by Jethro Q. Walrustitty » Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:50 pm
KOTOR running poorly?
Hell, it runs pretty well on my work laptop. That is, a Latitude C640. Granted, it's 2gHz and has 512m of RAM, but has a lowly Radeon 9000 for video. It's very playable at 1024x768, leaving the graphics settings on default. Jonsey, please don't tell me that you, you "true gamer", are using a machine to play games that is inferior to my fucking work laptop that's a P.O.S. Dell.
Tron 2.0 fucking rules. Roody, you're just plain wrong on this one. Admit it, and move on.
And YOU, Straw. Enough with your console love. Go play Mario. You want easy, go play checkers. Until then, the rest of us will recognize PCs as the superior gaming machine.
Playing games on a PC vs a console is like baking a cake from scratch versus eating a Twinkie. Sure, the Twinkie is just unwrap and eat, and is something to shove down your hungry gullet. The cake takes time, a little more work, and occassionally a cake will just go flat and be inedible... but when it works right, it's spectacular.
KOTOR running poorly?
Hell, it runs pretty well on my work laptop. That is, a Latitude C640. Granted, it's 2gHz and has 512m of RAM, but has a lowly Radeon 9000 for video. It's very playable at 1024x768, leaving the graphics settings on default. Jonsey, please don't tell me that you, you "true gamer", are using a machine to play games that is inferior to my fucking [i]work laptop[/i] that's a P.O.S. Dell.
Tron 2.0 fucking rules. Roody, you're just plain [i]wrong[/i] on this one. Admit it, and move on.
And YOU, Straw. Enough with your console love. Go play Mario. You want easy, go play checkers. Until then, the rest of us will recognize PCs as the superior gaming machine.
Playing games on a PC vs a console is like baking a cake from scratch versus eating a Twinkie. Sure, the Twinkie is just unwrap and eat, and is something to shove down your hungry gullet. The cake takes time, a little more work, and occassionally a cake will just go flat and be inedible... but when it works right, it's spectacular.