ICJ's Tomakaci! Live (Rebroadcast)

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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: ICJ's Tomakaci! Live (Rebroadcast)

by Vitriola » Wed Feb 25, 2004 7:57 pm

Creature #2: Deceased, 2/20. In fact, the whole creature spawnign system has crashed and pixellated, and looks like it's snowing in the Tomakaci universe. So you can either look at it like there were 2 victims of reckless inconsequence, or ALL THOSE YET UNBORN. So, if anyone chose the last option, here's to you, Mr. 40+ internet poll chooser man.

by Worm » Tue Feb 17, 2004 6:58 pm

pinback wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:But for Christ's sake -- I'm begging you -- don't sit on the sidelines and fail to extract and exhume every last pleasurable moment from said life.
Don't listen to him, Worm! I've sat out on almost every single pleasurable thing that life has to offer, and I'm perfectly happy and well-adjusted!

Because when the fun starts? That's when you know the fun's going to end someday.
So, is this self referential humor? Or do guys have me so fucking figured out that you have to double team the same fucking ideology on me?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Feb 17, 2004 3:32 pm

Vitriola wrote:How 'bout Tomakaci, LIKE I SPELLED IT IN THE TITLE TO THIS THREAD?
I didn't think that was right. I could have sworn that there was a "g" in it.

Also, that horse-riding game was Hasselhoff Gay.
Well, sure, but they let you bet on it from the command station behind where we were. Any time there's real life better on people playing arcade games that's not Hasselhoff Gay, but Michael Knight Hetero.

by Jack Straw » Tue Feb 17, 2004 12:50 pm

Vitriola wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Well, the one I got off eBay was a "Tamagaci" or "Tamagati" or something. It sounds almost like Tamagotchi, but not close exactly!
... I need to change my vote now.

This is very important.

by Vitriola » Tue Feb 17, 2004 11:51 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Well, the one I got off eBay was a "Tamagaci" or "Tamagati" or something. It sounds almost like Tamagotchi, but not close exactly!

Also, that horse-riding game was Hasselhoff Gay.

by pinback » Tue Feb 17, 2004 10:05 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:But for Christ's sake -- I'm begging you -- don't sit on the sidelines and fail to extract and exhume every last pleasurable moment from said life.
Don't listen to him, Worm! I've sat out on almost every single pleasurable thing that life has to offer, and I'm perfectly happy and well-adjusted!

Because when the fun starts? That's when you know the fun's going to end someday.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Feb 17, 2004 9:12 am

Worm wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
Worm wrote:I can almost see you guys looking at Ebay saying "An autographed picture of the reporters from Entertainment Tonight!?!?!".
Ha ha ha yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, goddammit, sooner or later you're going to hanging around some girl who is reckless enough to give you the time of day like mine does to me and you're going to take her to an arcade. Because it's also a fake holiday, you're both going to be dressed to the nines.

NOW, my fine young friend, when that woman straddles the Horse Racing game that Midway put out, gets right on top of it and rides it for dear life all the while hittin' the "whip" key, you can either enjoy this moment with her and note that she's wearing a pair of boots with like four inch heels that you snagged off eBay or some other auction site for like NOTHING.... or you can get a measly half-stiffie with her doing it in tennis sneakers or slippers or something. It's your life, goddammit. Your life, your rules, your choice. But for Christ's sake -- I'm begging you -- don't sit on the sidelines and fail to extract and exhume every last pleasurable moment from said life. Get on frigging eBay and get your special someone gifts that are great to grind with.

Even if it is just on an electric horse.
That's fine. But Tomogatchi? Digimon were much better virtual pets.
Well, the one I got off eBay was a "Tamagaci" or "Tamagati" or something. It sounds almost like Tamagotchi, but not close exactly! Hurf.

And the instructions for it does use the phrase "the shits." This is why I'm down on reproduction. It's not worth the hassle, nobody cares about the children any longer.

by Worm » Tue Feb 17, 2004 7:47 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
Worm wrote:I can almost see you guys looking at Ebay saying "An autographed picture of the reporters from Entertainment Tonight!?!?!".
Ha ha ha yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, goddammit, sooner or later you're going to hanging around some girl who is reckless enough to give you the time of day like mine does to me and you're going to take her to an arcade. Because it's also a fake holiday, you're both going to be dressed to the nines.

NOW, my fine young friend, when that woman straddles the Horse Racing game that Midway put out, gets right on top of it and rides it for dear life all the while hittin' the "whip" key, you can either enjoy this moment with her and note that she's wearing a pair of boots with like four inch heels that you snagged off eBay or some other auction site for like NOTHING.... or you can get a measly half-stiffie with her doing it in tennis sneakers or slippers or something. It's your life, goddammit. Your life, your rules, your choice. But for Christ's sake -- I'm begging you -- don't sit on the sidelines and fail to extract and exhume every last pleasurable moment from said life. Get on frigging eBay and get your special someone gifts that are great to grind with.

Even if it is just on an electric horse.
That's fine. But Tomogatchi? Digimon were much better virtual pets.

by Weird Al » Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:10 pm

Worm wrote:I can almost see you guys looking at Ebay saying "An autographed picture of the reporters from Entertainment Tonight!?!?!".
A used ... pink bathrobe
A rare ... mint snowglobe
A Smurf ... TV tray
I bought on eBay

My house ... is filled with this crap
Shows up in bubble wrap
Most every day
What I bought on eBay

Tell me why (I need another pet rock)
Tell me why (I got that Alf alarm clock)
Tell me why (I bid on Shatner's old toupee)
They had it on eBay

I'll buy ... your knick-knack
Just check ... my feedback
"A++!" they all say
They love me on eBay

Gonna buy (a slightly-damaged golf bag)
Gonna buy (some Beanie Babies, new with tag)
(From some guy) I've never met in Norway
Found him on eBay

I am the type who is liable to snipe you
With two seconds left to go, whoa
Got Paypal or Visa, what erev'll please
As long as I've got the dough

I'll buy ... your tchotchkes
Sell me ... your watch, please
I'll buy (I'll buy, I'll buy, I'll buy ...)
I'm highest bidder now

(Junk keeps arriving in the mail)
(From that worldwide garage sale) (Dukes Of Hazard ashtray)
(Hey! A Dukes Of Hazard ashtray)
Oh yeah ... (I bought it on eBay)

Wanna buy (a PacMan Fever lunchbox)
Wanna buy (a case on vintage tube socks)
Wanna buy (a Kleenex used by Dr. Dre, Dr. Dre)
(Found it on eBay)

Wanna buy (that Farrah Fawcet poster)
(Pez dispensers and a toaster)
(Don't know why ... the kind of stuff you'd throw away)
(I'll buy on eBay)

What I bought on eBay-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:09 pm

Worm wrote:I can almost see you guys looking at Ebay saying "An autographed picture of the reporters from Entertainment Tonight!?!?!".
Ha ha ha yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, goddammit, sooner or later you're going to hanging around some girl who is reckless enough to give you the time of day like mine does to me and you're going to take her to an arcade. Because it's also a fake holiday, you're both going to be dressed to the nines.

NOW, my fine young friend, when that woman straddles the Horse Racing game that Midway put out, gets right on top of it and rides it for dear life all the while hittin' the "whip" key, you can either enjoy this moment with her and note that she's wearing a pair of boots with like four inch heels that you snagged off eBay or some other auction site for like NOTHING.... or you can get a measly half-stiffie with her doing it in tennis sneakers or slippers or something. It's your life, goddammit. Your life, your rules, your choice. But for Christ's sake -- I'm begging you -- don't sit on the sidelines and fail to extract and exhume every last pleasurable moment from said life. Get on frigging eBay and get your special someone gifts that are great to grind with.

Even if it is just on an electric horse.

by Worm » Mon Feb 16, 2004 7:56 pm

I can almost see you guys looking at Ebay saying "An autographed picture of the reporters from Entertainment Tonight!?!?!".

by Vitriola » Mon Feb 16, 2004 7:42 pm

Why would you figure that? A girl/boy can't live by GothicAuctions alone.

Actually, I hate ebay, because it's less an auction site than a big storefront, but on the other hand if I'm actualy shopping for something specific, it's alright.

by Worm » Mon Feb 16, 2004 5:21 pm

Oh, it's "Tamagotchi" I just figure you guys didn't spend your spare time searching for crap on Ebay.

by Vitriola » Mon Feb 16, 2004 5:02 pm

by Worm » Mon Feb 16, 2004 4:31 pm

Where the hell did you guys find a Tomigatchi? I though those were all burned back in '99.

ICJ's Tomakaci! Live (Rebroadcast)

by Vitriola » Mon Feb 16, 2004 4:20 pm

Creature #1. We'll call him Dead.

Inception - 2/09/04

First The Shits - 15 minutes later

Retired - 2/14/04

Expired through lack of feeding, abode covered in feces, and complete neglect with an preponderance towards too much of the education.

Creature #2. Let's call him Moob. Or Terminal.

Inception - 2/14/04

Japanese-based upbringing biased towards the education over eating, the education over cleaning, and the education over any kind of love or affection. This one will either start chasing my cats away from their food, or die a fiery death through self-immolation by mixing cleaning products and venom.
