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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: Q*BERT WAR

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Dec 22, 2015 5:34 pm

Ben really got 54,000 on Q*bert?

I didn't get 54,000 on the one I own in all the years I've owned it.

Okay, I have to beat Ben in Q*bert.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Feb 26, 2004 8:54 pm

God damn you.

The fact that it says "Ben" there in big letters rather than BUT is especially disenchanting.

by pinback » Thu Feb 26, 2004 7:52 pm

Hey Robb! How's that Q*BERT coming along???


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Feb 19, 2004 4:47 pm

Anna L. Pad wrote:and thats when he began to push my buttons, each of them, one at a time, it felt like. i never knew a single finger could do so much damage to a peripheral's composure.
I'm enjoying the state of video games a lot more in 2004 on my AMD XP 2000 than I was in 1984 on my Atari VCS 2600. The only way any of us could figure out how to titilate that controller was to shove it up our --

-- Hey! It's quittin' time. I got me a Crystal Castles game to take pictures of.

by Anna L. Pad » Thu Feb 19, 2004 2:27 pm

back into the passionate kiss we fell, my left cord rising to wrap around him. i felt a sharp pain run straight up my spine but ignoring it felt better than recognizing. the adventurous digits of his slid over the outside of my case and onto my rear. his hand stayed there, just on the outskirts of my inner workings line. from the way he kissed me i could tell he was waiting for permission to enter such a 'private' area. following what orders my beeps gave, my own right vibrations lead his fingers to a spot that seemed right. and thats when he began to push my buttons, each of them, one at a time, it felt like. i never knew a single finger could do so much damage to a peripheral's composure.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Feb 19, 2004 1:35 pm

Vitriola wrote:No, it still doesn't work. I could get much higher if it did.
Okay, I recalibrated the analog pad and fixed the problem with the flange. Does it work now?

by Vitriola » Wed Feb 18, 2004 7:27 pm

No, it still doesn't work. I could get much higher if it did.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Feb 18, 2004 4:48 pm

Vitriola wrote:The controller doesn't work.
It works now. I fixed it.

(Well, I didn't do anything but press the "analog" button, but I'll count that as "fixing" it for the time being.)

by Vitriola » Wed Feb 18, 2004 4:36 pm

The controller doesn't work.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Feb 18, 2004 2:31 pm

Vitriola wrote:Really? You told me you got 44,000.
It was an approximation, MISTER SPOCK because I couldn't remember exactly from the time I left home and the time I plugged this shit into a text window at work.

You're just at a crippling level of jealousy because you suck at these things. You could be left alone with the game all day and get a score with "45" in it, but it wouldn't be "45,000."
Everybody wrote:What would it be?

by Vitriola » Wed Feb 18, 2004 2:03 pm

Really? You told me you got 44,000.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Feb 18, 2004 1:22 pm

Okay, here's the skinny. I figured out how to get the analog portion of my gamepads working. You hit the "analog" button on the PS2 gamepad. That does the trick.

I am now able to play Robotron with two analog sticks. (I'm now going to make a comment designed to infuriate everyone over the age of 30.) It's now JUST LIKE the arcade!!

This means that I'll immediately crush any and all late-comers.

With my mind at ease, I came home for lunch and played one (1) game of Q*bert with the new setup. I achieved a score of 45,000. This was, I should note, on my first game with this new setup. Did I mention that? No? Okay... I'll mention it again.

Anyway, Pinback played all night and got 54,000. I played one game comfortable and got within 10,000. His "record" will not last the night.

by Gamepad Expert! » Wed Feb 18, 2004 10:38 am

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:Wouldn't a PS2 controller be a far worse controller for most arcade games - especially "classic era" ones - than a keyboard?

Signed, the gamepad hater
Hi there, gamepad hater. Thanks for posting to JOLT COUNTY.

To answer your question: yes! Yes, it's much worse. However, the PS2 gamepad has the following going for it:

1) Familiarity. The user in question (ICH) has spent countless hours in front of his "bewb tube" and gained much experience with the Playstation II controller. He knows that the square button is to the left, the circle to the right and the x button is down, for instance. He has it memorized.

2) Availability. As his new system did not come with a game port, he would have had to have purchased 1-4 USV joysticks, depending on how many friends he claims he has. With the USV converter adapter, the four PS2/PS gamepads he currently has can now all be used for double duty.

3) Depressability. He can't get the analog thumbpad to work yet, and it's driving him crazy. But it was advertised as being compatible with the analog sticks, so we'll see. Certainly having that functionality would make ROBOTROID 2084 a more enjoyable home experience.

Thanks for another fun-filled post experience from... GAMEPAD EXPERT!

by Jethro Q. Walrustitty » Wed Feb 18, 2004 10:18 am

Wouldn't a PS2 controller be a far worse controller for most arcade games - especially "classic era" ones - than a keyboard?

Signed, the gamepad hater

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Feb 18, 2004 9:39 am

pinback wrote:Let's just review, for public consumption, the brief and horribly embarrassing history of Jonsey v. Parrish, re: Arcade Games.
You'd better hope you keep it to Arcade Games, because with NFL2K3 I made you my bitch and rode you to Maui.

We're not even going to talk about Robotron, because I'm sure he'd be the first to tell you that he couldn't pass muster in that game. Or in any other game, except the three following specimen:
Robotron? Bring it. BRING IT. Gimme your high score. My brother and I used to play it ENDLESSLY. I've been focusing with a little Robotron X as well.

GAME NAME: Crystal Castles
THE SORDID STORY: After "breaking" the game's electronics and wiping out Jonsey's high score, achieved a score a mere thousand points or so short of his all-time greatest. Since then, installed MAME ROM (yesterday, in fact) and topped whatever that long-lost high score was.
You topped what I had entered into CC? Really?

What was your high score in that? I need a number.

THE SORDID STORY: Jonsey be frontin' like a mutha, talkin' 'bout he can REPRAZENT at the Nose. Quickly posts a score of 32K. Less than 24 hours later, his score is nearly doubled by the neophyte Pinback. Jonsey recoils in shame and self-loathing. Vows to return fire once his specially designed retard controller for retards shows up in the mail.
No, no.

"No, just... no." -- Some guy, Some movie

The controller is a standard PS2 controller. What I have is a hub that allows me to use it on my Windows XP IBM Compatible Computer.

(And the analog sticks ain't working... yet.)

Anyway, you'll be updated when I crush that score.

GAME NAME: Ms. Pac Man
THE SORDID STORY: Jonsey refuses to compete, because his specially designed retard controller for retards hadn't shown up yet.
Again, it was a port, not a controller. I got the port last night from a guy on eBay. It plugged right into my USB hub. So I have the PS2 controller going to the four port hub going to the USB hub going to the first USB port going to crush you in all these games because I am a winner in every and all things. I will be leaving good feeback for this transaction of pain! L@@K!!! A++++++!

by pinback » Tue Feb 17, 2004 9:45 pm

Let's just review, for public consumption, the brief and horribly embarrassing history of Jonsey v. Parrish, re: Arcade Games.

We're not even going to talk about Robotron, because I'm sure he'd be the first to tell you that he couldn't pass muster in that game. Or in any other game, except the three following specimen:

GAME NAME: Crystal Castles
JONSEY'S HISTORY: Developed a nearly religious devotion to it throughout the course of his life, going so far as to purchase a cocktail-table version of the game to have in his own home.
PINBACK'S HISTORY: Maybe played it five times when it first came out, and never gave it another moment's thought until he visited Jonsey in mid-November.
THE SORDID STORY: After "breaking" the game's electronics and wiping out Jonsey's high score, achieved a score a mere thousand points or so short of his all-time greatest. Since then, installed MAME ROM (yesterday, in fact) and topped whatever that long-lost high score was.

JONSEY'S HISTORY: Expressed a deep love for the game, ranking in #4 on his all-time arcade game list, and espousing stories of how much he loved it and played it when it was first released, with the addictive fervor of a crackhouse reject.
PINBACK'S HISTORY: Played it maybe ten times when it was first released, until he installed the ROM last night.
THE SORDID STORY: Jonsey be frontin' like a mutha, talkin' 'bout he can REPRAZENT at the Nose. Quickly posts a score of 32K. Less than 24 hours later, his score is nearly doubled by the neophyte Pinback. Jonsey recoils in shame and self-loathing. Vows to return fire once his specially designed retard controller for retards shows up in the mail.

GAME NAME: Ms. Pac Man
JONSEY'S STORY: His favorite arcade game of all time.
PINBACK'S STORY: Recently rekindled a love-affair with the Ms., after being bored to death in South Carolina and downloading all the MAME shit again.
THE SORDID STORY: Jonsey refuses to compete, because his specially designed retard controller for retards hadn't shown up yet.

This is the leader you have chosen.

I'll leave you now to be alone with your own thoughts.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Feb 17, 2004 9:29 pm

Let me defeat Ben before the rest of you jackals get all in my shit.

My adapter game. It's Game Over for Parrish. Or at least it will be when I top his score.

by Worm » Tue Feb 17, 2004 7:15 pm

Oh, and then link it for download.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Feb 17, 2004 12:18 pm

How would you like to be a pal and send over that Q*bert ROM to beaver@zombieworld.com?

by pinback » Tue Feb 17, 2004 11:37 am

Check that.


See you in Hell.
