The PS2 thread.

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by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Sep 07, 2002 3:20 pm

As it turns out, you can save nearby "pools" in the "hub levels."

The manual is wrong, though. Luckily I have access to the greatest storehouse of knowledge mankind has ever and will ever possess... denizens, I present you with... The Internet!!!
A guy whose article is on Gamefaqs wrote: MULTIPLE SAVES
Yes, you can save more than one game. You can save up to 3 on one memory card.

At the start of MAXIMO, when the GAME options screen first appears (pictured on top of page 10 in the manual), Maximo will be standing behind a headstone with the words "START NEW GAME" in front of it. You
will notice that there also a headstone that has "OPTIONS" in front of it. In addition there's also 6 headstones that you can not yet access. 3 of these are for SAVED GAMES. As I stated above, the first time you save, you will be asked to name the save file. Also I stated before that whenever you save after the first time, your previous game will be
overwritten with the new data. To save an additional game, you must start a NEW GAME, again the first time you save you will be asked to name the file. Now you will have more than one "LOAD GAME" headstone.

To load a saved game, select a headstone with "LOAD GAME" in front of it. In addition, under "LOAD GAME" you will see the name you gave the file and your mastery percentage for the game. This is how you can tell
the files apart. As for the other headstones, I'll leave that up to you to find out what they do. If you really want to know you could probably find out on other FAQ's or on message boards. As for this FAQ, I'm trying to keep it spoiler free.
And we thank you for that, friend!!

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Sep 05, 2002 10:24 pm

I got home at about 7:25. I've been playing Maximo and flipping back and forth between the abortion of a SF-NYG game since then. To save my game, I need to rescue a sorceress. Cool! But Jesus, I am *nowhere near* one, and I've been playing for a while now. I would hope that you could save your game after 45 minutes of play. But you can't.

For what *possible* reason was the game designed this way? I am going to investigate, and hopefully, speak to someone at Capcom who can answer the question. The game is flawless otherwise.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Sep 05, 2002 1:23 am

Day Two:

I bought the memory card. Twenty five goddamn dollars for a *memory card*. Boy, did I ever get raped. "8MB of Memory!!! LOLLll!" My hatred burns with the fuel of a thousand suns on that one. I don't think I've EVER paid $25 for 8MB of goddamn storage space before.

Not that it mattered one bit when it came to Maximo. First off, let me say: great game. It really is Ghosts N' Goblins in 3D. But I have no idea how to save my progress. First I wasn't doing the attack right on the save checkpoint (yes, in true end-of-the-earth style, it's no longer enough that PC gamers have to accept fucking save points, we have to administer an ATTACK on them as well, and not just any attack. I need to make my guy jump and then come down on the save point with his sword. Jesus Christ.). But after I had managed to get that solved correctly I played around, quit the game, went to the start menu annnnnddd...... hahahahah! My progress wasn't saved!

Playing a little fast and loose with something that Zork let us do back in nineteen-fucking-and-seventy-eight I would say, eh?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Sep 03, 2002 11:59 pm


I do have the s-video cable for it, though. I mean, surely that counts for something, doesn't it??

by Ben » Tue Sep 03, 2002 11:53 pm

You should get a memory card.

Then you can enjoy that rich, luxurious 320x260 resolution or whatever the hell it is.

- Bitterly Yours, Ben Parrish

The PS2 thread.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Sep 03, 2002 11:49 pm

The thread... you've been waiting for!!!

by Robb Sherwin

Ico: Haven't started it yet because I haven't bought a memory card. Looks gorgeous.

Spy Hunter: started it. Looks gorgeous. Did not get past the "training exercizes" even though I daresay that I have spent more time playing Spy Hunter than I have almost any other old arcade game. What can I say, I am an analog boy living in a digital world. Quit playing it because I don't have a memory card.

Maximo: goddamit, another looker. All the console shit I can't stand in PC games I am drooling myself over with this one -- save checkpoints, jumping puzzles, all of it is GOOD cos it's right where it belongs. Quit playing because I don't have a memory card.

This has been... PS2 REViEW with your host ROBB SHERWIN.
