Television commercials.

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by Lex » Tue Feb 03, 2004 1:42 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
Lex wrote:Robb, V: Come take a holiday in Scotland.
That .... that would be awesome.

You guys still have castles that the British forgot to knock down, right? Can we see those?
My shop is directly opposite the Royal Castle. Naturally, you can also see the author of the Harry Potter books' house, which is right next to it. Seriously; go play Project Gotham 2 and have a look at what Edinburgh has to offer.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Feb 03, 2004 1:41 pm

Juvenile wrote:Read up, yo. I wrote this little ditty jus' fo' you:
Thanks, J-Vee.
Is ya ready for it?
Um. Yes?
Better be over-prepared
Fuck. I am definitely NOT overprepared. Maybe barely. But that's it.

When ya enter ya see a sign, say, "SOLDIERS BEWARE"
Soldiers? I am not a soldier. Not in this man's army or anything else.

They be ragged up
The soldiers?

Twenty-five dollars bagged up

Old nickel tucked in tha back of his 'Baud cuffs
Oh.... Like 2400 baud!

Well aware on the route that he's gonna duck if somebody thinkin' 'bout jammin' him up

If a bitch with him, she better be smart
Smart bitches are the best lays, as far as bitches go.

Or tough luck

'Cause he gon' break and bust, she gon' be fucked up
Yeaaah!!! Hey, get a load of this. One of the reasons that Pinback isn't thinking the world of South Carolina right now is because his neighbors are too loud when they are "going at it." Shitty, eh, J-Vee?

Mind your business is a code, too
I use words like "honor" and "code," but truth to tell, I don't know what they mean.

I never told ever since a nigga was a million years old
Are you referring to the whole human race as "nigga"?

Bein' a baller.. shot caller..
Hey, you ripped this line off from that song with the three different rappers that are supposed to be of different ages. "Drive an Impala" comes next, you fucking fraud.

is tha goal I'll hospitalize anybody... in the ward
Wait, if they are in the "ward" and you hospitalize.... ah, fuckit.

Ta make it there, you talk crazy, we take it there
Okay! I hope to make it there in my IMPALA!

You'll be like a steak, nigga, you medium-rare
I actually order my steaks "well-done."

All these niggas wanna be (?) or tha man in charge
I don't know what the question mark stands for either, J-Vee!

With tha AK-47 it'll change you boys
Or one's drawers. I guess HEH

by Vitriola » Tue Feb 03, 2004 11:58 am

Looks like ESPN's been choking on the network's hog again: ... ick/040202

WHY IT WORKS: Because, for 30 seconds of my life, I knew that anything at all would be more fun than sitting where I was.

by Juvenile » Tue Feb 03, 2004 11:47 am

pinback wrote:No. It's pathetic. Pathetic. Embarrassing. Juvenile.
USA, grow up. Please, I beg of you. Grow the eff up.

Read up, yo. I wrote this little ditty jus' fo' you:

Is ya ready for it? Better be over-prepared
When ya enter ya see a sign, say, "SOLDIERS BEWARE"
They be ragged up, twenty-five dollars bagged up
Old nickel tucked in tha back of his 'Baud cuffs
Well aware on the route that he's gonna duck
If somebody thinkin' 'bout jammin' him up
If a bitch with him, she better be smart, or tough luck
'Cause he gon' break and bust, she gon' be fucked up
Mind your business is a code, too, I never told
Ever since a nigga was a million years old
Bein' a baller.. shot caller.. is tha goal
I'll hospitalize anybody... in the ward
Ta make it there, you talk crazy, we take it there
You'll be like a steak, nigga, you medium-rare
All these niggas wanna be (?) or tha man in charge
With tha AK-47 it'll change you boys

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Feb 03, 2004 9:14 am

Lex wrote:Robb, V: Come take a holiday in Scotland.
That .... that would be awesome.

You guys still have castles that the British forgot to knock down, right? Can we see those?

by Lex » Tue Feb 03, 2004 3:51 am

Robb, V: Come take a holiday in Scotland.

by Casual Observer » Tue Feb 03, 2004 12:57 am

pinback wrote:Of course, when you're talking about an entire country what's up in arms because a TITTY got exposed for two seconds on a national broadcast, "juvenile" becomes almost redundant. . . USA, grow up. Please, I beg of you. Grow the eff up.
I was surprised to see the full picture on Reuters this morning, though it seems they took it down now.


by bruce » Mon Feb 02, 2004 8:37 pm

pinback wrote:No. It's pathetic. Pathetic. Embarrassing. Juvenile.
You probably don't laugh at razor blades in Halloween apples either, do you?


by pinback » Mon Feb 02, 2004 8:24 pm

No. It's pathetic. Pathetic. Embarrassing. Juvenile.


Of course, when you're talking about an entire country what's up in arms because a TITTY got exposed for two seconds on a national broadcast, "juvenile" becomes almost redundant.

Now if you'll excuse me, Goldberg is about to beat someone to a pulp.

USA, grow up. Please, I beg of you. Grow the eff up.

by bruce » Mon Feb 02, 2004 8:03 pm

Roody_Yogurt wrote:Yeah, that commercial sucks ass.
Screw you both. Plate glass in candy is <i>funny</i>. No matter what. It's a comedy goldmine.


by Roody_Yogurt » Mon Feb 02, 2004 7:16 pm

I missed that one and had to look it up just now. Yeah, that commercial sucks ass. Why don't we start a campaign against companies that use high fructose corn syrup and are turning our country into fat asses? (I'm not serious about that.) But yeah, let's go after companies for telling the truth that cigarettes are bad for you (even if they're doing it because they have to). That makes no fucking sense.

I'm a liberal, sure, and sometimes think people should be protected from themselves but this is just crazy. This is all personal responsibility. South Park does a better job at giving anti-drug messages than these fucked up anti-tobacco, anti-drug commercials.

by pinback » Mon Feb 02, 2004 6:55 pm

bruce wrote:Also, I liked the Shards O' Glass commercial.
Oh, you didn't really, did you?

Nothing is more unappetizing to me than sanctimonious anti-(anything) bullcrap couched in "righteous irony".

by bruce » Mon Feb 02, 2004 6:43 pm

Also, I liked the Shards O' Glass commercial.


by bruce » Mon Feb 02, 2004 6:13 pm

Vitriola wrote: Or some sort of game to play when I'm at home, by myself.
I can suggest something. I can suggest a whole bunch of euphemisms for it, even.


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Feb 02, 2004 2:12 pm

Vitriola wrote:Or some sort of game to play when I'm at home, by myself.
This one's good.

And there is even an executable file for it. No need to muck about with interpreters!

by Vitriola » Mon Feb 02, 2004 2:10 pm

I downloaded 3 episodes of hentai, just for kicks. And some amateur teen porn. And some black metal.

I need a job.

Or some sort of game to play when I'm at home, by myself.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Feb 02, 2004 10:22 am

pinback wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:... I have no idea what you're talking about.
Oh, sorry. I assumed when you brought up the topic of Super Bowl commercials, that you'd actually seen any of 'em. I guess you were too busy scrounging your couch for nickles and pennies to put in a sack with a big "$" on the side and send to me.
I thought I saw 'em, too. But I am completely out, here. Out like damned spot, out.

And that's the only thing I can think to talk about. It feels like my head is caved in right now. I feel half alive... but mostly, well --

"I'm half-alive, but I feel mostly dead." -- Jewel


... The fuck is wrong with me? I feel like I am having a mental breakdown. I just had a vacation, too.

o I gamble all the time. And LOSE. I have a "gambling problem."
o It feels as if someone is clubbing me with a large brick at work all day long.
o I am uninteresting and uncompelling at every topic.

(Personal life is still outstanding, though. I got that going for me. Believe me, I'd rather have that working all its pitches than the reverse of how things are.)

I am completely burned out. I'd like nothing better than to drive cross country and not work and maybe work on my golf game. But then that's exactly what you did, and you do not seem to be the happiest apple in the bunch, either.

How the hell did I get this bitter at age 29?

by pinback » Mon Feb 02, 2004 10:16 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:... I have no idea what you're talking about.
Oh, sorry. I assumed when you brought up the topic of Super Bowl commercials, that you'd actually seen any of 'em. I guess you were too busy scrounging your couch for nickles and pennies to put in a sack with a big "$" on the side and send to me.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Feb 02, 2004 10:10 am

pinback wrote:I liked the one for the car, the one when all them cars were in the desert, driving along, but it looked like they were driving through water? Member that one?

That was cool.
... I have no idea what you're talking about. Man, this is depressing. I should just put this place on hiatus for a few weeks. It's just incomprehendable at this point. Maybe a "break" would be good. Force us all to sort of recharge and refocus.

And, you know, take away a forum where I can be libelled for not sending out your money instantly. That kind of thing.

by pinback » Mon Feb 02, 2004 10:03 am

I liked the one for the car, the one when all them cars were in the desert, driving along, but it looked like they were driving through water? Member that one?

That was cool.
