The quit smoking thread

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by Worm » Tue Nov 04, 2003 5:51 pm

That made me giggle and clap my hands like a retarded ten year old who had Barney show up at his party.

by captain planet » Tue Nov 04, 2003 5:42 pm

The Power is Yours!

by Worm » Tue Nov 04, 2003 5:37 pm

Yea, I actually do. Though not so much anymore as Cartoon Network knows they can get an audience by putting on shit too early in the morning. HOW ABOUT MOVING CAPTAIN PLANET BACK TO PRIME TIME maggots?

by Violet » Tue Nov 04, 2003 4:43 pm

That band, if it is the band i am thinking of, sings the songs for the ending of inuyasha. I've been meaning to ask you if you watched the show.

by Worm » Tue Nov 04, 2003 4:16 pm

I'd like to do that but look what they do with their fucking pictures! ALL OF THEM!

They shrink down huge pictures instead of actually making them smaller!
That last one was my background for awhile.

by Vitriola » Tue Nov 04, 2003 4:14 pm

Worm, I appreciate your attempt to be random as some way of expressing your Quirky Personality and how Fun you are, but the only thing that sig link says to me is....damn, hot chick. Meaning, ultimately, that you just need a .jpg as your sig.


by Worm » Tue Nov 04, 2003 4:05 pm

The only time I really have a habitual action is if I cut my gums well flossing I just have to keep on digging into them with the floss until I get some blood.

by Violet » Tue Nov 04, 2003 2:45 pm

I bite my nails. It's a disgusting habit. I do it when I get nervous and then I can't stop. I've been saying lately that I need to stop because my nails look gross. Maybe I'll try to stop for some JC CONTENT.

My other bad habit, I think is rather good. So I will never stop, NEVER. I don't think I have to say it again

by Panama Rip » Tue Nov 04, 2003 12:17 pm

Worm, I'm glad to hear that you came to that opinion on your own without subscribing to the rest of the neocon agenda. I have read your posts and understand why you have strong feelings about drug abuse.

by Worm » Tue Nov 04, 2003 11:23 am

Panama Rip wrote:Since you agree with Rush Limbaugh's position that drug dealers should get the death penalty then I'm sure you can't see the absolute IRONY of the fact that he has been a drug abuser this whole time. Come on Worm, admit it - you're a Rush dittohead aren't you?
Wow, I didn't know that dirt bag held this opinion. I'm not what you would call politically giving a shit. This isn't as simply dismissed as a generalization ... just quit.

by bruce » Tue Nov 04, 2003 9:23 am

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:knocking someone to the ground, pulling your pants down, putting your brownie right against their nose, and giving 'em a stale tuna fart.
I think you generally have to go to hardcore shows in the East Village for that to happen with any regularity, though.


by Jethro Q. Walrustitty » Tue Nov 04, 2003 9:17 am

Straw: Banning smoking at concerts is one of the greatest things ever to happen to New York State. Granted, the performer shouldn't be allowed to smoke, either. Even if cigarettes weren't unbelievably bad for your health, they're terrible at concerts because the place stinks like hell, it stings the eyes, and you end with your clothes smelling of smoke whether you have or not.

Plus, some wise-ass too-cool teenager will always decide to smoke some clove cigarettes, which is only slightly less offensive than knocking someone to the ground, pulling your pants down, putting your brownie right against their nose, and giving 'em a stale tuna fart.

As for nails, I'm fortunate enough to have never gotten into biting my nails. The thought is pretty gross to me - some pretty disgusting stuff finds its way under one's nails (just look at the crap you find if you scrape 'em off), and I can't imagine chewing on that. Yuck.

by Matedire » Tue Nov 04, 2003 12:57 am

Hey, I have a shit load of bad habits. Bitting my nails and I actually sucked my thumb until I was 14. I am thinking that I have some kind of oral fixation problem, or maybe answer to some of the things I have been quetioning of late.

But I would have to say my biggest problem right now, is masterbating.......its gone done to almost a rare-ity for me now. I just dont care about the pleasure. I really dont want a girlfriend, and since starting a EB, all I care about is video games and the WOLF (beer), I mean I take a look around and see when people concentrate on the opposite sex, things get confused and nothing seems to get done.

Video games:

1) never say no.

2) wont choose clothes over you.

3)like there buttons pushed.

4)Likes it when you come home at three in the morning and and play with them, even if you cant get them OFF.

thats about it.

by Vitriola » Tue Nov 04, 2003 12:26 am

[quote="Ice Cream JonseyNOVEMBER 2nd, 2003: I chewed them all the way down. All of them. Why? NERVES BEEEYATCH NERVES. Will attempt to build them all up again. It's like two and a half weeks before anything happens, so hopefully I make it to at least then.[/quote]

Don't front- those nails were gone before I even got here, and they haven't been back since. You once let them go for 3 days once, but that was it. I'll not let you get away with your fallacies and your misdirections.

by Panama Rip » Mon Nov 03, 2003 11:33 pm

Worm wrote:What is so rebellious about smoking? Part of your money goes to faceless multinational corporations and the other part goes to the government. If rebellion means fellatio I guess you've got it down.
Pot smoking is pretty rebellious. No money goes to corporations or the government. However, the government does get to WASTE billions of taxpayer dollars to "fight" the "war on drugs" and to incarcerate hundreds of thousands of people who should actually be getting rehab and vocational training instead of jail time.

Since you agree with Rush Limbaugh's position that drug dealers should get the death penalty then I'm sure you can't see the absolute IRONY of the fact that he has been a drug abuser this whole time. Come on Worm, admit it - you're a Rush dittohead aren't you?

by bruce » Mon Nov 03, 2003 6:58 pm

Worm wrote:What is so rebellious about smoking? Part of your money goes to faceless multinational corporations and the other part goes to the government. If rebellion means fellatio I guess you've got it down.
If rebellion meant fellatio I would have gotten a lot more blowjobs in my life.


by Worm » Mon Nov 03, 2003 6:43 pm

What is so rebellious about smoking? Part of your money goes to faceless multinational corporations and the other part goes to the government. If rebellion means fellatio I guess you've got it down.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Nov 03, 2003 5:37 pm

... I need to start another nail biting thread to kill my own bad habit. Ah, fuck it. This one is reaching "The Magnolia Files" length -- I will add it into this one.

NOVEMBER 2nd, 2003: I chewed them all the way down. All of them. Why? NERVES BEEEYATCH NERVES. Will attempt to build them all up again. It's like two and a half weeks before anything happens, so hopefully I make it to at least then.

by Jack Straw » Mon Nov 03, 2003 5:06 pm

Also: I really shouldn't feel like a gangsta just because I smoked a cigarette in Water St., should I? It was almost laughable walking around the place, thru the ex-Piranha part, and look at everywhere I have smoked a cigarette. Leaning against the wall heading upstairs? Check. Stairs? Check. Table? Check. Chair? Check? Couch? Check. I'm walking around the show giggling to myself at just how stupid this law is. You can't smoke in fucking CONCERTS?!? Are we in AmeriKa or commie China? Fuck!

They had a line - to SMOKE. I guess it's good they had any type of facilities at all, but isn't one of the main purposes for smoking to pass time while waiting in line? I was looking for the line for the line to smoke ;)

Anyways, I lit up a smoke during Drug Against War when Sascha lit one up. Why should the performers not even have to think about not smoking but the fans have to keep looking over their shoulder like crackheads worrying they're about to get booted? I enjoyed it thoroughly. The risk of getting caught made the smoke extra specially satisfying. No security said anything but the old hag in front of me reminded me it is illegal to do that except 20 feet from the entrance. I simply smiled ear to ear and fought the urge to blow smoke in her face.

But waitasec - this is a new implication that didn't even cross my mind. You can't smoke at CONCERTS? Fuck off, big bro, you're cockblocking me.

by Jack Straw » Mon Nov 03, 2003 1:26 pm

Jack Straw wrote:My weak ass bought *three* packs of smokes today. Vix was going out of business and they actually discounted smokes (not alcohol though)
3 packs for $2.86. Unheard of in NY. Now I just have to chill on em. I'll report back for Worm's sake when they are gone.
