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Topic review


by Lysander » Thu Feb 12, 2004 8:04 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
Lysander wrote:Jesus Christ, you guys! Is this your primary form of conversation, chatting on JC? Like, do you two even exchange verbal communication?
No. Our primary method of communicating with each other is balled-up fists swung repeatedly towards the temples.

The second method of communicating with each other revolves around index cards, a "Sharpie" pen, the Brodie inaction figure and extended middle fingers.

The tertiary method of communcating with each other is pained expressions, hurtful silences, winces, longing, and glares.

The last method that tends to get us together is editing one of your three page, no-line-break posts. OH IT ON when we get one of those. It's like Spanish Fly.

Lysander, who responds to Ice Cream Jonsey's crack about editing by editing that post to put his name in where its supposed to be wrote:Ice Cream Jonsey: Hey, I'm gonna go get a carton of eggs from the store. Kay?

Vitriola X: No prob
... You really are a devious little fucker. I like how you have your skit setup where I am not being told to pickup eggs, but where I am ASKING FOR PERMISSION to get said eggs.

Someday, somewhere, somebody is going to be important to you, Mr Bond. I only hope that when this happens I remain thousands of miles away. Is that a threat? No. It is a promise.
Wait, what? When someone is important to me you hope to be far away? And I'm supposed to feel threatened? I don't get it.


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Feb 12, 2004 1:07 pm

Lysander wrote:Jesus Christ, you guys! Is this your primary form of conversation, chatting on JC? Like, do you two even exchange verbal communication?
No. Our primary method of communicating with each other is balled-up fists swung repeatedly towards the temples.

The second method of communicating with each other revolves around index cards, a "Sharpie" pen, the Brodie inaction figure and extended middle fingers.

The tertiary method of communcating with each other is pained expressions, hurtful silences, winces, longing, and glares.

The last method that tends to get us together is editing one of your three page, no-line-break posts. OH IT ON when we get one of those. It's like Spanish Fly.

Ice Cream Jonsey: Hey, I'm gonna go get a carton of eggs from the store. Kay?

Vitriola X: No prob
... You really are a devious little fucker. I like how you have your skit setup where I am not being told to pickup eggs, but where I am ASKING FOR PERMISSION to get said eggs.

Someday, somewhere, somebody is going to be important to you, Mr Bond. I only hope that when this happens I remain thousands of miles away. Is that a threat? No. It is a promise.

by Worm » Wed Feb 11, 2004 7:30 pm

Man, you missed it when we mentioned their form of communication on this board and it was funny.

by Lysander » Wed Feb 11, 2004 6:55 pm

Jesus Christ, you guys! Is this your primary form of conversation, chatting on JC? Like, do you two even exchange verbal communication?

Ice Cream Jonsey: Hey, I'm gonna go get a carton of eggs from the store. Kay?

Vitriola X: No prob

by Vitriola » Wed Feb 11, 2004 1:12 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Jesus. Which one yakked today?
Heavis, of course.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Feb 11, 2004 12:44 pm

Jesus. Which one yakked today?

Some cats get up on the fence and sing in order to feel like they are in show business. At #L201 we get a one-act interpretation of "The Thing" for the PS2.

by Vitriola » Wed Feb 11, 2004 12:29 pm

A quick survey of the furry ball at my feet indicates that 100% of all cats don't get fed enough and are about to expire through torturous, gut-wrenching hunger. Feeling a bit introspective, I've found that 100% of cat owners are about to experience cleaning up some sort of barf from a lovely, deep carpeted floor.


by pinback » Wed Feb 11, 2004 11:21 am

Knuckles the CLown wrote:AOL says they've done a study that comes to the shocking conclusion that women over 40 are the biggest on-line gamers.
If by "biggest", they mean "heaviest", I think they're onto something.


by Knuckles the CLown » Wed Feb 11, 2004 10:04 am

AOL says they've done a study that comes to the shocking conclusion that women over 40 are the biggest on-line gamers. Read all about it here- ... index.html

In a (un?) related story 80% of AOl users are middle aged women.

In another realted story who the fuck would fill out a AOL survey unless you are one of these lonley idiot middle aged women (who need a REAL man to plug in a DSL cable for them)

All Knuckles is saying is when you read these headlines consider the source. One meaty paw in to AOL survey sample will net a slimy hand full of menopause.

Well Knuckles the CLown has found some other studies of interest.

AARP weekly has done a study that says 98% of all sexual activity is done by people over the age of 55 (2% accounting for younger spouses)

KLAN Digest reports 93% of ALL people hate negroes (7% only hate the filthy ones). reports 95% of all people have low levels of melotonin and carpal tunnel syndrome.

