Lysander's J.D. Spy files!

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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: Lysander's J.D. Spy files!

by Debaser » Sun Mar 14, 2004 4:26 pm

Lysander wrote:...Okay, I've hit debug, now what?
Debaser should be interested to note that if you hit "new game" too many times, it will come back with "Spy had a problem starting your new game. You should read the details as they contain helpful information in most crashes." So, huh. Cool.
Yeah, that is cool.
...Oh, I go back into details. Duh, stupid me....Okay, I'm apparently *not* supposed to go into details again. So what the fuck?Well, that fucking sucks. Right out of the gate, I am completely lost as to where to go next. The debug button doesn't fucking seem to *do* anything. The fuck?>:/
It's pretty straightforward instructions. You've got to double click the X, then double click in the text box, then hit debug. Then close the error window.

by Lysander » Fri Mar 12, 2004 10:12 pm

Welcome back to Lysander's J "Spy Files"! In this ongoing series, I will "inject" my thoughts as I play this fascinating game of mystery and intrigue, right up until I leave to go on a radio show.

The details button reads "details>>" both times, when it should read "<<details" the second time. Weird.

What happens if you just hit close? Nothing? That's boring. If *I* were making the game, this would spawn a new scenario--a more subtle one, with you playing a much less important role, more of a "waqtching" role if you will.
That two-letter-block typing is ANNOYING. AS. FUCK. Thank you.

...Okay, I've hit debug, now what?
Debaser should be interested to note that if you hit "new game" too many times, it will come back with "Spy had a problem starting your new game. You should read the details as they contain helpful information in most crashes." So, huh. Cool.
...Oh, I go back into details. Duh, stupid me....Okay, I'm apparently *not* supposed to go into details again. So what the fuck?Well, that fucking sucks. Right out of the gate, I am completely lost as to where to go next. The debug button doesn't fucking seem to *do* anything. The fuck?>:/

by Lysander » Fri Mar 12, 2004 5:22 pm

Pinback is, of course, quite right, so says my rather abashed self. Could someone move this topic to the appropriate base, please?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Mar 12, 2004 11:33 am

pinback wrote:Don't do it.

(But give me the fucking link to my REVIEW, goddammit. You post Debaser's but not mine? A real PAL, this guy.)
Update week is supposed to be a cause of celebration! Plus, I gave you a link.

If you didn't LOG OFF AT ME you would have known that.

by pinback » Fri Mar 12, 2004 10:25 am

Don't do it.

(But give me the fucking link to my REVIEW, goddammit. You post Debaser's but not mine? A real PAL, this guy.)

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Mar 12, 2004 10:21 am

Yeah, this "Trotting Krips" thing in one base and video games in another isn't going to work out. I'll have to move it back to base one. This is an awkward debacle of the highest sorts!

by pinback » Fri Mar 12, 2004 10:18 am

Is this the "game" base?

IS IT, Bond?!?!?!

Lysander's J.D. Spy files!

by Lysander » Fri Mar 12, 2004 9:05 am

First thought: those editboxes are not very well designed. Figuring out which box corresponds with which entry is, for me, very confusing.

Second thought: this game is not very OS-compliant. XP's error message looks totally different from the '90s' Windows OSes. He should probably do something about that.
Third thought: this guy knows nothing about computers. I mean, viruses really don't act the way the contact is saying. Not to mention that the debug button really gives it away.
Fourth thought: ...God *DAMN*, that two-block-letter spacing is FUCKING ANNOYING. If this guy was trying to be brief and sneaky, you'd think he's *compact* his message with as few words and spacing as possible, wouldn't you? But NOOOOOO.


This has been...

Lysander's GAMing UPDATE!!!
