by bruce » Wed Mar 17, 2004 2:12 pm
Vitriola wrote:The problem I have with recipes like that is that by the time I buy all these ingredients, I've spent about $25, whereas if I go down the street to a neighborhood Mexican restaurant, I can eat for less than $3, and know that I supported a local business in the process.
Jesus, where do you <i>shop</i>?
Let's presume that this serves two. It might not come in for $3 per, but let's find out:
1 lb. ground beef: $1.89
12 taco shells (sorry, TE): $.99
2 avocados: $1
Onion and garlic: $.25
Spices: maybe $.05
1/4 lb. cheddar cheese: $1.50
Sour cream: maybe $.10
Now, granted, you have to buy the spices a container at a time--and don't fucking buy Spice Island or McCormick's rip-off jars, go down to an ethnic market and get a giant-ass bag of cumin for $2.49, for instance. Still, the amount you're using makes the cost-per-spice negligible. But seriously, you should <i>have</i> garlic, salt, cumin, coriander, and cayenne in your house. And yeah, you probably buy your onions in a five-pound bag. The beef ain't filet mignon. The cheddar ain't black-wax 8-year-aged cheddar. The sour cream is probably $2 a pint, but it's not like you're using more than a few spoonfuls here, and it doesn't go bad fast.
My raw ingredients cost here is...gosh, imagine that! <i>Under</i> six bucks!
[quote="Vitriola"]The problem I have with recipes like that is that by the time I buy all these ingredients, I've spent about $25, whereas if I go down the street to a neighborhood Mexican restaurant, I can eat for less than $3, and know that I supported a local business in the process.[/quote]
Jesus, where do you <i>shop</i>?
Let's presume that this serves two. It might not come in for $3 per, but let's find out:
1 lb. ground beef: $1.89
12 taco shells (sorry, TE): $.99
2 avocados: $1
Onion and garlic: $.25
Spices: maybe $.05
1/4 lb. cheddar cheese: $1.50
Sour cream: maybe $.10
Now, granted, you have to buy the spices a container at a time--and don't fucking buy Spice Island or McCormick's rip-off jars, go down to an ethnic market and get a giant-ass bag of cumin for $2.49, for instance. Still, the amount you're using makes the cost-per-spice negligible. But seriously, you should <i>have</i> garlic, salt, cumin, coriander, and cayenne in your house. And yeah, you probably buy your onions in a five-pound bag. The beef ain't filet mignon. The cheddar ain't black-wax 8-year-aged cheddar. The sour cream is probably $2 a pint, but it's not like you're using more than a few spoonfuls here, and it doesn't go bad fast.
My raw ingredients cost here is...gosh, imagine that! <i>Under</i> six bucks!