Hard. huhuhu

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by Lysander » Fri Feb 27, 2004 12:56 pm

Thanks. I will do this. While we wait for me to get home so I can do this (and to add more "CONTENT!") are you aware of any actual windows (or DOS!) Defender programs? Because I know there was a DOS one and it was a pretty good one and the fact that I can't find it, ANYWHERE, is severely ircsome. (Sp3elled "ircsome" because it contains "IRC" and I am an internet baby.)

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Feb 27, 2004 12:50 pm

James Bond wrote:That is officially teh suck. Say, could you maybe pass along a Windows version of the game so that I could play this clasic myself? I would appreciate this.
Yes! I can.

OK, first. Go get a copy of MAME32. If you type MAME32 into Google, you'll get it.

Secondly, get a copy of defender.zip. I don't know where you'd get that if you can't get into the FTP site that Pinback posted a few days ago. If that doesn't work, hit me up on AIM and I'll "file transfer" it "to" you.

by James Bond » Fri Feb 27, 2004 12:47 pm

That is officially teh suck. Say, could you maybe pass along a Windows version of the game so that I could play this clasic myself? I would appreciate this.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Feb 27, 2004 12:41 pm

It ain't.

I have to set my PS2 controller -- superior gaming equipment! -- to work with Defender. Tricky, because of the whole switch positions / thrust thing.

Defender was meant to be played with a gamepad.

by James Bond » Fri Feb 27, 2004 12:39 pm

Hey, guys! How's that Defender thing going along? Good? Good.

by Lysander » Thu Feb 19, 2004 7:42 pm

Update! After my extensive searching of the internet consisting of plunking the words "arcade defender download" into Google, I have found nothing. NOTHING! I would greatly appreciate it if someone could correct this deplorible situation for me.

by Lysander » Thu Feb 19, 2004 5:41 pm

Let's see, now.

I had a DOS port of Defender back in good ol' 95. It was a very good DOS port. I used the arrow keys for movement (duh), either the alt or the control keys to shoot (probably ctrl), the enter key to "RELEASE THE MOTHERFUCKIN' SMART BOMBS", and space bar for the hyper drive which I never used unless I was panicking *not* because I forgot about it but because the game had some sort of egiggling, evilly-cackling gremlin inside that would ensure that if my ship didn't land right on top of an alien the first time than it damn certain would by the fifth time. I had five ships in Defender, plus an extra ship every time I got a certain amount of points. How close is this to the actual arcade game? And does anywhere know where I couold find a copy of it again? I need to test my "mad Defender skilz", or something. I recall being able to, with five lives, get to the second or third wave if I was really fuckin' lucky. I also remember that the planet *never* lasted until the third wave, and that once he planet did go balls-up things rapidly degenerated into a panicky mele. But I must try. i must see how my mad defender skilz (TM) have held up and (dare I hope?) increased in my interrum of non-Defender interaction.

Now, Galaga sounds very familiar. Could someone please give me details on how Galaga worked? I've played so many damn space games based off of "gal" that I can never get them straight. Was it the one where you could dock at starbaases?

by Worm » Tue Feb 17, 2004 7:07 pm

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:Analog: Two analog joysticks. Duh.

Ikari: A pair of rotating joysticks, as used in Ikari Warriors and Heavy Barrel. Probably useless for anything else.
Karate Champ

by Jethro Q. Walrustitty » Tue Feb 17, 2004 9:28 am

How about just building yourself a MAME cabinet?

Or, at the very least, buying one of those ready-made arcade control setups that they sell for about the price of your firstborn.

The plan when I get around to doing a MAME cabinet (which is probably the next project after the home theater is done) is to use USB joysticks for the actual connections and real arcade controls on the control panel. I'm visualizing the following panels:

Two microswitch joysticks (switchable 4/8-way), 8 buttons each player (for those buttonmashing fighting games). This will work well for nearly anything, including Robotron.

4-player: Four joysticks as above, four buttons each. (Too crowded otherwise.) For stuff like those mid-80s fighters like TMNT, Simpsons, X-Men, etc.

Analog: Two analog joysticks. Duh.

Ikari: A pair of rotating joysticks, as used in Ikari Warriors and Heavy Barrel. Probably useless for anything else.

On a "common" area will be a trackball, for general Windows mouse control as well as trackball games - Centipede, Missile Command, etc. There will also likely be "pinball" buttons on the side and a pair of light guns always attached.

Really, if you want to play arcade games properly, you need to have a proper set up.

Regarding the poll: Well, duh, Defender is the hardest. The others don't come close. You'd have to put up something like Xevious or Zaxxon if you wanted a real poll.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Feb 17, 2004 9:10 am

I got to the second wave last night in Defender. I'd like to say the experience changed my life. But it really didn't.

Ben gave me a control scheme that was quite useful, but I am still going to play it with a gamepad when that adapter shows up.

I know it's nigh criminal to do that. AND NOT USE BUTTONS. But I don't care. I'm also going to figure out a way to use the two analog pads on the PS2 gamepad to play Robotron.

by Jack Straw » Tue Feb 17, 2004 12:23 am

You sad, sad little man.

by Worm » Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:00 pm

Couldn't that of been "Defender Pilot" or something? Are you the kind of person who calls the little lizards from Bubble Bobble "Bubble Bobbles"?

by Defender » Mon Feb 16, 2004 7:50 pm

Try this:

BenMustard: A/Z = up/down.
BenMustard: left Alt = reverse
BenMustard: Comma = thrust
BenMustard: Period = fire
BenMustard: Space = smart bomb
BenMustard: This is essentially the way the real-life controls are set up.
BenMustard: I put hyperspace on left Shift, but I never use it because even 20+ years later, I always forget it exists.


by pinback » Mon Feb 16, 2004 6:07 pm

35,000 is about as good as I can do on a regular basis.

I'd be surprised if I've ever been able to bust through 50,000, at least by much.

EDIT: Just tried again: 46,000.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Feb 16, 2004 9:50 am

Oh. I lasted less than a minute on Defender.

I will play it again and... okay, who can generate the highest score on Defender? One quarter, natch.

by Worm » Mon Feb 16, 2004 9:36 am

I'd have to say Defender. Tapper, Joust, Robtron I can get all a few levels into on one quarter but, Defender? I fumble around in that game like a bra tied with a Gordian Knot.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Feb 15, 2004 11:45 pm

Defender! I'd last longer with a big bag of cocaine and my own unaltered personality than I would on a single quarter with Defender.

In fact!

I am going to load the girl up right now and see how long I last. Let's see how long a quarter gets me in Defender.

Hard. huhuhu

by pinback » Sun Feb 15, 2004 10:49 pm

What sucks up the quarters the fastest?
