by Lex » Tue Nov 11, 2003 2:34 pm
It cost me £5, which is, I dunno, $200, just to connect. We did it from a BT phonebooth, did Phruit and I, and contacted a rabid little hamster on Atomic Mouse Pills. Seriously, this guy talks the was Prince fucks; never stopping for consideration of his verbal partner. I have come to a conclusion:
Americans only speak to fill up the contrevening space between their counterparts statements. I cannot remember a thing he said. Nor can Phruitcake. He is rocking back and forward, caught like an Audrey Hepburn record after you've jizzed on the thing the 50th time you've heard her say "How Kind of you to Let Me Come". Man, I like Audrey Hep--
Wait, where were we? Oh, yeah, what the hell did you say, Robb? Phruitcake's brain is really stinging, you should tell him what you said. Up here, where the weather is so cold, we tend to converse in a more energy-efficient way.
My little doods will whip your little d00ds at LSN.
It cost me £5, which is, I dunno, $200, just to connect. We did it from a BT phonebooth, did Phruit and I, and contacted a rabid little hamster on Atomic Mouse Pills. Seriously, this guy talks the was Prince fucks; never stopping for consideration of his verbal partner. I have come to a conclusion:
Americans only speak to fill up the contrevening space between their counterparts statements. I cannot remember a thing he said. Nor can Phruitcake. He is rocking back and forward, caught like an Audrey Hepburn record after you've jizzed on the thing the 50th time you've heard her say "How [i]Kind[/i] of you to Let Me Come". Man, I like Audrey Hep--
Wait, where were we? Oh, yeah, what the hell did you say, Robb? Phruitcake's brain is really stinging, you should tell him what you said. Up here, where the weather is so cold, we tend to converse in a more energy-efficient way.
My little doods will whip your little d00ds at LSN.