In Atlanta

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Re: SF Wraps

by bruce » Thu Jan 15, 2004 12:46 pm

itgirl wrote: Seriously, if you want to get together, I'm up for International Bowling.
Sounds like fun. Don't think I'll have energy tonight, and I have plans tomorrow; next week sometime?

And I'll check the site after work; maybe I will feel more energetic and I'll let you know then. But don't hold up any of your own plans for me because odds are that I'm going to be pretty exhausted.


SF Wraps

by itgirl » Thu Jan 15, 2004 10:20 am

SF Wraps is but a dream. Believe they put a Circle Sushi in it's place. For wraps, you want to try:

Moe's (closest to 285 & 400 is on Chamblee-Dunwoody north of Mt. Vernon, in the Publix shopping center)

Willie's (same strip mall that has Marco's)

Qdoba (take Hammond west to Roswell Road, is in the shopping center on that corener on the left before crossing Roswell Road).

Best Mexican is in center of Buckhead, Casa Grande next to Fishbone.

Seriously, if you want to get together, I'm up for International Bowling.

Vitriola's friend

by Casual Observer » Thu Jan 15, 2004 7:27 am

Vitriola wrote:. . . the best creme brulee I've ever had . . .
Jonsey, here's another recipe you may want to try:
Creme Brulee

Ingredient Full recipe 1/2 recipe

Heavy cream 4 cups 2 cups

1/2 + 1/2 cream 1 cup 1/2 cup

Sugar 1 1/2 cups 3/4 cup

Vanilla bean 1 whole 1/2
Vanilla extrace 2 teaspoons 1 teaspoon

Egg Yolks 13 6

Bring sugar, cream and Vanilla just to a boil, set aside to cool for 20 minutes slowly add to egg yolks while mixing strain thru a medium sieve and pour into dishes put dishes in a pan, and fill with water 1/2 way up dishes, cover with foil bake about 50 minutes, done when brulee jiggles like Jell-O and is no longer liquid in center chill 2 hours in refrigerator, sprinkle with sugar and caramelize with torch or under the broiler ( do not leave covered in fridge, caramel will absorb liquid )

by bruce » Wed Jan 14, 2004 6:45 pm

I like your friend. I ended up at that fairly good Thai place and it was indeed fairly good and reasonably priced.

Blondie looks so <i>wholesome</i> in that picture. Weird.


by Vitriola » Wed Jan 14, 2004 5:24 pm

Interesting. I guess I really didn't get a 'feel' for the city as much as I should have.


by bruce » Wed Jan 14, 2004 5:15 pm

bruce wrote:
Vitriola wrote:I thought she was another one of those Australian bombshells. Guess not?
She's a VERY LARGE black woman. With a wig.
And she was dancing and a legend when I was in High School.
Do a Google Search for Blondie Clermont Stripper and you'll find a lot about her. She apparently started dancing in 1979.
She crushes beer cans with her breasts.


by bruce » Wed Jan 14, 2004 4:59 pm

Vitriola wrote:I thought she was another one of those Australian bombshells. Guess not?
She's a VERY LARGE black woman. With a wig.

And she was dancing and a legend when I was in High School.

You do the math.


by Jack Straw » Wed Jan 14, 2004 4:56 pm

Vitriola wrote: dance dance revolution, chinese
Bee Bong Trading is my favorite.
Mine too.

by Vitriola » Wed Jan 14, 2004 4:45 pm

I thought she was another one of those Australian bombshells. Guess not?

by bruce » Wed Jan 14, 2004 4:38 pm

Vitriola wrote: Go further south and go to Clairmont, take a left, and drive a ways. Hang at the Clairmont Lounge. Blondie is still there burying her huge tits in men's faces. It's where the subversive go to see strippers.
JESUS CHRIST! Blondie is <i>still</i> performing? She's gotta be, like, sixty by this point!


by Vitriola » Wed Jan 14, 2004 4:35 pm

Bruce: What she said:

I live at exit 7 and 400 (holcomb bridge). let's see, cool things to do...

1. whirlyball (but bill may be doing that today, if not he could be invited)
2. andretti speed labs (i plan on going soon, I have a coupon)
3. nothing.

no seriously, let's see....

bbq: swallow at the hollow
it's affilated with either the bluebird cafe or the knitting factory, can't recall which, and has live folky/country/bluegrass/rock/blues type of music. I think the website is It's in Roswell, off exit 6 or 7 depending on which way you come from. on green street off of alpharetta highway (right near the roswell square).
widely considered the best bbq in atlanta. only one dessert, the banana chocolate chip pussing. worth it. portions are huge.

italian: marco's
divy joint in north buckhead, on roswell road at wieuca. in a strip mall with diazo blueprint. take roswell road south, past 285 and go a few miles, on the left hand side.

ultra trendy: perimeter mall outdoor restaurants
cheesecake factory (american, + cheesecake)
goldfish (seafood, sushi)
maggiano's (not a fan)
some steak place (fairly good)

usually have to wait in line there, though.

also Brio (where Il Fornaio used to be across from Houston's) is supposed to be good, and PF Chang's. Rio Bravo was torn down last week but I don't know what for. I don't go often to that area.

P'tree Dunwoody & Hammond has a Maui Taco, but I'd go to the Chinese restaurant there (next to Publix in the same shopping center) first.

Fairly good Thai place in the Walmart shopping center next to Cost Plus World Market (itself an excellent store for shopping random stuff). Don't know if that closed, though. There's a great Japanese place there with excellent sushi. Bill and I go every month. Get the cold sake that comes in the blue bottle.

Drive up Ashford-Dunwoody past 285, Marist High School, and at the junction with Johnson Ferry there's a Blockbuster strip mall. Next to the Blockbuster is the dirtiest place in town, Bennie's BBQ. Soup Nazi style, lunch is a sandwich, choice of hot, medium or mild sauce, two sides, drink for $5.50. Don't look too closely at the surroundings.

If he has a car, take 285 to Buford Highway, turn right at exit, cross under 285 and on the left in the strip mall with the Buford Farmer's Market (fun place to shop) there's International Bowl. Bowling, pool, karaoke, dance dance revolution, chinese restaurant, cosmic bowling, etc. etc.

Go further north on Buford Highway and shop the fun Vietnamese shops there. Bee Bong Trading is my favorite.

Go further south and go to Clairmont, take a left, and drive a ways. Hang at the Clairmont Lounge. Blondie is still there burying her huge tits in men's faces. It's where the subversive go to see strippers.

Friday nights Cheetah has Wine, Women and Thong. I can find out more from Mo if he's interested.

There's a boring play that Janetta's obnoxious sister is in based on the book Geek Love. Save your money.

I can name every blues club in town, and karaoke place, and all, but I need more direction.

He can also pick up a Creative Loafing or go to

He can email me himself, and I can meet him fro drinks or something if you say he's ok. He can play pinball at our house if he likes pinball. But we're really boring.

by bruce » Wed Jan 14, 2004 4:34 pm

Vitriola wrote:She'll also know a ton of good things to eat/do.
Is she one of them?


by Vitriola » Wed Jan 14, 2004 10:52 am

It's a 3.5 star restaurant, though it could be a 4 if they didn't have an open kitchen. It's on fabulously expensive grounds, have lots of marble, orchids, etc, but that is mostly because of the whole second floor of the place, which is for high class banquets, weddings, and the like. The restaurant itself would price out somewhere between Houston's and Ruth's, but in a nouveau-Italian cuisine. When I was there, cheapest entree (which you wouldn't want) was around $13, most expensive special would be in mid-$20s. Desserts around $6-8, drinks like anywhere else in Atlanta/large urban city, appetizers the same. You coiuld eat there for a reasonable amount, just don't plan a reception there.

Or stick with the wraps. I'm emailing one of my best friends who lives in Roswell, she originally moved down to live with me when I was there. She'll also know a ton of good things to eat/do.

by bruce » Tue Jan 13, 2004 7:21 pm

Vitriola wrote:Villa Christina
I eventually located it, and drove past it, and didn't go in: it looked DAMN EXPENSIVE, and although that's not necessarily a problem I wasn't in the mood for a really fine and DAMN EXPENSIVE meal tonight.

Was my assessment correct?


by bruce » Tue Jan 13, 2004 4:57 pm

Vitriola wrote:And if you're in the area of exit 6 off 400, there's a place called San Francisco Wraps that has the best wraps I've ever eaten. You go through the line and tell them what you want on it, and they have a ton of ingredients, like jerk chicken, pineapples, mashed potatos, etc. I've never had the equal.
Cool. I'm at exit 5 on 400.

I may try SF Wraps for dinner tonight.


by Vitriola » Tue Jan 13, 2004 11:41 am

You're about 4 miles from where I used to live, right off exit 6 on 400. If it's still there, look up a restaurant called Villa Christina right be the junction of 400 and 285. It's right next to the Hewlitt-Packard building, and I used to work there. The food is/was damn excellent, with the best escargot and creme brulee I've ever had (not together). Order a bottle of red wine and check out their big red wine glasses. They're huge. Also, the arboretum at the Atlanta Botanical Garden is gorgeous. I used to work there, too. And if you're in the area of exit 6 off 400, there's a place called San Francisco Wraps that has the best wraps I've ever eaten. You go through the line and tell them what you want on it, and they have a ton of ingredients, like jerk chicken, pineapples, mashed potatos, etc. I've never had the equal.

by bruce » Mon Jan 12, 2004 10:50 pm

Work. Working for a software company out near 285 and 400.


by ChainGangGuy » Mon Jan 12, 2004 10:39 pm

What brings you to the lovely city of Atlanta anyhow?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Jan 11, 2004 8:30 pm

Is that schedule one that is going to remove that dreaded "move to Atlanta for a year" thing that was going on?

In Atlanta

by bruce » Sun Jan 11, 2004 7:57 pm

JCers who want to have a drink with me, PM me and I'll send you contact details.

I'm here for two weeks, then home for a weekend, then back for two more.

