by Citizen Ashcroft » Wed Feb 25, 2004 5:20 pm
Jack Straw wrote:Plz to not be having Worm represent America.
That's the spirit!
Worm! You and your negativity do not represent America. Nor does your hideously foul mouth, young man!
I wish to extend to Keza the full warmth of a hearty American greeting, seeing as how she's from Scotland, which is part of the UK, which is one of the few countries to stand behind us in our <s>imperialist jackbooted march through Iraq on a quest for frankly fictitious Weapons of Mass Destruction</s> righteous deposition of the hated tyrant Hussein.
Welcome, young miss!
Citizen Ashcroft
P.S. Mr. Bernoski, if that <i>is</i> your real name: you will be spending some Quality Time in Sunny Gitmo Bay, real real soon. HAND!
[quote="Jack Straw"]Plz to not be having Worm represent America.[/quote]
That's the spirit!
Worm! You and your negativity do not represent America. Nor does your hideously foul mouth, young man!
I wish to extend to Keza the full warmth of a hearty American greeting, seeing as how she's from Scotland, which is part of the UK, which is one of the few countries to stand behind us in our <s>imperialist jackbooted march through Iraq on a quest for frankly fictitious Weapons of Mass Destruction</s> righteous deposition of the hated tyrant Hussein.
Welcome, young miss!
Citizen Ashcroft
P.S. Mr. Bernoski, if that <i>is</i> your real name: you will be spending some Quality Time in Sunny Gitmo Bay, real real soon. HAND!