real World", and no one ever actually met her. If Rachel B had a different handle, then please, enlighten (or at least remind) me.

Carrie Erwin was a quality user back in the day, though, if we're going to bring up real old-sk00l femme users.

Portia was really nice, too - a Vietnamese chick I hung out with for a while there. Never could quite make the move, though. You guys can pine away for Puerto Rican gals, gimme Asian ones any day.

As for Little School Grrl, I don't believe she ever posted on JC, at least, the web version. Hell, I can barely get her on my own BBS.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Nov 03, 2003 2:37 pm

Also! Bugs, you used to date her, right? Any idea where she ended up? I miss a lot of the old callers from the dial-up days. Her, Beach Bum and the REAL King coming back would be just the kick in the ass this place needed.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Nov 03, 2003 1:44 pm

Jeff and no-longer-appearing-in-this-forum "Little School Girl" have also met her.

by Bugs » Mon Nov 03, 2003 1:22 pm

I get food boners thinking about the name Ice Cream Jonsey. That cereal was awesome.
Rachel Brandwein is a totally sexy name, though.
Has anyone here besides me and RobBbbb actually met her?

by Jack Straw » Fri Oct 31, 2003 3:17 pm

I dunno, I'd hit Molly Muffsweet based on name alone.

Re: Riddle me this.

by bruce » Fri Oct 31, 2003 2:43 pm

Casual Observer wrote:
Bugs wrote:
Casual Observer wrote:I'm just someone who's been hanging around for a few months but never really bothered to post. I know a couple of Jolt denizens (won't say who) which seems to be the best reason to pay attention.
Holy shit. Rachel Brandwein?
Rachel Brandwein is a totally sexy name, though.


Re: Riddle me this.

by Casual Observer » Thu Oct 30, 2003 8:36 am

Bugs wrote:
Casual Observer wrote:I'm just someone who's been hanging around for a few months but never really bothered to post. I know a couple of Jolt denizens (won't say who) which seems to be the best reason to pay attention.
Holy shit. Rachel Brandwein?

by Jethro Q. Walrustitty » Thu Oct 30, 2003 8:31 am

If LG's gonna be one-trick - I will be that one trick.

Back off, bitches!

by Realist » Thu Oct 30, 2003 7:52 am

AArdvark wrote:I see, open up the secret download base to everyone. Why call it a secret download base if everyone knows about it? INCLUDING THE RIAA AND THE GOVT.

Oh yeah, Ashcroft and the RIAA are really gonna read this board. (said with as much sarcasm as I can muster)

Re: Riddle me this.

by Bugs » Wed Oct 29, 2003 10:18 pm

Casual Observer wrote:I'm just someone who's been hanging around for a few months but never really bothered to post. I know a couple of Jolt denizens (won't say who) which seems to be the best reason to pay attention.
Holy shit. Rachel Brandwein?

by AArdvark » Wed Oct 29, 2003 5:58 pm

I see, open up the secret download base to everyone. Why call it a secret download base if everyone knows about it? INCLUDING THE RIAA AND THE GOVT.


by Worm » Tue Oct 28, 2003 8:05 pm

Classic Bruce.

by bruce » Tue Oct 28, 2003 12:13 pm

I wouldn't mind it if Loafergirl were <i>my</i> pony.


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Oct 28, 2003 10:50 am

LG wrote:game
Point taken. I am working on it nightly. We don't want you to become some sort one-trick pony here, Loafergirl. Where's the content?

("Where's the game?" she'll ask.)

I know. Game coming soon. Promise.

by Jack Straw » Mon Oct 27, 2003 11:14 pm


by LG » Mon Oct 27, 2003 8:53 pm


Re: Riddle me this.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Oct 24, 2003 9:24 am

Debaser wrote:And Robb, if you really care, can't you look up IP addresses? Or has Ben shamed you away from ever using that power ever again?
I can do it, but I very rarely do so any more. This is of my attempt to be "one of the fellas." For instance, if I entered a sword-and-mace free-for-all, would all of you be inclined to let me win, or would you be right there trying to bash my skull in and lop off my limbs? I hope the latter. I think that adds to the "spirit" of the discussion.

Re: Riddle me this.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Oct 24, 2003 9:21 am

Casual Observer wrote:One idea for improving the site, I think we should set up a "Waste" or other privately encripted network. Since most everybody here checks out usenet and other sources for fun digital stuff - it would be great to safely access everybody's stash. This board's warm and personal relations would only enhance the network effect of this effort.
Excellent suggestion; thanks. I can't recommend the trading of warez, but for other fun digital stuff like you say that would be great. For instance, all anime would be all right to trade, because nobody in their right mind would pay for it anyway.

I am very slow to implement great ideas, so if this takes me a while to setup I apologize in advance. Thanks for the suggestion. If there is a way to integrate that with the BBS I'd be all for it.

Re: Riddle me this.

by Debaser » Thu Oct 23, 2003 10:29 pm

Casual Observer wrote:I'm just someone who's been hanging around for a few months but never really bothered to post. I know a couple of Jolt denizens (won't say who) which seems to be the best reason to pay attention. I finally got fed up with Worm's posts and had to say something. I know a couple of Jolt denizens and have become somewhat interested in some of the conversations that go on. It's sometimes like a wierd monty pithon skit mixed with the star trek and dnd roll play game culture which I flirted with in the past.
Look, I mean, I could really give a fuck who you are: My life is such that, however much I reveal to this little Internet Purgatory is only really a shred of my strained, tattered soul, but what's really the point of being all coy with your identity; especially if you actually know one or more of the regulars?

Just riddle me this yes or no question: Are you either Forum Socialist or Bot? Of course, having a designated Forum Socialist on the same forum as Roody Yogurt seemed rather redundant, but there seems to be a certain similarity in tone between you and the two aforementioned BBS entities.

And Robb, if you really care, can't you look up IP addresses? Or has Ben shamed you away from ever using that power ever again?
