a fun pol

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by a bug » Wed May 22, 2002 9:24 am

jony bug not eaten

have not been her much tho sory 4 not posting more -- i stil like your bb

2-4 wks 4 new keybrd. i will post mor then sory

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue May 21, 2002 10:47 pm

You killed the frigging bug?!? I mean, I confess that my site needs content STAT, and in my defense, it IS getting an overhaul soon, but... blast! Bug! Bug! Nooooooo! Khaaaaaaaan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


by Mice-Rice » Tue May 21, 2002 12:01 pm

Oh no! Please forgive mouseself. I am ever so sorry, bugs. I don't known what has come over mice. Can you find in bug hearts to forgive me? My hunger for content has made me very very fiesty indeed.

---Mice-Rice, the internet mouse

by Mice-Rice » Tue May 21, 2002 11:58 am

Squeak!! Hellooo...? I am ever so hungry. Mice-Rice even hungries enough to yes, yes to eat bugs!

Please ship back keyboard. Eaten bugs don't do typing. Even emaciated (i was looking for content to chew on at dictionary.com) mouses known this truth.

---Mice-Rice, the internet mouse (and eater of content. yum!)

by a bug » Fri May 03, 2002 12:52 pm

bug a man ladybug

also called lady beetl 2 but i like lady bug

spacbar hardst 2 tipe -- is heavy

by Lex » Fri May 03, 2002 3:02 am

Are you a man-bug or a girl-bug, a bug?

See? I was hoping the answer was lady-bug. Or as they're known in Britain, "ladybird".

by a bug » Thu May 02, 2002 2:03 pm

it is spcl keybrd 4 bug -- small pressr-sense and round

hard 2 dscribe sory

when its here i explain better sory

by Captain Comments » Thu May 02, 2002 1:19 pm

Hey. Hey! I have a comment.

==Hey bug, just what kind of keyboard are you getting?==

by a bug » Thu May 02, 2002 12:30 pm

thank u 4 takin pol

the answr is-- bug is ladybug

5-7 wks 4 new keybrd sory til then 4 tiping

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu May 02, 2002 10:12 am

Well, lately they banned SA and Old Man Murray from work, so my productivity has increased in that respect. I also stopped checking out the Straight Dope forum because I realized that more than 1 in 2 posts were either from somebody incredibly arrogant, incredibly condescending, or an incredible drama queen.

On the other hand, if I cut out forum-reading time I'd probably have a new video game finished by now.

In other news, I have stopped myself from hitting the "IP" button here for each non-registered poster. This helps create the illusion that more people are posting than just you, me, Ben and Gerritt. Even if this is not the case it is a reality I'd be happier living in, so I'll take it. (If it's not the case and there are people posting who we have never been "introduced" to on-line, all me to thank you all for stopping by and posting.)

by Lex » Thu May 02, 2002 9:52 am

Just considering the possibility of these two becoming rivals.
But, damnit Jonsey, I will never get any work done ever.
For almost an entire year it's been Groucho, just Groucho. Now it's Groucho, Jolt Country, SA & Pinback's forum.

I know you read, like, 20, so when the fuck do you get any work done?

Also, you may have noticed I'm slightly more of an asshole on this forum. I've found my true self, you see. I am a troll, and shall live happily ever after as one.


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu May 02, 2002 8:24 am

Lex wrote:I know what you meen, the first time he posted over on Groucho (which it'll probably become illegal to mention soon)

by Lex » Thu May 02, 2002 2:45 am

I know what you meen, the first time he posted over on Groucho (which it'll probably become illegal to mention soon) I felt my heart grow twice as big.
I think it's quite amasing that so many people agree he must be a cute li'l hardbacked guy. Ladybug would be cool, but I find beetle more likley.
Still, we'll all find out in time.

by Horus P. Truthteller » Wed May 01, 2002 9:35 pm

Gah! Arehgh!!! *sigh* I...I can keep it in no longer...The truth *will* come out tonight, for I must wholeheartedly admit the follow:

This new, simple 'a bug' character is definitely one of the most endearing, sweetest characters to ever grace the net (with the Nectarine a close second).

There. I said it. And you know what?

It felt good. Its good to be honest.

Horus P. Truthteller

by a bug » Mon Apr 29, 2002 4:32 pm

thx 4 fixing poll jonsy sory 4 mistake

cant wat 4 new keybrd

a fun pol

by a bug » Mon Apr 29, 2002 4:06 pm

fun 4 u, from bug-- sory 4 bad tiping in poll
